Willamette High School
Bethel School District
Concepts of Algebra & Algebra Lab
Room 3
Fall 2015
Mr. Andrew Saputo
Office: 541-689-0731, ext. 4163
Instructional Access: 7th period PAT
Dates of Class: September 10th
Course Description
Þ Concepts of Algebra is a one year course that meets every day. Its primary purpose is to allow a generous amount of time to cover the Algebra 1 course content. After successfully passing this semester you will receive .5 math credits and .5 elective credits.
Power Standards Each Power Standard has Learning Targets that you will get later.
PS1: Algebra Foundational Standards
PS2: Properties of Real Numbers
PS3: Creating and Using Linear Equations to Solve Problems
PS4: Graphing Linear Equations
PS5: Writing Equations of a Line
PS6: Solving and Graphing Linear Inequalities
PS7: Solving Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
PS8: Properties of Exponents
PS9: Quadratic Functions and Equations
PS10: Operations with Polynomials
Preparation (otherwise known as assignments)
Þ Preparations (assignments) are the keys to understanding the material. Students should expect to have preparation work every night in this class. Students are expected to come to class with the work completed and done on their own. 10% of your overall grade is based on your preparation work.
Þ Calculators will only be used on a limited basis second semester unless I notify you otherwise. Please refrain from using calculators on math outside of the classroom too. You are expected to show all work on assessments.
Attendance and Participation
Þ Attendance and participation are essential to the success in this class. Participating in class is not an option – it is REQUIRED!
Þ If you are absent you need to make up the work. Remember…practice makes perfect! Please refer to the assignment sheet board and absent baskets to see what you missed. It is your responsibility to get the notes and assignments from when you were gone.
Assessments (otherwise known as tests/proof/quizzes)
Þ In order to reach the standard in this class you must demonstrate proficiency on the assessments. If you do not meet the standard on one of your assessments you have one other opportunity to meet the standard. To re-take a chapter assessment the student must have all prep work (homework) for that chapter completed and turned in at the time of the original assessment date. (No exceptions) The student will also need to complete a second review to prepare themselves for the re-test. Students will have until the next chapter assessment to re-test. No re-tests will be allowed the last week (Final Exam week) of each semester. 75% of your overall grade is based on assessments.
Final Exam
Þ A final exam will be given at the end of each semester and it will be worth 15% of the overall grade.
Þ Final exams cannot be re-tested.
Þ The grading for the math part of this class is as follows:
89.5 – 100 % = A (Mastery) 79.5 – 89.49% = B (Proficient)
69.5 – 79.49% = C (Approaching Proficient) 69.49% and below =F (Not Proficient and needs to repeat the course)
Þ The grading for the elective part of this class is P/NP
Additional Assistance
Þ My PAT Time is ______. If this does not work out for you, please see me to schedule another time.
Þ There is after school tutoring until 4:30 everyday in the library free of charge. Take advantage of this!
Þ If your parents need to contact me they can email me at:
Þ Students are expected to have the following supplies with them every day:
o Algebra 1 concepts and skills, published by McDougal Littell (2004 edition)
o Pencil or Pen (pencil is preferred)
o Paper
Behavior Expectations
Þ In order to assure that everyone has a fair and equal chance at meeting their potential in this class, we need to have rules. You are expected to:
· No putdowns or whining
· Listen when the teacher is talking (no talking)
· Heed warnings
· Be on time to class with required materials
· Work on math in math class
· Complete your homework
· Do not disrupt the class
· Follow directions the first time
· I have a sense of humor, but don’t cross the line into rude and
obnoxious behavior
Þ No student’s right to learn should be impaired by the behavior of others. Please follow all rules stated in the student handbook. We want a positive learning environment at Willamette and we all need to work towards that. I won’t tolerate any kind of bullying, offensive trash talking or harassment of any kind. Everyone here needs to be treated with respect so they can do what they need to do.
Þ Cell phones are not allowed at all during class time! If they are out they will be taken and turned into the office with a referral!!
Special Needs/ Students with Disabilities/ Rights and Responsibilities
· It is our intent to fully support persons with special needs in this course. Please let us know if you need any special accommodations in the curriculum, instruction, or assessment to enable you to participate fully. We will make every effort to maintain the confidentiality of any information you share with us. In general, the school will work with students to improve conditions that may hinder their learning. The school requires appropriate documentation of a disability in order to enable students to meet academic standards. It is the responsibility of each student/guardian to inform the administration of his or her disability. Students are encouraged to work with faculty proactively in developing strategies for accommodation.
· Every student has the right to conditions favorable to learning. Students have the right to pursue an education free from discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, marital status, age, sexual orientation or handicap. Students at this school enjoy the freedoms of speech, expression, and association, the right to privacy, the right of freedom from harassment, the right to due process in judicial matters, and the right to appeal judgments and penalties for alleged misconduct.
Safe Environment Policy
· The Rights and Responsibilities policy seeks to maintain conditions favorable to learning. Students have the right to pursue an education free from discrimination based on gender, religion, marital status, age, sexual orientation or handicap. Students have the responsibility to conduct themselves, both individually and in groups, in a manner which promotes an atmosphere conducive to teaching, studying and learning. This includes no cellphones and a respectful demeanor at all time.
Academic Integrity
· We assume all students will operate in an honest and professional manner. All work submitted is expected to be original and any inclusion of the work of others needs to be clearly and correctly cited. Consequences for plagiarism will be determined depending on the individual circumstances. At the least, substantial or deliberate misconduct will result in a failed grade and severe consequences. See the student handbook for more information.