
Springwood Park, Kelso



from 7pm – 9pm



from 10am – 4pm

Presentation of cups and prizes at 2pm on

Saturday 9th November 2013


Show Convenor

Mrs. Anne Cochrane, 5 Kingsland Avenue, Selkirk TD7 4AS

(Tel: 01750 21026)


Mrs. Helen Cessford, 4 Renwick Gardens, Morebattle, Kelso TD5 8QB

(Tel: 01573 440297 )

Joint Secretaries

Mrs. Helen Moffat, 2 Ruletownhead Farm,

Bonchester Bridge, Hawick TD9 8TG

(Tel: 01450 860709)

Mrs. Margot Hastie, 46 South Port, Selkirk TD7 4AR

(Tel: 01750 20680)


Mrs. Janette Stenhouse, Linton Downs, Kelso TD5 8AF

(Tel: 01573 440288)

Staging Convenor

Mrs. Joan Duncan, 1 Woodside Cottage, Makerstoun, Kelso

(Tel: 01573 460256)

Assistant Staging Convenor

Mrs. Caroline Tullie, Bowanhill Farm, Teviothead, Hawick TD9 OLG

Institutes Assisting at Show

Ancrum, Appletreehall, Bedrule, Bowden, Broomlands,

Burnfoot, Cogsmill, Darrnick, Eckford, Edgerston, Heiton, Hermitage,

Langshaw, Makerstoun, Maxwellheugh and Mertoun

See back page for list of sponsors

Before submitting entries please read the rules and regulations

carefully on the inside back page of this schedule.

All entries displayed are at owner’s risk



INTER GROUP COMPETITION -“ Hooray for Hollywood”

Entry Fee £5

1. A sewn article in keeping with the theme (Any craft)

2. A poster or playbill in keeping with the theme

(can be computer generated) (Any craft)

3. A scarf (Any craft)

4. Free choice (Handcrafts)

5. A selection of handmade sweets (Housewives

6. A pre-theatre drink (Housewives)

7. A pedestal of flowers (Housewives)

8. Free choice (Housewives)

Free choice to be clearly marked. Maximum floor space allowed

8’ x 3’

Marks: 10 per item and 20 for layout. If possible one item from each Institute in the group.

NTER INSTITUTE COMPETITION – “Musical” ( stage or screen)
Entry Fee £3

1. 2 Handcrafts

2. 2 Housewives

3. Free choice (one item either Housewives or Handcrafts)

Free choice to be clearly marked. Space on table allowed 3’ width x 18” depth.

Please use alcoves already supplied. At least 4 members taking part.

Marks: 10 per item and 10 for layout.

Please note: Fresh flowers are Housewives and Silk flowers are Handcrafts


Entry Fee £2

A glove puppet made from recycled material - (at least 2 members taking part)



1. Knitted adult garment (pure wool)

2. Child’s garment with motif ( up to 5 years) (double knitting)

3. An article in 4 ply (any yarn)

4. A baby’s hat (to be donated) (any yarn)


5. A scarf (any yarn) - for those who have never won a prize (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in the craft classes at a Federation Show.


6. A crochet flower (fine crochet)

7. A crochet pram cover


8. Picture in cross stitch

9. Article in blackwork (any colour)

10. A small article in canvas work


11. An embroidered bookmark - for those who have never won a prize (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in the craft classes at a Federation Show.

Please state size on entry form for all above classes


12. An article in calico (state size on entry form)

13. A apron (plain sewing)

14. A small article for a sales table


15. A pin cushion - for those who have never won a prize (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in the craft classes at a Federation Show.


16. An article in felt

17. A decorated box

18. A handwritten first verse of a song from a musical or show

19. An article in a craft which is not eligible for any other handcraft

class (no plain sewing or knitting). Please state craft and approx. size on entry form.


20. A greetings card - for those who have never won a prize (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in the craft classes at a Federation Show.


21. A painting depicting “That’s Entertainment” (any medium and

not exceeding 24”)


22. A poster depicting “Show Time” (any medium and not

exceeding 24”) - for those who have never won a prize (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in the craft classes at a Federation Show.



23. A loaf of bread (breadmaker allowed)

24. 3 treacle oven scones

25. 3 potato scones

26. 3 choc chip cookies (recipe from Roxburghshire Federation Cook

Book page 30)

27. 3 gypsy creams

28. An apple tart on a plate

29. A plain gingerbread

30. 3 victoria sandwich cake (jam filled)

31. A sultana cake

32. 3 decorated cup cakes


33. 3 muffins - for those who have never won a prize (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in the baking classes at a Federation Show.


34. A filled vegetarian pancake

35. A wedge of quiche

36. A small bowl of pasta salad

37. A small fruit mousse

38. A wedge of cheesecake


39. An individual bowl of fruit salad – for those who have never won

a prize (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in the cooking classes at a Federation Show.


40. Jar of strawberry jam

41. Jar of rhubarb & ginger jam

42. Jar of jelly (any variety) (named)

43. Jar of marmalade

44. Small jar of lemon curd

45. Jar of chutney (any variety)(named)

46. Small bottle of homemade liqueur (named)

47. Jar of mincemeat


48. 4 pieces of turkish delight

49. 4 pieces of coconut ice

50. 4 chocolate truffles


51. 4 pieces of fudge - for those who have never won a prize (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in the sweet classes at a Federation Show.


Members aged 40 years and under

52. A fabric brooch (any craft)

Members aged 41-59 years

53. An existing hat decorated for a musical show

Members aged 60 years and over

54. Something new from something old


(no height restrictions)

55. An exhibit depicting a film or stage musical – alcoves 2’6” 56. An exhibit depicting “Phantom of the Opera” – not

exceeding 2’ (accessories allowed)

57. An exhibit in a teapot

58. An arrangement in an unusual container.


59. Pot-et-Fleur) - for those who have never won a prize (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in floral art at a Federation Show. Instructions are available from your Institute Secretary


60. Inter-Institute 4 photographs “Sunset or Sunrise” – displayed on a board maximum size 18” square (no less than 2 members taking part). Entry Fee £2

61. “Cats or Dogs” photograph – maximum size 7”

62. “An amusing photograph with caption” – maximum size 9”


Age under 10 years

63. A poster advertising a film

64. An edible necklace

Age 10 – 14 years

65. Design a CD cover

66. An individual pizza


1. Roxburghshire Federation SWRI Inter Group Cup to be awarded to the winner of the Inter Group Competition

2. Somerville Trophy to be awarded to the Institute winning the Inter Institute Competition

3. Lady Fairfax-Lucy Community Cup to be awarded to the Institute winning the Community Work Competition

4. Inter-Institute Cup for the Institute with 25 members and over to be awarded on percentage basis over all the classes

5. Inter-Institute Cup for the Institute with fewer than 25 members to be awarded on percentage basis over all the classes

6. Mary Palmer Douglas Cup for the highest aggregate in the Handcraft classes

7. Brooks Cup for the highest aggregate in Baking classes

8. Constance Gordon Cup for the highest aggregate in Preserves and Produce classes

9. Janet Warden Cup for the highest aggregate in the Floral Arrangement classes

10. Courtney Clarke Memorial Cup for members under 40 years of age (class 52)

11. Playfair Hannay Cup for the best individual exhibit in the Inter-Group Competition outwith the winning entry

12. Lilliesleaf Cup for the most outstanding exhibit in the Inter-Institute Competition (Judges choice)

13. Grierson Cup for the best exhibit in the Knitting and Crochet (classes 1


14. Constance Inglis Cup for the best exhibit in Handcraft (classes 8-21)

15. Jean Holmes Trophy for the best exhibit in Plain Sewing (class 13)

16. Linen Scroll for the best exhibit in the Embroidery (classes 8-11)

17. Joyce Menzies Cup for the best exhibit in Housewives (classes 23-32)

18. Isa Yeomans Memorial Trophy (class 28) ?

19. Anderson Salver for the best exhibit in Cooking (classes 34-38)

20. Silver Medal for the best Gingerbread (class 29)

21. Pickwell Salver for the highest aggregate in Sweets (classes 48-50)

22. Edna Young Memorial Trophy for best photograph in the photography

(classes 61-62)

23. Mary B Jamieson Trophy for the best exhibit in Novice Handcraft (class

20) ?

24. Anne Kennedy Cup for the best exhibit in the Novice Baking (class 33)

25. Shield for the best exhibit in the Novice Floral Arrangement (class 59)

26. Shield – Junior Section under 10 – for most points (classes 63-64)

27. Shield – Junior Section 10-14 years – for most points (classes 65-66)


The Show will be open on: Friday 8th November 2013 from 7pm to 9pm

Saturday 9th November 2013 from 10am to 4pm

Entry Fees

Individual Classes – 20p each

Group Competition - £5

Inter-Institute Competition - £3

Lady Fairfax-Lucy Competition - £2

Children’s classes – free – names to be sent to the Secretary

Class 60 - £2

ALL ENTRIES to be in the Hall by 12 noon on Friday 8th November 2013

REMOVAL between 4pm and 4.30pm on Saturday 9th November 2013 –

please bring REMOVAL TICKET (which will be issued with show labels).

Exhibits not claimed by 4.30pm will be disposed of.

1. Articles previously exhibited in a Federation Show are not eligible

2. One entry only per member per class

3. All articles exhibited are to be made or produced by the exhibitor with the exception of materials in classes 55, 56, 57, 58 & 59

4. The judges’ decisions are final

5. Labels will be issued and are to be filled in with name and institute and firmly attached to each entry. PRESERVE LABELS – each exhibitor kindly attach sticky label to the base of the jars (classes 40-47) with name and institute. Screw top lids allowed.

6. Removal cards will be issued. On these members should have their name and class numbers (if exhibit is not forward, cross out class number).

7. All entries in the baking section to be exhibited on DOILIES unless stated in the schedule and have labels firmly attached

8. Unless otherwise stated any material to be used for exhibit.

9. PRIZE MONEY should be collected from the Show Treasurer’s office by the Institute President or Institute Representative on Saturday between 2 & 3pm.

10. ENTRIES: All entries with fees. Cheques to be made payable to:-

ROXBURGHSHIRE SWRI SHOW A/c and be sent through the Institute Secretary to reach Show Secretary: Mrs. Margot Hastie, 46 South Port, Selkirk TD7 4AR no later than 19th October 2013.



11. ENTRIES: Please use a separate piece of paper for each member.