NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Patient Group Direction (PGD) for
Nurses /
Chloramphenicol 0.5% Eye Drops

GG&C PGD ref no:


Clinical Condition
Indication: / In the treatment of acute bacterial eye infections and prophylaxis of secondary infection in adults and adolescents.
Inclusion criteria: / Patients aged 13 years and above
In the treatment of
·  blepharitis
·  conjunctivitis
·  stye
·  infected meibomian cyst
Prophylaxis of secondary infection following diagnosis and treatment of
·  corneal foreign bodies
·  sub tarsal foreign bodies
·  corneal abrasions
·  conjunctival trauma
·  chemical injury to the eye
·  after incision/curettage of meibomian cyst or minor lid lesions
Exclusion criteria: / Patients under 13 years of age (see PGD for children)
Patients with known aplastic anaemia or a blood dyscrasia
Patients with known allergy to Chloramphenicol or any other component of the preparation
Cautions/Need for further advice/Circumstances when further advice should be sought from the doctor: / If patient is pregnant or breast feeding - must be used only if considered essential and not prophylactically or to treat minor infections
Avoid prolonged use (over 5 days) as it may increase the likelihood of sensitisation and the emergence of resistant organisms
Action if patient declines or is excluded: / Patients not eligible for or refusing treatment under this PGD will be referred to an Ophthalmologist.
Referral arrangements for further advice / cautions: / Refer to Ophthalmologist
Drug Details
Name, form & strength of medicine: / Chloramphenicol eye drops 0.5%
Route/Method of administration: / Topical ocular use
Dosage (include maximum dose if appropriate): / One to two drops applied topically to each affected eye up to six times daily or more frequently if required.
Severe infections may require 1-2 drops every 2 hours initially, reducing gradually as the infection is controlled.
Frequency: / Up to six times daily or more frequently if required.
Severe infections - every 2 hours initially, reducing to every 4 hours after 48 hours
Duration of treatment: /
Infections – 48 hours after resolution or 5 days
Prophylaxis – 5 days
Maximum or minimum treatment period: / 5 days
Quantity to supply/administer: / 1 bottle of chloramphenicol 10 ml
Label has full dosage instructions.
Patient name and date added at time of supply by nurse
▼Black Triangle Drug:* / No
Legal Category: / POM
Is the use outwith the SPC:** / No
Storage requirements: / Store upright between 2 – 8 °C (in a refrigerator).
Do not allow to freeze.
Protect from light.
Once opened should be destroyed after 4 weeks.

* The black triangle symbol (▼) identifies newly licensed medicines that are monitored intensively by the MHRA/CSM

** Summary of Product Characteristics

Warnings including possible adverse reactions and management of these: / If patient feels unwell while using this drug contact GP or A/E dept.
Advise on possible burning/ stinging, itching, skin irritation and dermatitis.
Systemic effects:
Several cases of major adverse haematological events (bone marrow depression, aplastic anaemia and death) have been reported following ocular use of chloramphenicol.
Contact lenses should be removed during treatment.
Use the Yellow Card System to report adverse drug reactions. Yellow Cards and guidance on its use are available at the back of the BNF or online at http://yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/
Advice to patient/carer including written information provided: / ·  Explain treatment and course of action
·  Explain how to administer eye drops:-Wash hands thoroughly; Look upwards , gently pull down the affected eyelid and gently squeeze the bottle until a drop of liquid falls into the gap between the eyeball and lower lid. (lower fornix)
·  Do not touch eye with the tip of dropper
·  Give patient a copy of any relevant patient information leaflet if available
·  Contact lenses should be removed during the period of use
·  Warn patients not to drive or operate hazardous machinery unless vision is clear.
·  If condition worsens or symptoms persist then seek further medical advice
Monitoring (if applicable): / N/A
Follow up: / Patient advised to return 48/72 hours if not responding for referral to Ophthalmologist.
Staff Characteristics
Professional qualifications: / Registered nurse with current NMC registration
Specialist competencies or qualifications: / ·  Competent in treating ophthalmic conditions
·  Has undertaken appropriate training to carry out clinical assessment of patient leading to diagnosis that requires treatment according to the indications listed in this PGD
·  Has undertaken appropriate training for working under PGDs for the supply and administration of medicines
Continuing education & training: / The practitioner should be aware of any change to the recommendations for the medicine listed. It is the responsibility of the individual to keep up-to-date with continued professional development.
Referral Arrangements and Audit Trail
Referral arrangements / As per local arrangements
Records/audit trail: / ·  Patient’s name, address, date of birth and consent given
·  Contact details of GP (if registered)
·  Diagnosis
·  Dose and form administered and batch details
·  Advice given to patient (including side effects)
·  Signature/name of staff who administered or supplied the medication, and also, if relevant, signature/name of staff who removed/discontinued the treatment
·  Details of any adverse drug reaction and actions taken including documentation in the patient’s medical record
·  Referral arrangements (including self-care)
References/Resources and comments: / Notes:
Local Protocol
SPC – Summary of Product Characteristics
BNF – British National Formulary
This Patient Group Direction must be agreed to and signed by all healthcare professionals involved in its use. The original signed copy will be held at PPSU, Queens Park House, Victoria Infirmary. The PGD must be easily accessible in the clinical setting.
Organisation: / NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Professionals drawing up PGD/Authors
Designation and Contact Details


Signature: Date: / Designation :
E-mail address :


Signature: Date: / Designation :
E-mail address :


Signature: Date: / Designation :
E-mail address :
Signature: Date: / Designation:
E-mail address:
Signature: Date: / Designation:
E-mail address:

* Lead Author


NHSGG&C PGD & Non-medical Prescribing Sub-Committee of ADTC
in BLOCK CAPITALS / Signature: / Date:
Lead of the professional group to which this PGD refers:
in BLOCK CAPITALS / Signature: / Date:
Pharmacist representative of PGD & Non-Medical Sub-Committee of ADTC
in BLOCK CAPITALS / Signature: / Date:
Antimicrobial use
If the PGD relates to an antimicrobial agent, the use must be supported by the NHS GG&C Antimicrobial Management Team (AMT). A member of this team must sign the PGD on behalf of the AMT.
Microbiology approval / Name: Designation:
Signature: Date:
(on behalf of NHS GG&C AMT)

Local Authorisation:

Service Area for which PGD is applicable:
I authorise the supply/administer medicines in accordance with this PGD to patients cared for in this service area.
Lead Clinician for the service area (Doctor)
Name: / Signature: / Designation: / Date:
E-Mail contact address:
I agreethat only fully competent, qualified and trained professionals are authorised to operate under the PGD. Records of nominated individuals will be kept for audit purposes.
Name (Lead Professional): / Signature: / Designation: / Date:
E-Mail contact address:
Description of Audit arrangements:
Frequency of checks:
(Generally annually) / Names of auditor(s):


It is the responsibility of each professional to practice only within the bounds of their own competence and in accordance with their own Code of Professional Conduct.

Note to Authorising Managers: authorised staff should be provided with an individual copy of the clinical content of the PGD and a photocopy of the document showing their authorisation.

I have read and understood the Patient Group Direction. I acknowledge that it is a legal document and agree to supply/administer this medicine only in accordance with this PGD.

Name of Professional / Signature / Date
Date Approved: / Version:
Review Date: / Expiry Date:
Template Version: / Page 1 of 7