1. Name in full: Kudryavtsev Anatoly Anatolievich.

2. Home Address: 15 Kropotkina str., apt. 47, St.Petersburg, 197101, Russia.

Tel: +7 9112945208.

3. Work Address:Physics Faculty of St.Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab.,
St.Petersburg, 199034, Russia. Tel.:+7 (812) 498-44-51, Fax: +7 (812) 428-72-40,


4. Date of birth: October 9, 1953. 5. Country of citizenship: Russia.

6. Education: 1979-1982 - Post-Grad. School and 1970-1976 - full course of Leningrad State University, Phys. Dept.

7. Academic Degree and Ranks:Ph.D. (Plasma Physics) – 1983, Master of Science (Physics) – 1976.

8. Experience: Since 1998 Associate Professor of Physical Faculty, St.Petersburg State University.

1987 – 1998 - senior researcher of lab. plasma physics, Physics Institute, St.Petersburg University.

1982-1987 - junior researcher of lab.plasma physics, Physics Institute, St.Petersburg University.

9. Fields of scientific Activity: glow discharges, plasma kinetics, plasma technology.

10. Publications.


  • V.I. Demidov, A.A. Kudryavtsev, N.B. Kolokolov. Probe investigations of low-temperature plasma. Moscow, Energoatomizdat, 1996, 238p. [in Russian].
  • Yu.B.Golubovsky, A.A.Kudryavtsev, V.O.Nekuchaev, I.A.Porokhova, L.D.Tsendin. Electron Kinetics

in non-equilibrium gas discharge plasmas. St.Peterrsburg, SBbGU, 2004, 246p. [in Russian].

A.A. Kudryavtsev, A.S. Smirnov, L.D. Tsendin. Physics of Glow Discharge. Lan, St.Petersburg, 2010, 672 p. [in Russian].

Invited Reviews:

  • R.R.Arslanbekov, A.A.Kudryavtsev. Electron Kinetics in the Cathode Region of Glow Discharges.

Plane and Hollow Cathodes. NATO ASI Series B, Physics, vol.367, NY, Plenum Press, 1998. p161-178.

  • A.A. Kudryavtsev, L. D. Tsendin. DC current glow discharge. Russian Encyclopedia of Low-

Temperature Plasmas. Moscow, Nauka, 2000, book II, part IV, p.18-28. [in Russian].

Above 100 Articles in National and International Physical Journals (translated), above 100 Abstracts on Regional and International Conferences, 5Patents for Invention.

11.Recent selected Publications:

  • L. D. Tsendin, E. A.Bogdanov, A. A. Kudryavtsev. Paradoxical Nonmonotonic Behavior of Excitation-Rate Spatial Profiles in Bounded Plasmas. Physical Review Letters, v.94, N1, 015001, 2005.
  • C.A.DeJoseph, Jr., V.I.Demidov, A.A.Kudryavtsev. Modification of a nonlocal electron energy distribution in a bounded plasma. Phys. Rev. E, v.72, p.036410(1-6), 2005.
  • V. I. Demidov, C. A. DeJoseph, Jr., and A. A. Kudryavtsev. Anomalously high near-wall sheath potential drop in a plasma with non-local fast electrons. Physical Review Letters, v.95, 215002(1-4), 2005.
  • Bogdanov, C. A. DeJoseph Jr., V. I. Demidov, A. A. Kudryavtsev, K. Yu. Serditov. Influence of an additional ballast volume on a pulsed ICP discharge. Plasma Source Sci.Technol., v.16, p. 697–702, 2007.
  • Kudryavtsev A.A., Popugaev S.M., Adams S.F., Demidov V.I., Jiao C.Q. Formative time of breakdown modeled for the ignition of air and n-butane mixtures using effective ionization coefficients. Appl.Phys.Lett., v.93, 241501-3, 2008.
  • E. A. Bogdanov, S. F. Adams, V. I. Demidov, A.A. Kudryavtsev and J. M. Williamson. Influence of the transverse dimension on the structure and properties of dc glow discharges. Phys. Plasmas, v.17, N10, 103502(1-11), 2010.
  • Bogdanov E.A., Chirtsov A.S., Kudryavtsev A.A.Fundamental non-ambipolarity of electron fluxes in 2D plasmas. Phys. Rev.Lett., v.106, 195001(1-4), 2011. 13 May 2011
  • I. Rafatov, E. A. Bogdanov, A. A. Kudryavtsev. On the accuracy and reliability of different fluid models of the direct current glow discharge. Phys. Plasmas, v.19, 033502, 2012.
  • S. F. Adams, E. A. Bogdanov, V. I. Demidov, M. E. Koepke, A. A. Kudryavtsev, J. M. Williamson. Metastable atom and electron density diagnostic in the initial stage of a pulsed discharge in Ar and other rare gases by emission spectroscopy. Phys. Plasmas, v.19, 023510, 2012.

12. Patents.

  • A.A.Kudryavtsev and A.B.Tsyganov. Gas analysis method and ionization detector for carrying out said method. RU Patent № 2217739.
  • A.A.Kudryavtsev and A.B.Tsyganov. Gas analysis method and ionization detector for carrying out said method. Int. PCT WO2004/036206, published 2004-04-29.
  • A.A.Kudryavtsev and A.B.Tsyganov Gas analysis method and ionization detector for carrying out said method. US Patent 7,309,992, issued December 18, 2007.
  • A.A.Kudryavtsev, A.B.Tsyganov. Patent People’s Republic of China ZL200380106502.2 “Gas analysis method and ionisation detector for carrying out said method”, issued February 25, 2009.

13. Research Grants:

  • INTAS: №94-740 (1995-1997), Team Leader, “Self-Organization of the Spatial structure of Glow Discharges”,
  • CRDF NSTM: № RP-522 (1999-2001), Principal Investigator; “Gas Chromatography
  • and Trace Analysis Based Upon Penning Ionization Electron Spectroscopy”
  • CRDF FSTM: RP1-567-ST-03 (2003-2005) Investigator; RP1-567-ST-03 Fast Computational Plasma Technology for Flat Panel Display Design and Optimization-CFD-PLASMA/PDP”.
  • SABIT: (Special American Business Internship Program) for the Project “Plasma Systems Engineering Software and its Commercialization for Educational Markers”. CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL (2004).
  • ISTC: №3098 (2005-2007), Investigator. “High-effective methods of investigation and modelling of the barrier discharges for optimization of Plasma Display Panels and Excimer Lamps”.
  • CRDF FSTM: RUP2-005068-ST-06 (2006-2007) “Basic physics of controlling the near-wall plasma and sheath in non-local pulsed plasma sources for industrial innovation”.

14. Awards and Honors:

  • First Position on Competition young Scientist of Physical Faculty of Leningrad State University (1983)
  • Soros Associate Professor (2001).
  • The Prizes International Academic Publishing Company (IAPC) “Nauka/lnterperiodica” (2002,2009)
  • Laureate of the Competition ”Grant of a St.Petersburg” (2003).
  • Sertificate of Training the SABIT Program US Department of Commerce (2004).

A.A.Kudryavtsev is included into the limited list from 1775 Russian scientists having a high index of citing