MSFCA Conference Committee Meeting

Thursday, February8, 2018


  1. Welcome/Introductions:Introductions were made by all participants, and D. Johnson thanked everyone for committing to be part of the planning for 2018 and acknowledged that while the ‘city-venue’ of St Paul brings unique planning challenges, there’s also a level of excitement among the membership.
  2. Present:
  3. 2018 MSFCA Conference Chair: Don Johnson
  4. Committee Members: Rodger Coppa, Plymouth; Shane Gardner, Long Lake; John Hall, Long Lake; Andrew Heger, Victoria
  5. Committee Liaisons: Dale Specken, Education Chair; Steve Koering, Marketing and Member Services
  6. MSFCA Office/Agent: Jennifer Rzepka, CAE
  7. MSFCA Editor-in-Chief: Jena Noah
  1. Budget: J. Rzepka detailed the budget summary as estimated by Finance Chair, Wayne Kewitsch. She reminded the committee that the impact of the conference budget is not contained to only the event, but that the income generated is part of the bigger picture of overall association finances. Some final 2017 conference wrap-up is still being addressed, but overall last year appears to have come in close to budget projections. For 2018:
  1. Revenue: Budgeted at $310,400. Of that, $168,400 from attendee registrations, $2,000 from the boot collection, and $140,000 from a variety of vendor/sponsor sources.
  1. Expense: Budgeted at $176,575, which is nearly $33,000 higher than last year. It is noted that $25,000 is allocated to the Education Committee for the speaker fees and expenses. Of the remaining, $65,000 is for food/beverage (was $50,000 in 2017); $35,000 for facility rental (though in the city-venue this may prove to be higher); $5,500 for the app; $3,700 for awards; $1,275 for the memorial service; $2,100 in miscellaneous expenses and a large portion, $39,000 towards vendor related expenses.

D. Johnson explained to the committee that the Finance Committee and the Board are approaching 2018 with the understanding that through the transition and with St Paul having a lot of unknown factors at play, they will be flexible and understanding in potential shifts within the budget.

  1. Pricing: Due to many elements that are changing it was agreed to keep the same base rates for exhibitors and attendees, but to implement a day-pass rate to accommodate the commuter attendees:
  2. Exhibit Booth or Truck Space: $800 (plus direct pass-through add-on costs for electricity, extra skirted tables, carpeting, etc.)
  3. Non-Profit Booth Space: 50% of regular booth/truck space: $400
  4. Attendees:
  5. Full Day: $300 for members; $375 for non-members
  6. Day-Pass:
  7. Member: $125 for Thursday or Friday, $75 for Saturday.
  8. Non-members: Additional $50 to member Day-Pass rates.
  9. Optional Events/Activities: The costs for any offsite events (including partner program and any other family activities); additional meal tickets or other conference related items will be budgeted to be a wash. Income to be received for each item should cover the expenses associated with each.
  1. Survey Results: D. Johnson reviewed the input to-date, but feels that it’s not enough of a scope to accurately assess the overall association feedback. No deadline was placed on providing feedback. The deadline will be set at February 28, 2018. Two additional reminders will be sent, one approximately two weeks before the deadline, and an additional two days before the deadline. Then the results will be sent to both the Conference and Education Committees for consideration in early March with final session determination to be made before presented to the Conference Committee for final review at the next meeting, March 19, 2018.

One valuable part of the feedback is that many topics were recommended and requested for future content of sessions, that will be used in soliciting Vendor Educational Session presenters and for the Education Committee to consider when deciding when Lessons Learned will be presented, identifying the target audience and selecting the final symposium, roundtable and workshop sessions.

  1. Schedule: Start times on Thursday-Saturday are later to accommodate travel/parking time during weekday mornings in St Paul.
  1. Wednesday, October 10, 2018: Wednesday is primarily a set-up day. The Board meeting will still be held during the day, and trucks are placed in the afternoon. This year vendors with large quantities of booth materials are also invited to move in. Registration is open in the evening, though with the high commuter attendee expectation it is unknown if there will be as large of a turnout to pick-up badges. The Vendor Focus Group and the past host of the Welcome Receptionare contemplating the value of having a Welcome Reception on this evening. Tentative schedule:

9:00 am – 4:00 pmBoard Meeting
Mtg Room #3

Afternoon HoursTruck Placement & Large Exhibitor Move-In
Exhibit Hall A&B

5:00 pm – 9:00 pmRegistration Open
Ballroom ConcourseCommand Center: East Show Office

Instructor Ready Room: West Show Office

7:00 pm – 9:00 pmWelcome Reception(tentative)
Rotunda Lobby

  1. Thursday, October 11, 2018: Thursday kicks off with a symposium session, which will be immediately followed by a more formalized (30-minute) General Membership Meeting in the main session room. Exhibit hours are planned 10:00 am (begin during the symposium session?) and run through 6:00 pm. The afternoon sessions begin at 1:00 pm and include round table sessions, workshops and vendor educational sessions. Exhibits are open eight hours on this day. (See Section 8A of these minutes for more information regarding the timing of exhibit hours and details on vendor hospitality.)

7:00 am – 6:00 pmRegistration Open
Ballroom ConcourseCommand Center: East Show Office

Instructor Ready Room: West Show Office

9:00 am – 6:00 pmRespite Room

Mtg Room #1• Rm #1: Coat racks, changing area, refresh room for

commuter attendees, to be manned at all times(886 ft2)

9:00 am – 9:45 amConference Welcome

Ballrooms AB• Welcome remarks from Conference Chair

• Remarks from St. Paul Mayor (tentative)

• Welcome from St. Paul Chief (tentative)

• Conference Chair introduces Education Chair

• Education Chair provides education overview

• Education Chair introduces symposium speaker

9:45 am – 11:15 amSymposium Session(90-minute session)
Ballrooms AB

11:15 amPartner/Family Programs Begin (TBD)

11:15 am – 12:00 pmGeneral Business Meeting

Ballrooms ABBegins immediately following symposium in same room.

All remarks are to be three minutes or less.

• Welcome remarks from President (call to order)

• Finance Committee Report

• Sections invited to provide remarks

• Committees invited to provide remarks

• State Fire Marshal invited to provide remarks

• Recipient of charitable donations invited to
provide remarks (tentatively MnFIRE)

• Installation of new Board members/Officers

• Call for other business items for the good of the order

• Adjourn

12:00 pm – 6:00 pmExhibit Hall Open(including lunch in Exhibit Area)
Exhibit Hall A&BIn addition to potential specialty group (plated/served)

luncheons,lunchwill be available on Thursday

(not Friday)this year to try to keep attendees onsite.

12:00 pm – 1:00 pmPotential Specialty Group Lunches

Mtg Rooms #2 & 3• Rm #2: New MSFCA Attendee Luncheon

Two rooms available, each seats 60 in rounds of 10/tableIn the past a New MSFCA Attendee Luncheon and a Great Lakes Luncheon were held. Value of these separate meals needs consideration as attendance has been questionable in the past. Since a lunch open to all is available to all there is opportunity to keep all attendees gathered in the Exhibit area.

*Tickets will be required for all luncheons.

1:00 pm – 6:00 pmVendor Education Sessions – 30-minutes each

Mtg Rooms #4 & 5• Rm #4: 1:00 pm; 2:00 pm; 3:00 pm; 4:00 pm; 5:00 pm

• Rm #5: 1:30 pm; 2:30 pm; 3:30 pm; 4:30 pm; 5:30 pm

Each room seats 80 in rounds of 10; 84 classroom style

1:00 pm – 6:00 pmRoundtables

Mtg Rooms #6-15A partner/family session or track will be considered.

• Rm #6: seats 80 in rounds of 10; 84 classroom style Note: Rms 7-9 may be set as 1, 2 or 3 separate rooms:

• Rm #7: seats 80 in rounds of 10; 84 classroom style

• Rm #8: seats 60 in rounds of 10; 72 classroom style

• Rm #9: seats 60 in rounds of 10; 60 classroom style

Note: Rms10-12 may be set as 1, 2 or 3 separate rooms:

• Rm #10: seats 80 in rounds of 10; 72 classroom style

• Rm #11: seats 80 in rounds of 10; 72 classroom style

• Rm #12: seats 80 in rounds of 10; 72 classroom style

Note: Rms 13-15 may be set as 1, 2 or 3 separate rooms:

• Rm #13: seats 80 in rounds of 10; 72 classroom style

• Rm #14: seats 80 in rounds of 10; 72 classroom style

• Rm #15: seats 80 in rounds of 10; 72 classroom style

6:00 pm(Optional) Vendor Hospitality Events May Begin


  1. Friday, October 12, 2018: This year an Appreciation breakfast is being considered for vendors/sponsors before the show opens at 9:00 am. Educational sessions for attendees run from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm, and from 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm. Exhibits close at down after10:30 am. Attendees receive breakfast and dinner this day, but not lunch.

7:00 am – 2:00 pmRegistration Open
Ballroom ConcourseCommand Center: East Show Office

Instructor Ready Room: West Show Office

7:00 am – 10:00 pmRespite Room

Mtg Room #1• Rm #1: Coat racks, changing area, refresh room for

commuter attendees, to be manned at all times(886 ft2)

7:00 am – 10:00 pmVIP Memorial Room

Mtg Rooms #2-3(2,373 ft2)

7:00 am – 10:00 pmBag Pipe Room

Mtg Rooms #5-6(2,702 ft2)

8:00 am – 5:00 pmAwards Banquet room available for set-up

Ballroom CDGHAV test/sound check/rehearsal/decor

8:00 am – 8:50 amVendor Appreciation Breakfast(could be earlier)

Mtg Room #4Seats 80 in rounds of 10

Then room remains empty to serve as sound buffer

betweenBag Pipe Room and VIP Memorial Room

8:00 am – 12:00amEducationalSessions

Mtg Rooms #7-15Same rooms available as on Thursday (excluding Rm #6)

9:00 am – 10:30 pmExhibit Hall Open(could open earlier)
Exhibit Hall A&BConcludes with drawing in (or near) Exhibit Area

9:00 amPartner/Family Programs Begin (TBD)

12:00pm – 1:30 pmOn own for Lunch (90-minutes)

1:30 pm – 4:30 pmEducationalSessions

Mtg Rooms #7-15Same rooms available as on Thursday (excluding Rm #6)

3:00 pm – 5:00 pmMemorial Service Set-up

Ballroom ABAV test/sound check/rehearsal

5:30 pm – 6:00 pmMemorial Service

Ballroom AB

6:00 pm – 6:30 pmSocial

Ballroom AB

6:45 pm – 9:00 pmAwards Banquet

Ballroom CDGH

Starting 9:00 pmOptionalVendor Hospitality Events May Begin

Various/OffsiteMay begin immediately following the banquet

  1. Saturday, October 13, 2018: Saturday is lighter attendance, limited registration hours, a light breakfast and closing symposium session.

7:30 am – 9:00 amRegistration Open
Ballroom ConcourseCommand Center: East Show Office

Instructor Ready Room: West Show Office

8:30 am – 9:00 amLight Breakfast Available
Ballroom Concourse

8:30 am – 11:30 pmSymposium Session

Ballroom AB

10:00 am – 10:30 amLight Refreshments Available
Ballroom Concourse

  1. Other Business
  2. Fire Prevention Week: This year’s conference falls on the final few days of Fire Prevention Week: October 7-13, 2018. It is known that this may impact conference attendance since many will be holding local celebratory events. Highest impact is expected on the two days of symposium speakers, Thursday and Saturday. Invitation for media coverage and finding ways to highlight fire service awareness throughout the Conference will be considered.
  1. Theme: D. Johnson explained that while there is no formal theme for the Conference, there will be a lot of content focused specifically on Health and Wellness, that optional physical activities will be incorporated (considering a 5k and/or stair climb), and that the likely charitable recipient will be the recently formed MnFIRE initiative. This area of focus may lead to more participation and attendance by legislators and families.
  1. St Paul/Parking:The RiverCentreparking structure will be under construction, and not available during the conference. Creating and promoting alternatives is a critical task of this year’s Conference Committee. A variety of external entities may become involved (St Paul Fire Department; local emergency management; Southwest Metro; other charter companies; etc.). Some of the ideas that will be recommended to attendees will include carpooling recommendations (noting that the travel savings could enable them to pay for more to attend); remote parking/potential shuttling options; possible nearby Departments becoming “park-and-ride” hubs; nearby lots/structures (effort will be made to negotiate discounted rates); mass transit options and more. In addition the schedule will be slightly modified to account forlater start times factoring in morning, weekday traffic patterns. D. Johnson will reach out to St Paul Interim Chief Butch Inks to begin the conversation. J. Rzepka will provide a map to the Committee showing parking availability near the RiverCenter.
  1. Hotel Blocks:D. Johnson projects that the number of attendees staying overnight may be low since many can drive in/out of the metro, and Departments may not pay for hotel rooms. Past room pick-up data cannot be used to anticipate needs, which is a significant purpose behind the survey. J. Rzepka will distribute a map showing nearby hotels, and review the needed portion of the room block for speakers, staff, committee and Board members, guests, etc and begin the contracting work with hotels nearest to the River Center.
  1. Onsite Workforce:D. Johnson will communicate first with local St Paul Fire Department to discuss their involvement and the local Explorers group. Depending on who’s available and willing, and what will be needed as far as onsite assistance for the Conference, the Committee will then discuss what other groups to contact. (i.e.: Brad Droege, Metro CERT group, etc.). D. Johnson is considering having ‘door watchers’ for the exhibit hall. A token of appreciation is being considered in exchange for their help. D. Specken is considering having these individuals to aid in monitoring the entries of the educational sessions. As an alternative to monitoring entryways, the MSFCA office will help research the option of having session moderators announce a code at the end of each session to validate attendance.
  1. Partners Event(s):Many ideas will be considered for optional partners (and family) events in St. Paul to include a trip to the Mall of America, History Center, Science Museum and whatever events may be concurrently happening at the Xcel Energy Center.
  1. Rotunda Booths: In the space at the bottom of the RiverCentre escalators before the entryway to the exhibit hall a variety of booths will be available as a Resource Center for attendees. These tables may be a variety of Section and Committee information sources and others to be determined. More discussion will occur at a future Conference Committee meeting.
  2. Marketing/Member Services Committee Booth: MSFCA staff members will assist the Marketing/Member Services Committee with the activities related to their booths.
  3. Apparel: Pre-ordered items and a variety of branded merchandise will be available for sale in the Marketing/Member Services Committee booth. While apparel sale is not an activity directly related to the Conference, the gathering of members makes it easy to sell items in person. Merchandise will be jointly managed by the MSFCA Office and Marketing/Member Services Committee.
  1. Years of Service Posters/Pin Pick-up: The pick-up of membership pins identifying years of service will be handled at this booth too.
  1. Membership/Department Membership/YourMembership Walk-Through: MSFCA staff will have resources available to assist members with their membership and use of the online features of their profile.
  1. App:The IFC has an app for their event. J. Rzepka will contact the IAFC Great Lakes Director Board member, Adam Mannausau, about the cost and availability of using their program. As an alternative, J. Rzepka recommends the MSFCA consider use of Guidebook as the App for 2018. It is a robust, easy to use and administrate program that costs a flat fee of $1,750 for unlimited users. She also encourages the group to consider what features are important for functionality of the App. As development continues more organization will be put into the features and content including a schedule of push notifications (including which may available for purchase/sponsorship).
  1. Recognition Ribbons: Colored ribbons that adhere to name badges will be used in 2018 to identify Committee members, Board members and a potentially a variety of other groups/subsections of membership. (e.g.: FITOAM)
  1. Wi-Fi: J. Rzepka will look into the access and cost of Wi-Fi throughout the RiverCentre.
  1. MBFTE Funding: D. Specken will work with D. Johnson to submit for MBFTE funding reimbursement for speaker expense in 2018.
  1. Marketing/Awards:S. Koering and R. Coppa will develop an IEP for the Awards Program/Banquet. Outline will be introduced at the March 19, 2018 committee meeting.Public Safety Commissioner (Mona Dohman) is invited as a guest speaker during the Awards Banquet.
    As Marketing/Member Services Committee Chair, S. Koering is committed to executing the Awards Program/Banquet for 2018, he requests that a separate committee be created to give this topic the attention it deserves.

MOTION: It is moved and seconded by the Conference Committee for the MSFCA to create a separate Awards/Recognition Committee…Motion Passed.

As Conference Committee Chair, D. Johnson will bring this matter to the Board.

  1. Memorial Service:A. Hegar and S.Gardnerwill work with Jerry Streich to develop an IEP for the Memorial Service. Outline will be introduced at the March 19, 2018 committee meeting.
  1. Vendor/Sponsor Items:
  2. Hospitality: The Vendor Focus Group requests the Conference Committee allow specifically identified time for vendors/sponsors to host their own hospitality events in accordance with a policy to be drafted to include details such as:
  3. all costs/liability are at the expense of the individuals vendors;
  4. MSFCA is not involved in the planning or execution of these individual events;
  5. if the invitation is extended to all registered attendees, then MSFCA will post details of the event, but if restricted/private/not open to all, then it is the responsibility of the company to invite/promote as they see fit;
  6. no events/activities may conflict with scheduled MSFCA Conference related items.
  7. Specific time available for these hospitality events in 2018 would be:
  8. Thursday after 6:00 pm when the exhibit hall closes, and
  9. Friday following the memorial and awards banquet.
  1. Exhibit Hours: The Vendor Focus Group discussed the shortened quantity of exhibit hours due to accommodating for commuter attendees and feels that overall it will not be of significant impact. Exhibit hours requested are from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm on Thursday, and 9:00 am – 10:30am on Friday. This would open the show during the Symposium session, so the start time on Thursday may be adjusted.
  1. Stamp Card: The Vendor Focus Group requests that the committee consider a different way for attendees to verify participation in the exhibit show. Obligation to stamp cards is disruptive to the business vendors are conducting in the show and attendee traffic that can’t result in potential business is not of value to them.
  1. Future Meetings: The next meeting will be held in person at 12:00 pm on Monday, March 19, 2018 at a location in St Paul to be determined. J. Rzepka is going to contact RiverCentreabout an onsite tour at 11:00 am, and see if a room onsite would be available for the Committee meeting.
  1. Adjourn: All items of business were concluded and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,