FIP-WHOGlobalSurveyofPharmacySchools | Country
Thisglobalsurveyaimstocollectinformationtoascertaintheeducationalbackgroundofthepharmacy workforceas well asthequalityassuranceaccreditationmechanismsandprocesses.Thedatawillbeused toidentifygaps,shortagesandcooperationopportunities,andwillprovidetheevidence-basedinformation neededforinvestmentpoliciesthatwillreduceexistinggapsandincreasepharmacyeducationcapacity.
Please reply to this questionnaire on behalf of your country.
Country and contact information
Country information1. / State the country
Contact completing this questionnaire
2. / Title
3. / First name
4. / Last name
5. / Job title
6. / Organisation/Agency
7. / Email address (the email format is )
8. / Website (the URL format is /
9. / Phone number
10. / Fax number
11. / Address
Productionof pharmacists
Definition:A “pharmacy degree” refers to the degree related to pharmacy, which leads to the registration as a pharmacist in your country.
The number of pharmacy graduates (at National level)Number / Year of data
12. / a) Total number of pharmacy graduates per year
b) Total number of FEMALE pharmacy graduates per year
The number of faculties, schools or departments of pharmacy
Number / Year of data
13. / Total number of faculties, schools or departments of pharmacy that currently provide a pharmacy degree
Usual starting age for university study
Age / Year of data
14. / What is the age of university entry level to study pharmacy? / years
What is the OWNERSHIP of the faculties, schools or departments of pharmacy?Faculty Owned by: / Number of faculties/schools/departments
15. / a) Ministry of Health / Yes
No / N=
b) Ministry of Higher Education / Yes
No / N=
c) Public state/government owned / Yes
No / N=
d) Private not for profit / Yes
No / N=
e) Private for profit / Yes
No / N=
f) Public/private mix (Please provide details in the space provided on the right) / Yes
No / Details: / N=
g) Others (Please provide details in the space provided on the right) / Yes
No / Details: / N=
COST of education
Definition:“Tuition fee” refers to any fee directly paid by students, and “per capita or capitation provision from public funds” here means the per capita proportion of funding from taxes or government.
(Please note that the responses added in16a), 16b) and 16c), or 17a) and 17c) should sum up to atotal of 100%)
Cost for educating pharmacy studentsAmount (please response in numbers e.g. 1000) / Currency / Proportion of the total student funding (%) / Year of data
Domestic students / a)Tuition fee for domestic (HOME) students per year / %
b) Per capita or capitation provision from public funds per year (e.g. taxes, government) / %
c) Others (please specify: ) / %
Overseas/ international students / a) Tuition fee for an OVERSEAS student per year / %
b) Others (please specify: ) / %
Definition:An“academicprogramme”isacombinationofcoursesorlearningmodulesthatgiveaccesstoa degree,diploma,certificateorothercredential,whichisrecognisedinsocietyoutsidetheeducational institutionsuchasaDiploma,BaccalaureateDegree,MastersDegree,ProfessionalDoctorate,andPhD.
The “National Higher Education Qualification Framework” here refers to a national, formal description of types of degree qualification (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Diploma, PhD, etc.).
What ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES lead to registration as a pharmacist?Formal Name of Academic Programme (please spell out name in full and do not use abbreviations) / Title of Qualifications Awarded / Minimum duration of Programme (Years)
18. / (i) Academic programme 01 / years
(ii) Academic programme 02 / years
National Higher Education Qualification Framework
19. / Is there any NATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORKin operation in your country? / Yes
Is the internship or pre-registration training integrated in the main academic programme leading to the registration/licensure as a pharmacist?
The kind of practice / Length of training
20. / a)Integrated / Yes
No / Community
(please specify:) / months
b) Separated / Yes
No / Community
(please specify:) / months
c) No internship/pre-registration training for a registration as a pharmacist / Yes
The registration/licensure of pharmacy graduates
21. / a) Do pharmacy students GRADUATE and REGISTER/are licensed as a pharmacist at the same time? / Yes
No (please specify in the Q21b)
b) If NO above, please specify what the requirements are to register/become licensed as a pharmacist after graduation
MINIMUM requirement for admission to a pharmacy degree programme
Definition:A “pharmacy degree” refers to the degree related to pharmacy, which leads to the registration as a pharmacist in your country.
Which of the following are required for admission to university to study pharmacy?22. / a) Secondary school leaving exam / Yes
No / Additional information:
b) A special branch of secondary school (please specify which branch in the space provided on the right) / Yes
No / Additional information:
c) Diploma, degree or certificate (please specify what type in the space provided on the right) / Yes
No / Additional information:
d) A special course (please specify what course in the space provided on the right) / Yes
No / Additional information:
e) Entrance examination (national or supra-national) / Yes
No / Additional information:
f) Entrance examination of the faculty or school / Yes
No / Additional information:
g) Interview / Yes
No / Additional information:
h) Others (please provide details in the space provided on the right) / Yes
No / Additional information:
Core curriculum or syllabus for pharmacy degree
Definition:“Core curriculum or syllabus” here refers to a common, standardised, or indicative curriculum for qualification.A“pharmacy degree” is the degree related to pharmacy, which leads to registration as a pharmacist in your country.
Use of core curriculum or syllabus23. / a) Does your country use any nationally agreed core curriculum or syllabus for pharmacy degree? / Yes (please specify in the Q23b)
b) If YES in above, please provide the related documents for the core curriculum or integrated curriculum / Attached
MINIMUM proportion of time for practice in science-based laboratories in the core curriculum or syllabus
24. / What proportion of time is dedicated toLABORATORY PRACTICE in the core curriculum or syllabus? (Please respond as an approximate percentage, and enter a value between 0 and 100) / %
Curriculum in the EARLY year(s) of the pharmacy degree
25. / For the EARLY years of the university curriculum, which of the following best describesthe content/expectations in general? / Wholly general science, with very little pharmacy practice component
Mostly general science orientation, with small/moderate pharmacy practice components
A mix of general science and pharmacy practice
Licensure of practice
To practice pharmacy in your country26. / Do pharmacy graduates require a LICENSE, registration or other authorization to practice pharmacy? / Yes
How do students from the main academic pharmacy programme obtain a LICENSE, registration or other authorisation to practice pharmacy?
27. / a) Immediately upon graduation / Yes
b) After passing a further examination after graduation / Yes
c) After a period of practical experience after graduation (if yes, please specify length of time) / Yes
No / Please specify:
d) Others (If yes, please specify in the provided space on the right) / Yes
No / Please specify:
Licensing authority
28. / Which authority awards graduates with a LICENSE, registration or other authorisation to practice?
Quality assurance mechanisms and processes29. / Are the faculties or schools subject to PERIODIC ACCREDITATION or similar process by an external body in your country? (This is usually an evaluation conducted by an organisation or agency outside of the faculty or school). / Yes
No (if NO, skip to the Q33)
How frequently is accreditation conducted?
30. / a) Requires to be accredited only once after the establishment of the faculty/school / Yes
b) More than once a year / Yes
c) Once a year / Yes
d) Once every 2 years / Yes
e) Once every 3 years / Yes
f) Once every 5 years / Yes
g) Other frequency (please provide details in the space provided on the right) / Yes
No / Please specify:
What is accredited?
31. / a) The educational institution/university / Yes
b) The faculty or school (e.g. school of pharmacy) / Yes
c) The academic programme (please provide details in the space provided on the right) / Yes
No / Please specify:
32. / a) Ministry of Health / Yes
b) Ministry of Education / Yes
c) Other governmental agency / Yes
No / Please specify:
d) National professional organisation / Yes
No / Please specify:
e) Private accrediting body / Yes
No / Please specify:
f) Other / Yes
No / Please specify:
Other Quality assurance mechanisms or processes
33. / a) Are there any other internal or external QUALITY ASSURANCE mechanisms or processes used by higher education institutions? / Yes (please specify in the Q33b))
b) If YES in the Q33a), please provide additional information
Related document
34. / Please include any relevant document (report, research, article references) related to pharmacy education and the academic programmes in your school/country with the submission of this survey. / AttachedNo
Your participation in this survey is vital to provide a better understanding of current pharmacy education issues, and will assist in the development of global pharmacy education policy recommendations.
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