Class 2 Curriculum Overview

Year A / Year B
There’s no place like home / Spring
Rock ‘n’ Roll / Summer
Veni, vidi, vici / Autumn
Sparks might fly / Spring / Summer
English / ·  Folk tales
(Lancashire giant)
·  Biographies
·  Fables
·  Poems with a theme
(Haiku, Kenning, Shape) / ·  Stories as a theme (Stig of the dump, Iron man)
·  Persuasion letters
·  Poems with a structure
·  Non chronological report / ·  Recount diaries
·  Play scripts
·  Non chronological reports
·  Explanations
·  Classic poetry / ·  Stories with fantasy settings
·  Recounts - newspapers
·  Classic poetry / ·  Fairy tales
·  Stories with issues / dilemmas
·  Persuasion
·  Non chronological reports / ·  Stories from Ancient Egypt
·  Information booklets
·  Debate
Science / ·  Variation
·  Classifying animals
·  Light and shadows / ·  Rocks and fossils
·  Forces and magnets / ·  Functions or parts and plant growth
·  Nutrition, diet, movement and skeleton / ·  Electricity – series circuits, switches, conductors, insulators / ·  Teeth and digestion
·  Sound / ·  States of matter
Computing / ·  Digital photos
·  Computational thinking
·  Programming
·  E safety / ·  Digital research
·  Presenting information
·  Programming
·  E safety / ·  Movies / multimedia
·  E safety / ·  Data handling
·  Programming
·  E safety / ·  E safety
·  Modelling and simulation / ·  E safety
·  Digital research
R.E. / ·  Called by God (3.1)
·  Christmas – God with us (3.2) / ·  Rules for living (3.5)
·  Easter – Joy, Sadness, Joy (3.4) / ·  Jesus – the Man who changed lives (3.3)
·  Rules for living (non-Christian) / ·  God, David & the Psalms (4.1)
·  Christmas Light (non-Christian) (4.2) / ·  The Church (4.5)
·  Easter – Betrayal and Trust (4.4) / ·  Jesus the Son of God (4.3)
·  Sacred places (non-Christian)
History / ·  Local history / ·  Ancient Britain - Stonehenge / ·  Roman Britain / ·  A theme in British History beyond 1066 – The great Plague of 1665 / ·  Ancient Egypt
Geography / ·  The region where I live – local study incl field work and map work. / ·  Key aspects of volcanoes and earthquakes / ·  A region in the UK / ·  Contrasting European country
·  Mountains / ·  Rubbish and recycling – environmental study / ·  Rivers, esp River Nile
MFL / ·  Greetings
·  Numbers
·  Ages / ·  Family
·  Animals
·  Colours / · Look at me
· Body parts
· Birthday / ·  My monster
·  On the way to school and further afield / ·  Weather
·  Numbers
·  Dates
·  Likes and dislikes / · Sport
· The four friends
· Animals
P.E. / ·  Swimming
·  Invasion games (netball)
·  Gym / ·  Swimming
·  Dance
·  OAA / ·  Swimming
·  Athletics
·  Striking / fielding / ·  Swimming
·  Invasion games (football)
·  Gym / ·  Swimming
·  Dance
·  OAA / ·  Swimming
·  Athletics
·  Striking / fielding
Art / ·  Observational drawing
·  Field sketches
·  Colour mixing (winter trees) / ·  Observational drawing
·  Famous artist study / ·  Mosaics / ·  Observational drawing
·  Sculpture / ·  Observational drawing
·  Famous artist study / ·  Ancient Egyptian art
D.T. / Food tech / ·  Mechanical systems - levers and linkages / ·  Structures – shell / frames structures and strengthening / ICT and electrical systems – control and electrical components. / ·  Textiles – seams, stiffening and strengthening, materials and fastenings.
Music / Recorders (Y4)
Rhythm patterns / Performing – practise, rehearse and present a performance. / Rhythm patterns / Creating – explore, choose, combine and organise musical ideas (using an electrical sound source) / Music from different cultures / Rhythm patterns