Montana City School: Middle School Band Syllabus

Mrs. Kara Nelson

Montana City School Band Culture and Community:


·  Be early

o  Set up and be ready to make music

·  Arrive prepared to learn

Music, instrument, reeds, water, mouthpieces, valve oil, pencil, chair, stand

·  Clean up after yourself


·  Be aware of your space and materials

·  Be aware of others’ space and materials

·  Treat your instrument and others’ with respect


·  Bring a positive attitude

·  Be attentive to the speaker

·  Ask for support by raising your hand

·  Allow others’ contributions and individuality

Daily Procedures

1)  Wait outside music room on concession stand wall until invited in by teacher

·  Students will check outside music room door to confirm they have all materials needed for the day

2)  Once inside, check ready board on piano for set-up needs and whiteboard for rehearsal order

3)  Pick up instrument, folder with pencil, music stand, and chair before going to seat

4)  Once seated, prepare for rehearsal according to ready board and white board; If indicated, warm-up appropriately

5) At the end of class, wait for permission from the teacher to be dismissed and to put away instrument and music

Rehearsal Procedures

1)  No gum, food or beverages

·  You are very welcome to keep a water bottle in your band cubby for rehearsal

·  If the water bottle becomes a toy, student may turn in water bottle until the end of the quarter

·  To help rehearsal flow, you may ask for permission to use the restroom/get a drink in between rehearsal pieces rather than in the middle of our work as a team

2)  Respect each other, the rehearsal room and the instruments

3)  Follow the podium procedure

a.  Conductor standing to the side of the podium with raised hand: Students stop talking and turn attention toward conductor

b.  Conductor on podium: Sit up straight and get instrument into the “ready to play position”

c.  Conductor gives preparatory gesture: Students breathe together and set embouchure to play/sing

4)  Give attention and respect to the speaker

5)  Be prepared and on time – repeated tardiness will result in a deduction of daily grade

Middle School Band Grading Procedures:

You start class each day with 20 points!

·  Come to class prepared

o  Instrument, music, valve oil, reeds, drumsticks, pencil

o  Know your assigned music for the week

o  6th grade band students bring planner for Planner Check each day

·  Follow Podium Procedure

·  Show respect and responsibility in your actions and attitude

·  Treat your instrument , your space, and the space of others with respect

·  Have a positive attitude and try your best

Possible Deductions from Daily Grade:

·  Unexcused tardy

·  Sitting in unassigned seat

·  Unprepared for class (this includes not having a pencil each day)

·  Talking during rehearsal

·  Leaving equipment out after rehearsal

Procedures for Classroom Consequences

1) The student will receive a verbal redirection

2) The student will receive a deduction in their daily points followed by a conference with the teacher after class

3) Mrs. Nelson will contact parent/guardian

4) Student will receive an office referral


·  Instruments are valuable and personal property. Play your own, no one else’s.

·  As with general classroom courtesy, keep your hands and feet to yourself and your instrument.

·  Be sensitive of your volume level when playing – blasting notes is unsafe for your embouchure and ears and for your neighbor’s ears.

·  Look and listen to the teacher.

·  Raise hand for support and wait to be called on.

·  If you forget your instrument, reed, book, etc., please tell Mrs. Nelson before school or before band only. It is your responsibility to remember your book, horn, and necessary equipment

Instrument Supplies

To ensure that each instrument is maintained and well equipped, additional supplies are needed. It is your responsibility to have the necessary accessories for your particular instrument.

Flutes: Swab and cleaning cloth

Clarinets and Saxophones: Cork grease, a cleaning swab and reeds (2-4 a month).

The two recommended brands for reeds are Rico Royal or Vandoren (can also be ordered on-line)

Saxophones must have a neck-strap.

Trumpets and Baritones/Tuba: Slide grease, valve oil, mouthpiece brush

Horn: Valve oil and mouthpiece brush

Trombones: Slide oil, tuning slide grease and mouthpiece brush

Percussionists: Pair of concert sticks (5A)

Reeds and Valve Oil

It is your responsibility to have extra reeds and valve oil on hand. Reeds, valve oil and slide oil are available for purchase from Mrs. Nelson; each item is 2$ a piece.

Suggested reed brands and strengths available from Piccolo’s Music or online through Eckroth Music:

·  Rico Royal or Vandoren reeds for saxophone and clarinet

·  6th Grade Band reed strength: “2”

·  7th-8th Grade Band Reed Strength: “2 ½ -3”

Home Practice Considerations

·  All students will keep a pencil in their music folder for marking rehearsal notes; this pencil should travel with the folder to and from school

·  Fold-up music stands, a metronome and tuner are useful for practicing at home; metronomes and tuners can also be found online and/or downloaded as a smartphone app!

·  Much like regular homework or study, a quiet space free from distractions is essential for home practice

·  Consider using a timer to help students keep track of when and how they practice; 10 minutes of uninterrupted practice is far more useful than 60 minutes of practice in front of the TV, the computer, or the cell phone

·  Remind students to isolate specific notes, skills, or sections in their music that give them difficulty, rather than practicing entire songs or pieces without focused time spent on trouble sections

If you forget your reed/valve oil for the day, please let Mrs. Nelson know. You may have one reed, valve oil, or instrument “I forgot” per quarter. An in-class alternate assignment will be provided. If the reed/instrument is forgotten a second time, a phone call will be made home and the student will receive a deduction in daily grade.

Performance Attire for Winter and Spring Programs*

Please keep this portion at home in a noticeable place for a quick reminder throughout the fall and winter of what middle school band and general music students will need for their performances! J

Winter Program – Tuesday, December 15, 2015 @ 6:30 pm

1) White-collared and/or long-sleeved dress shirt (or long-sleeved top for girls)

2) Black pants for boys, black pants or skirt (below the knees) for girls

3) Dark, concert appropriate shoes (no flip-flops)

·  Students are welcome to accessorize to complement their own individual styles: scarves, jewelry, neckties, etc.

·  Santa hats are welcome for the final, all-school performance of “White Christmas”

Spring Program – Tuesday, May 24, 2016 @ 6:30 pm

1) Solid blue or white t-shirt – Shirts with MCS logos are acceptable

2) Jeans or jean shorts; jean skirt for girls (to the knee)

3) Concert appropriate shoes

·  Sneakers are acceptable as long as they are not tattered or dirty.

·  Students are welcome to accessorize to complement their own individual styles: scarves, jewelry, neckties, etc.


*We acknowledge that extenuating circumstances do occur. Please communicate with me and we will gladly work with individual students/families to find a solution to individual performance attire needs.


Please return the below portion for a graded assignment, worth 20 points, due Thursday/Friday Sept. 3/4, 2015.

I, ______, and my parent/guardian, ______, have read and understand the MCS Music Handbook and agree to abide by all of policies within it.

Student ______Parent/Guardian ______Date______


Phone: ______

Preferred email: ______

May we use this email to contact you about grades, upcoming events, etc.? Yes / No