1Escaped from the island of the cannibals, wishin life wassimple

2came upon a place that seemed harmless, regardless, takin precautions to guard us

3feather of smoke from a grove of trees, oh please, another adventure for my crew and me

4sent / my / man Eurylochus, I trust, investigate- report back to us

5he found a small castle, heard howling sounds, wild beasts roaming all about the grounds

6lookin in their eyes and how they gleam, glossed over like in some kind of dream

7how strange he thought, somthins not right, these lions and wolves didn’t look to fight

8al/most as /if they had a warning, imploring, for us to be gone by the morning

9 and that’s the first time that she was heard and seen, the queen of this island love / ly Circe

10sang like an angel,had the look of one too, stop and stare was all my men could do

11blonde hair to her waist, blue dress like the sky, matched the blue twinkle comin from her eye

12one of the men’s knees be/came weak, as the island goddess opened her mouth to speak

13welcome to my island, I’m your host Circe, I do simple magic and prophesy

14but enough about me, lets talk about you, you’re tired and weary, need a bath and food

15don’t be shy, take as much as you wish, my unique yellow recipe is quite a dish

16and here wash it down with a little wine, in time, you’ll be lookin / feelin fine

17That was easy little pigs, out you go, you know, until you’re on death row

18I hope there’s more men on their way up here, I could fill my pensup for a couple of years

19Eury came back and told me what had happened, my heart is blackened, I gotta go back and …

20fix it myself, gotta right the wrong, I can’t be enchanted by this woman’s song

21In route to the castle, met a boy, a man, a god in fact, with a gift in his hand

22The god was Hermes, presented me a flower, heavily scented with a special power, he said

23Hold this flower the entire time, and you won’t be effected by her devious crime

24The messenger god, he was heaven sent, I packed up my belongings – and off I went.

25So I marched to the castle through the lions and wolves, try’n to muster up the courage, get up my nerve

26It was amazing – these animals’ intelligent eyes, lions telling danger that lies inside

27the anticipation began swelling, lions all but yelling, I finally strode into the dwelling

28and here I found Circe sittin at the loom, weaving and singing my impending doom

29Welcome stranger, I live here alone, it’s been years since anyone’s been to my home

30Let me clean you up and arrange your meal, and forget all about your past ordeals

31You look a little skeptical, don’t worry, you’ll be feelin good, in a hurry

32“What’s happening? My potion doesn’t seem to work, this has never happened before, what a jerk”

33a jerk? Not me I’m Ulysses the man, and I came to the castle with a master plan

34You can’t harm my men for just giggles and kicks, it’s sick, playin’ those nasty tricks

35 So I cast a few spells, butdidn’t you too? Cuz you’ve affected me more than I’ve affected you

36I changed their bodies, you have changed my soul, I was incomplete before, but you have made me whole

37arrite, look I will love you but here are my terms, they’re firm, just can’t afford to get burned

38You will swear the great oath, you’ll restore my men, and allow me to leave when I am ready again.

39I will try to see that you are never ready, keeping all your luxuries flowin and steady

40you could be my husband and I your wife, immortality could extend your life

41this is crazy, my minds a little hazy, is this where I’m supposed to be or is it just a phasey?

42Doesn’t feel like one, I’m goin’ gaga, over this beautiful being from EE-EE-A (Aeaea)

43I’ve loved you more than all my husbands in the past, I’m hopin’ that this you will be my last

44Stay here with me forever, I’ll be nice, erase thoughts of home, remain in paradise

45As you mention it I remember, I’m big spender, a king with a family – phase ender

46Decision is that, its time for me to go, I’llface danger – I’m a great he-ro

47Please stay in luxury? It cannot be. I need that battle -- uncertainty

48with a tear thenI’ll watch you fly away like a dove, you’ll stay on my mind –spontaneous love