Rome vs the Greeks: the Eastern Mediterranean in Flames
The Eastern Mediterranean In Flames
By Christopher Webber
Based on work by Phil Barker, Tony Bath, and Richard Nelson.
Hermes’ Handbook (Gamemaster’s guide)
Delphic Oracle (Player’s Guide)
Hellenica (Country Guides)
B.The Armies
II.Movement and Time
III.Finance and Supply
A.Average Wage Costs
1.Actual Costs for this Period
2.Annual Costs - example army
1.Carrying Capacities (pounds)
2.Equipment Costs (per 1,000 men, ship, 5 chariots, elephant, or siege engine)
1.Marine troop types:
V.Organisation of Armies and Battles
A.Unit Sizes and Organisation
VI.Battle results
VIII.The Role of the Gods, Roman Senate, and Oracles
X.Capitals and Commanders
XI.City/town populations
XII.PROPOSED ALTERATIONS TO THE 7th EDN RULES for use with this campaign
XIII.6. Acknowledgements, References, Maps
B.The Selucid Fleet
C.The Selucid Army
D.Army Locations
Delphic Oracle
Thrace, The Final Frontier…..
These are the voyages of the quadrireme Strowkemithighs. Our fifth century mission: to boldly blow our noses where no sheep has ever done it before; to seek out new barbarians and insult them wherever possible….
Meanwhile, in a galley far, far away, the leaders of the Pebble Alliance were discussing the best way of destroying the evil (Early Roman) Empire’s devastating new secret weapon, the Death Spar (or corvus, for short). Even now, an enormous fleet armed with the new weapon, and commanded by the Emperor’s best general, Dung Wader, was bearing down on the little rebel flotilla. Suddenly, a strangely dressed man appeared; obviously terrified, he screamed “Atilla, teleport NOW!”
Trierarch’s log: between 200 and 146 BC. The legions of Flaminius and Aemilius Paulus have crushed Gentius, the Illyrian king, and are poised to “liberate” Greece from the Macedonian yoke. However, Perseus hasn’t wasted his father’s efforts, and has managed to convince all Greece to stand behind him, or at least stay neutral. Meanwhile, in the west, Antiochus has settled his differences with Eumenes by a diplomatic marriage, and seems set on reclaiming his family’s European domains. Far to the north, though, fierce battles are being fought between the nomads of the Euxine, and many were being swept south, threatening the Selucid dynastic pretensions in Thrace. Here, Seuthes has finished building his capital, Seuthopolis, but it takes all his energy just to keep his fragile kingdom together. Surrounded by enemies, the warlike nation awaits the onslaught…
This is a (mostly) historical play by mail campaign, designed to simulate a situation where Philip had more success, Perseus was less stupid, Antiochus listened to Hannibal, Thrace was free, Rome was Republican, and Rhodes and Pergamum had come to see the folly of their ways.
You will join the struggle for the control of Greece and the eastern Mediterranean as monarch of one of these mighty nations. Through a mixture of tactics, strategy, diplomacy, and economics, you will try to ensure your nation’s survival, and the ignominious demise of all your enemies..
215Punic wars. Hannibal allied to Philip V of Macedon.
214-051st Macedonian War. Roman fleet supports Aetolia against Philip
202Hannibal defeated by Scipio at Zama.
200-1972nd Macedonian War.
197 Cynosephalae. Philip’s army is defeated and Flaminius declares Greece free.
194-7Nabis of Sparta murdered by an Aetolian; Spartan revolution suppressed by Acheans.
184Scipio Africanus dies.
183Hannibal dies.
178Philip assasinated. Perseus ascends the throne.
1713rd Macedonian War
168Pydna. Perseus interned in Italy, Macedonia divided into 3 Republics.
149Rebellion in Macedonia suppressed.
147-6Achaean War. Corinth and the Achaean League are destroyed; Greece becomes a Roman province.
B.The Armies
Illyria:King Gentius (Roman subject-ally): 15,000 foot, 500 cavalry.
Rome:Titus Quinctus Flaminius and Aemilius Paulus (consuls) and 4 legions ( 2 allied) and other allies: 37,000 foot, 2,000 cavalry, and 20 elephants.
Epirus:King Amynander, 22,000 infantry, 2,000 cavalry.
Macedonia/Greece:King Perseus and 40,000 foot, 5,000 cavalry
Gauls:Clondicus (Macedonian ally) 10,000 infantry, 10,000 cavalry
Thrace:Seuthes, 35,000 foot, 15,000 cavalry
Sarmatia:Decebalus, 20,000 cavalry, 5000 foot
Asia:Antiochus and Eumenes (Selucid ally): 40,000 infantry, 10,000 cavalry, 54 elephants, 20 scythed chariots.
N.B. The northern borders of Illyria are occupied by Gauls, Germans, and Bastarnae. Part of Asia is occupied by Galatians. Pontus and Bithynia may also be active.
II.Movement and Time
Each turn lasts two weeks. The months (January to December) are: Peritos, Dystros, Xandikos, Artemisios, Panemos, Loos, Gorpaios, Heperberetaios, Dios, Apellaios, Audonaios. The campaign starts 1st Atemisios 200 BC (144th Olympiad).
Unit / Miles per day / Miles per turn*A previously prepared relay chain of mounted messengers in friendly territory / 50 / 700
A single mounted messenger, if only for one day / 50 / -
An entirely mounted army force-marching up to three days / 40 / 480**
A combined mounted and picked lighter infantry force force-marching up to two days / 30 / 240**
A light cavalry force / 30 / 370
Other entirely mounted forces without baggage / 20 / 250
Other entirely mounted forces with baggage / 15 / 180
All-infantry force force marching or without baggage / 15 / 180
All-infantry force with baggage / 10 / 120
A mainly European force of mixed cavalry and infantry / 15 / 180
A European mixed force including baggage and siege train / 10 / 120
An Asiatic army, foot barbarians / 10 / 120
Ships under sail / 60 / 756
Galleys under oar / 20 / 252
* Movement per turn is affected by weather, terrain, and many other factors. The numbers listed are maxima only. ** Troops force-marching must rest for one day per force march period. At least one day in ten will be a rest day. Ships must end each day in port or on a beach if possible. They may never be more than three day’s sail from such a point. Winter conditions will slow down ships and couriers by a half, and all other land forces by three-quarters. Movement on good roads increases travel by one quarter. Bad weather reduces movement by one seventh. Movement of forces composed other than entirely of LI and LMI is reduced through rough terrain. Crossing a major river without a bridge takes one week.
The main sailing months were May to October. The Roman grain fleet arrived in July. Some actual sailing times:
Rome - Alexandria 10-21 days (fast trip) by sea, 2 months by land
Return trip by sea Alexandria-Rome could take 2 months, due to unfavourable winds.
Cadiz-Ostia by sea 4 days.
Athens- Ephesus by warship 2 weeks (3-4 days in merchant vessel)
Rome - Corinth 1-2 weeks
Gibralter - Rome 7 days+
Rome - Rhodes 7 days
Byzantium - Rhodes 5 days+
Byzantium - Alexandria 9 days (double inopposite direction)
The captain of a ship was called a kybernetes.
III.Finance and Supply
Currency (Attic talents of silver)
6 obols = 1 drachma
100 drachmae = 1 mina (1 pound weight of silver) =600 obols
60 minae = 1 talent = 6,000 drachmae = 36,000 obols
Your income will be derived from tribute, plunder, trade, gifts, and loans. You may borrow from bankers in Greek cities or colonies. The limit set is one year's income, and the minimum interest rate for a moderate risk is 520% per month. States may also borrow from each other at whatever terms the players agree.
Troops are expected to feed themselves from their pay, buying food from sutlers within the army. Their pay is split into two parts, ration allowance and salary. Ration allowance is due at the start of each month and will automatically be paid on your behalf by the umpire so long as you have any cash left. Failure to pay it means instant mutiny, desertion, and probably the general's murder. Salary is in theory due at the end of each month and will be paid only when you order this. Troops will normally stand being in arrears of salary, so long as they are paid up to date by the end of the campaigning season. Troops are normally paid only ten months of the year, taking the first and last months as unpaid leave. Troops are expected to start a long march with food for 15 days and cash to buy it from the sutlers who accompanied the army for a further 15 . All troops start the game paid for one month, so your first month is free. If you wish, no rations need to be drawn during May in lowland Greece. This is when the grain was harvested - your troops can do the harvesting, if you don’t mind upsetting the locals.
A.Average Wage Costs
Per man per day;per 1,000 men/month;1,000 men/year
Cavalry, regular camelry4444.585
Irregular cavalry*434370
(countfighting crew
members as 1 El each) 8484.5125
Hoplites, pikemen, marines 232350
Regular peltasts,
Irregular camelry222240
Light or irregular
infantry, rowers212130
(20) Chariots820.20.052.5
N.B. Guards receive double ordinary troops’ salary
*Irregular guard cavalry pays normal (regular) cavalry rate
Mounted infantry pay cavalry rations
All cities and towns are defended by their inhabitants. Where garrisons are not known, they will be approximately 10% of the population of an occupied locality (eg a Macedonian-controlled city), or 20% of the population of a free community. Such troops are classed as RD MI LTS, Sh. In most cases, the oldest eighth of the soldiers was retained for home defence. Each year, a fortieth of the theoretical strength is added as recruits, a fortieth of to the actual strength is added to the veterans, and a twelfth of the veterans die of old age. Mercenaries usually retire instead of becoming veterans and are either lost to the army or can be transformed into military colonists. Mercenary recruiting is doubled in poor harvests. Troops start paid and rationed for a month. 1 weeks’ supplies for 10,000 men costs 10 talents.
1.Actual Costs for this Period
Plunder from nobleman's house in Sparta 150 talents
Ordinary horse 3 minae
Thoroughbred 12 minae
War horse - 10 minae
House 3 120 minae (average 10 40)
Barley 2 drachmae /medimnus (1½bushels)
Wheat 3 drachmae/medimnus
1 ox 50 100 drachmae
1 sheep 10 20 drachmae
Cavalryman's cloak 12 drachmae
Lampsacus gave Rome a crown worth 100 talents (this wasn't unusual)
2.Annual Costs - example army
10,000 cavalry 850
10,000 Pikes 500
5,000 Peltasts 200
5,000 Light troops150
Mercenaries may be hired from northern barbarians, or in any Greek city or colony. Greek mercenaries are most easily obtained from Tainaros, near Sparta. The numbers available are:
Good quality hoplites & pikemen15,000 Archers5,000
Lower quality hoplites & pikemen10,000Javelinmen10,000
Roman forces are raised by the senate and arrive in Ilyria. Other troops are raised locally and marshalled at assembly points nominated by players. Siege trains are assumed to be available to all but Barbarians wherever a player is located. They may not be used in battle unless time is available to construct them, when they will be restricted to army list maximums unless a player buys more
It takes two months to train new ships to fighting condition. For other troops,
No training= Irregular "E"
1 month's training= Irregular "D"
2 month's training = Regular "D", minimum for cavalry
3 month's training = Irregular "C" or Regular "D", depending on trooptype
4 month's training = minimum for doublearmed troops, Irregular "A"
5 month's training = minimum for triplearmed troops
6 month's training = Regular "C", "B", "A", or Irregular "B",
minimum for quadruple-armed troops.
1 year's campaigning= Regular "B" veterans.troops
New weapons or formations = 1 month's training, plus 10 minae per 1000 men training allowance. These may not be used unless allowed by army list, or used by a victorious opponent in battle, or could potentially be known to a player.
One month in the 6 month 's training for Marines must be marine training only , otherwise Marines train as other troops .
Troops may only use equipment available historically, i.e. no mediaeval weapons or armour are allowed. However, Greek hoplites may be up armoured to EHI with thigh and armguards, and Romans may use antiDacian armour after fighting Dacians or Bastarnae.
Heavy horses are available in Thessaly, Macedonia, Boeotia, Thrace, Skythia, Cappodocia, Lydia, Pergamon, and other parts of Asia. The best Greek horses are to be found in Thessalia, Argos, Acarnarnia, Arcadia, ans Epidauros. Elephants are available in Syria, Africa, and Egypt. Camels are available in Syria.
1.Carrying Capacities (pounds)
Human porter100(max)6+ oxen heavy cart23000 pounds
Pack mule250large cargo ship250750 tons
Camel500average cargo ship150 tons
Pack elephant1000small decked ship40 tons
2 oxen light cart1000
Transport Capacity For One Cargo Ship:
600 men, 6 Chariots, 5 elephants, 300 cavalry, 10 camels, or 6 siege engines
Port Lift Capacity: 3,000 men/month unless special provision is made.
2.Equipment Costs (per 1,000 men, ship, 5 chariots, elephant, or siege engine)
Sling 10 minaeFull horse armour 10 talents
Bow, Javelin,2HCW,2SA 30 minaeCamels or light horses 30 talents
Lance, LTS, Gastaphretes CB 40 minaeHeavy horses 60 talents
Pike, HTW50 minae 5 (scythed) HCh10 talents
MI armour3 talents 5 light chariots5 talents
HI armour5talents 1 elephant 6 talents
EHI armour8 talents2 horse armour5 talents
1 siege engine model2 talents+ 1 talent per crew member
Shields40 minae
All weapon costs include that of additional sidearms
Artillery: (you must have at least 5 of one type for it to be represented on the battlefield)
Type / Crew / Cost (Talents) / Siege PointsLight Bolt Shooter (LBS) / 2 / 4 / 20
Heavy Bolt Shooter (HBS) / 3 / 5 / 30
30 Mina Stone thrower (½ST) / 4 / 6 / 40
1 Talent Stone thrower (1ST) / 5 / 7 / 50
3 Talent Stone thrower (3 ST) / 6 / 8 / 60
1 siege train / 200 / 100 / 200
Each ship in your fleet starts with its own marine complement, listed below. These marines must be paid for separately to the cost of the ships. A boarding factor is equal to roughly 20 men. Ships with less than 20 marines still have a boarding factor of 1 as long as they have their full marine complement. This is because the crew of such ships also fought. Ships carrying their maximum marine complement (indicated by a number in brackets), if this is greater than "normal", will have an increased chance of suffering in a storm, as will ships equipped with a corvus. The corvus is a Roman weapon, and may not be used by nonRomans except as provided for under the rules for using new weapons. Ships exceeding normal complement will be slower. Ships may only sail during eight months of the year, starting in Artemisios.
Triakonter= 30 oared Ship (15 per side in one bank)
Pentekonter= 50oared Ship (25 per side in one bank)
1.Marine troop types:
Pentekonter, Lembi, Hemiolia: IC LMI JLS,Sh
Liburnian, Tremiolia: RC LMI JLS,Sh
Trireme: Light10 RC MI LTS, Sh + 4 RC LI B
Heavy 32 RC MI LTS, Sh + 8 RC LI B
Quadrireme or heavier: Roman 2 LHI, 2 LMI JLS,Sh "RC"
Marine pay= hoplite pay
Marines train the same a other troops To convert troops to marines, takes one month and 10 minae /1000 men
Each player may have one general per 30 triremes or 20 quinqueremes .The normal size of a squadron is 10 ships. However, for each admiral a player has, he can split a squadron into two squadrons. Players get one commodore for every 10 ships plus an extra commodore for every admiral a player possesses. All players with ships have at least one admiral. The extra commodore a player gets is in fact the admiral. Players get one general per 60 boarding factors. A general may be made into an admiral by paying him 1 mine and giving him two month's training. Fleets under command of an admiral will be less likely to get lost, and will reach their destination quicker.
Ship Improvements:
Iron Hands5 minaeCorvus15 minae
Towers: up to 10er20 minae 10er+ 30 minae
Engines: Heavy Quinqereme 10 minae6er-9er15 minae10er+ 20 minae
A septireme may carry 0-5 catapults, while a decareme can carry 2 towers and 2-6 catapults. Engines may not be removed from ships for use on land.
Delphic OraclePage 1
Rome vs the Greeks: the Eastern Mediterranean in Flames
Ship / Cost (talents) / Build Time (weeks) / Maintenance (per month) / Salary (per month) / Annual Cost (talents) / Size (Length, beam in feet) / Crew + Marines (maximum) / Speed(knots) / Boarding Factor
Cargo ship / 4.5 / 4 / 0.25 / 0.03 / 2.24 / 100 / 10-15 / 3 / 0
Triakonter/Lembi / 0.5 / 4 / 0.15 / 0.06 / 1.68 / 40-50 / 3- 5 / 1
Pentekonter / 1 / 5 / 0.25 / 0.1 / 2.8 / 100 X 14 / 50 + 10 / 1
Hemiolia / 1 / 5 / 0.2 / 0.1 / 2.4 / 70 X 10 / 62 +10 / 1
Tremiolia / 2 / 6 / 0.3 / 0.2 / 4.0 / 200 + 40 / Normal / 2
Light Trireme / 2 / 6 / 0.35 / 0.2 / 4.4 / 120 X 13 / 190+ 14 / cruise 2 -3 / 1
Heavy Trireme / 2.5 / 6 / 0.35 / 0.2 / 4.4 / 120 X 13 / 190+ 40 / Fast cruise / 2
Light Quadrireme / 3 / 6.5 / 0.5 / 0.4 / 7.2 / +40 (50) / (few hours / 2
Heavy Quadrireme / 4 / 7 / 0.5 / 0.4 / 7.2 / +80 / only) 4-5 / 4
Light Quinqereme / 4.5 / 7.5 / 0.65 / 0.5 / 9.2 / 120 X 14 / 320+ 60 (75) / Battle 8-9 / 3
Heavy Quinquereme / 5 / 8 / 0.65 / 0.5 / 9.2 / 120 X 14 / 320 +100 (120) / 5 (6)
Liburnian (Roman) / 108 X 12 / 159 + 20 (40) / 1 (2)
6er / 6 / 9 / 0.7 / 0.55 / 10 / +120 (170) / 6 (8)
7er (Septireme) / 7 / 10 / 0.75 / 0.6 / 10.8 / 140 X 23 / 370 + 140 (200) / 7 (10)
8er / 8 / 11 / 0.8 / 0.65 / 11.6 / +160 (210 / 8 (10)
9er / 9 / 12 / 0.85 / 0.7 / 12.4 / 180 (230) / 9 (11)
l0er (Decareme) / 10 / 13 / 0.9 / 0.75 / 13.2 / 145 X 20 / 602+ 200 (250) / 10 (12)
1000 shipwrights / 4.0 / 2.0 / 80
Delphic OraclePage 1
Rome vs the Greeks: the Eastern Mediterranean in Flames
V. Organisation of Armies and Battles
These must be listed in commands. If no order of march is given, the umpire will determine one if necessary. Commanders will be diced for before allocation. Players will be provided with some possible names by the umpire. Small bodies are more likely to succeed if accompanied by a general on special missions. Each player may have one general per 6000 men, unless otherwise specified.* Armies of 5000 men or more must be accompanied by a general. Most ally generals will be cautious or unreliable, but won't change sides during a battle unless given sufficient inducement to do so.
*The maximum number of generals on the battlefield is six. Armies with a large number of cavalry may have one general per 5000 cavalry.
Titles for Commanders:
Phylarch troop, squadron of cavalry Hipparch regiment of cavalry
Irregular bodies may have one command factor per 1200 infantry or 600 cavalry. Regulars may have one command factor per 1000 infantry or 500 cavalry. Bodyguards and detachments aren't included in these figures, and do not have to be counted. The number of detachments is limited by the army list. Players may not have more units than provided for in the army list. These figures may be halved for 1:100 troop representation. Extra command factors may be bought at a cost of 1 talent each. Unused command factors may be transferred within an army. Detachments and bodyguards need not be paid for. Thus a general commanding 6,000 regular infantry can have six units and a bodyguard. Unit sizes are specified above. A subgeneral may not command more than 15,000 men. Irregular units that are split up must spend two weeks training as the new units, or be downgraded to "D" class.