21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education

Life Basics

Human Services

Family and Consumer Sciences

Title: / Life Basics (WVEIS 0922)
Standard Number:
HS.S.BASE.1 / Leadership, Citizenship and Teamwork Skills
Students will demonstrate leadership, citizenship and teamwork skills required for success in the family, workplace and global community.
Essential Questions: / What do 21st Century skills mean in the context of a family?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
HS.O.BASE.1.1 / assess factors involved in successful leadership skills, citizenship traits and teamwork traits. / Determine what skills and traits are developed in the family that impact citizenship and teamwork.
Have students create a brainstorm list of good leadership traits and skills. Discuss reasons why we need good leaders.
HS.O.BASE.1.2 / apply leadership, citizenship and teamwork skills as an integral part of classroom activities. / Have students set-up a student organization board of directors, elect class officers, select standing committees, and learn about parliamentary law procedures. Develop a family related project that utilizes the abilities and skills of all class members.
Standard Number:
HS.S.BASE.2 / Personal Development/Family Relationships
Students will
·  analyze needs in developing a positive self-identity.
·  evaluate effective conflict prevention and management techniques.
Essential Questions: / How can I be my best self?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
HS.O.BASE.2.1 / examines how an individual’s roles and personal traits influence the development of their self-concept. / Explain how all people are similar and different, explain the importance of heredity and acquired characteristics.
As partners, have students complete a graphic organizer that use two intersecting circles. Directions: Write names on the lines above each circle. Inside of the circle, describe yourself. Include unique characteristics (personality, physical traits, likes/dislikes). If the classmates share the same characteristic, write the name of the commonly shared characteristic in the box labeled both. Compare different and shared characteristics.
Find lessons on character education at: http://www.goodcharacter.com/MStopics.html
HS.O.BASE.2.2 / examine the factors that develop a positive self image. / Explain “self concept” and how we can build a positive self- concept and explain constructive criticism. Define attitude; describe the importance of a positive attitude; describe the influence of values on actions; explain the importance of responsible actions.
Use the Intel Thinking Tools to examine positive qualities of a positive self image. Have students defend their rankings. http://www.intel.com/education/tools/ Search for the plan “character education” already available. Sample list of positive qualities:
good judgment
Have students use vertically divided paper or write on board, the following statements in one column:
I wish I could make new friends easily.
I wish I were talented.
I wish I could get perfect scores on tests.
I wish I were taller.
I wish I were better at saving money.
I never read just for fun.
In the opposite column, write a more positive statement. Students could do this activity as part of a powerpoint.
Define intelligences and define personality, explain how personality develops and consider how different personalities are needed for specific careers. Have students research Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences and determine where they best fit.
HS.O.BASE.2.3 / demonstrate appropriate etiquette in social situations. / Demonstrate how to arrange a correct table setting and identify appropriate table manners. Role play appropriate behavior in common social settings.
http://www.emilypost.com/ Definitive information on etiquette and table setting
http://www.fekids.com/img/kln/flash/DontGrossOutTheWorld.swf Don’t Gross Out the World!
http://www.mannersinternational.com/etiquette_tips_table.asp Q&A for manners
://www.soyouwanna.com/site/syws/tablemanners/tablemanners.html Improving table manners
HS.O.BASE.2.4 / predict how the development characteristic changes in early adolescence influence an individual’s self-image. / Examine the developmental changes that occur in early adolescence. Consider how those changes impact self image. Have students brainstorm some gender stereotypes, find examples in popular culture, and discuss how the stereotypes affect their lives. Lesson plans may be found at “He Said, She Said. http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesson_view.asp?id=287”
Lesson plans on health related concerns for adolescents are found at http://school.discoveryeducation.com including plans on culture and obesity, eating disorders.
HS.O.BASE.2.5 / analyze roles and responsbilities in relationships. / Examine the meaning of friendship; examine reasons why relationships including friendships change. Have students write scripts and role play scenarios in which these meanings are depicted.
Explain the influence that peers have on one another; differentiate between positive and negative influences of peer pressure. List some positive and negative peer influences, and then decide how you would handle the negative peer pressure. Practice ways to handle peer pressure.
Brainstorm reasons why conflict occurs; describe ways to prevent conflicts; explain how conflicts can be resolved and practice peer mediation techniques.
In groups of 2-3, have students develop a brochure to share with the class on conflict management. Have the students use Microsoft word and include graphics/clip art, and two different fonts. The brochures should include information on: causes of conflict, preventing conflicts, ways to resolve conflicts using communication and compromise, and avoiding conflicts.
HS.O.BASE.2.6 / determine strategies for coping with assigned adolescent problems. / Role play verbal communication and demonstrate non-verbal communication skills are expressed in ways that promote positive communication. Have 5 groups of students develop a list of qualities that enhance interpersonal relationships. Compare the lists; the group may revise their list. Each group will create a poster, powerpoint or video that reflects a specific quality that is needed in order to get along with other people.
In small groups, assign a life change to each group. Have the groups discuss how they would handle this life change using the strategies for adjusting to change that are listed below. Have each group present their life change and how they would handle it.
Life Changes:
1.  Sibling leaves home for college or marriage
2.  New room
3.  Parents get divorced
4.  Dad or Mom remarries
5.  New sibling
6.  A grandparent dies
7.  A grandparent moves in with you at home
HS.O.BASE.2.7 / analyze the relationship between rights, roles, and responsibilities of family members. / Examine the types of family structures; explain the function of the family as a basic unit of society; explain the importance of family traditions, and explore healthy long term relationships. Read “Children’s Bill of Rights” and discuss how those have changed in families throughout written history. Discuss the roles, responsibilities, and rights of each family member.
Have students interview several family members to gather stories and traditions of the family. Write a short essay describing some of the stories or family’s traditions include special foods or holidays.
Lesson plan on “Exploring and Sharing Family Stories” is found at http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesson_view.asp?id=805
Develop a task list of work that must be done in families. Have students develop a mock family and assign the members tasks.
In small groups, have students work through a Haitian family’s struggle to be successful:
Ayiti: The Cost of Life http://www.unicef.org/voy/explore/rights/explore_3170.html Discuss what is necessary for a happy life in any culture.
Plan activities that families can do together. Identify some jobs around the house that family members can do together and some recreational activities. Have students choose an activity and complete the activity as a family. Write a reflection about the experience. Discuss the variety of experiences and the richness of those experiences. Note: Be sensitive to students for whom this activity may be difficult to accomplish.
Standard Number:
HS.S.BASE.3 / Management Skills
Students will analyze strategies in managing resources to attain goals.
Essential Questions: / How do I best manage my life?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
HS.O.BASE.3.1 / apply the elements in an effective management process. / Divide the students into teams of four and ask each team to appoint a student evaluator. Explain that each team represents a company and that the results of the activity will determine which company gets the boat building contract and remains in business. Explain that each team will be given 30 minutes to complete the boat building instructions. At the end of 30 minutes, teams will be evaluated on quantity (the number of boats they build in the allotted time), quality (the ability of the boats to float) and team effort (the results of the Team Rating Sheet to be completed by the student evaluator). Finally, explain that the winning team will be awarded the boat building contract. Discuss the process of determining the task, the workflow, the timeframe, choosing who does each task, assessing the quality of the work, and analyzing the actions steps involved. Resource materials available.
HS.O.BASE.3.2 / articulate the difference in the meaning of values, goals and priorities. / Discuss the meaning of value, goals, and priorities. Have students give examples.
HS.O.BASE.3.3 / relate the importance of values in making personal decisions. / Discuss the meaning of “values”. Why are values important is decision making?
HS.O.BASE.3.4 / utilize decision making strategies. / Role play specific circumstances and determine a response. Have students develop the scenarios and options with your guidance. Role play several options.
Utilize the Intel Thinking Tool: Visual Ranking to
let students determine what value they place on these factors in career selection. Find the available plan at http://wvde.state.wv.us/intel/thinking_files.htm
Go to “Sample Units” to find “ Choosing a Career”
List of factors to consider:
Work Environment
Work Schedule
Work Tools (computers, hammers, etc)
Personal Interest
Mental workload
Physical workload
Work with People
Work with Objects
HS.O.BASE.3.5 / apply an effective use of material resources. / Identify the natural resources in the environment; describe ways to conserve natural resources, and list ways to use energy wisely.
HS.O.BASE.3.6 / design an effective use of resource management. / Identify a project or improve the environment and develop plans to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Use the FCCLA events for a project.
HS.O.BASE.3.7 / apply effective management of resources available to an individual. / In small groups, have students complete a research project about the environment’s available natural resources.
1.  Select a natural resource to explore.
2.  Gather information about the resource:
3.  Availability
4.  Cost
5.  Rate of use globally and in USA
6.  Abundance or shortage of natural resource
7.  Effects of pollution on or from natural resource
8.  Any health related problems for humans
Using the information, develop a presentation using visual aids.
Determine individual’s consequences on sustainability. http://sustainability.publicradio.org/consumerconsequences/
HS.O.BASE.3.8 / develop a budget. / Address this objective in activities for the appropriate standards and objectives.
HS.O.BASE.3.9 / determine how space can be used effectively. / Address this objective in activities for interior design.
Standard Number:
HS.S.BASE.4 / Nutrition and Wellness
Students will analyze the effects of nutrition on personal wellness.
Essential Questions: / What should I eat to be healthy?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
HS.O.BASE.4.1 / analyze the influence of culture on food choice and family traditions. / List factors that influence food choices;
describe how food affects the way people
feel and explain the difference between hunger and appetite.
HS.O.BASE.4.2 / analyze the influences on sound nutrition.
HS.O.BASE.4.3 / analyze sources of food and nutrition information, including food labels, related to health and wellness. / Explain the importance of planning ahead before shopping, describe how to make wise food choices and determine proper food storage methods.
Have students record what they eat for three days. Be sure to include any pop or snacks. At the end of three days, then utilize the Nutritional Analysis Tool program at http://www.nat.uiuc.edu/. Enter each day separately. The NAT works best if you enter the main food item without a lot of details. Enter the key food ingredients separately rather than the name of the meal item. Determine which vitamins that were deficient or over for each day, and the number of calories. Decide what changes are necessary in order to meet but not in excess of the daily recommended daily allowances. Write a brief summary of the evaluation and dietary recommendations.
HS.O.BASE.4.4 / apply various dietary guidelines in planning to meet nutrition and wellness needs. / List the six nutrients and explain the functions of
nutrients, determine foods that are sources of
nutrients, explain the functions of vitamins,
minerals and water in the human body, list the
foods that are good sources of vitamins and minerals, and identify the food groups and
serving sizes according to the Food Guide
Pyramid. Define the function for each nutrient. Draw or find a picture to illustrate the foods where each nutrient can be found. Develop a menu for a balanced meal; describe healthy snack choices and prepare healthy snacks.
HS.O.BASE.4.5 / investigate the relationship between food consumption, weight management, health, physical performance and appearance. / Examine the reason fitness is Important to good health, describe how exercise helps maintain fitness and describe ways to maintain a healthy weight.
Develop a realistic fitness plan to follow for 3-4 weeks. Keep a journal and record the types of fitness activities that are completed each day. Record results in a chart. Write a summary and evaluation of the activities.
HS.O.BASE.4.6 / analyze the effects of food and fad diets, food addictions, and eating disorders on wellness.
HS.O.BASE.4.7 / utilize the food pyramid to examine the essential nutrients and their function. / Demonstrate proper use of kitchen tools, demonstrate how to use and operate kitchen appliances safely.
HS.O.BASE.4.8 / demonstrate safety, sanitation, self-sufficiency and teamwork in the foods laboratory. / Identify the sources of foodborne illnesses, explain how to handle food safely and describe ways to keep the kitchen sanitary.
Utilize the From Farm to Table lessons designed for middle school students: http://foodsafety.psu.edu/nie/nie.html This excellent resource was developed by Penn State in partnership with other agencies. This is a complete curriculum that should be explored to determine how it best meets the needs of students.
Identify causes of common kitchen accidents, describe ways to prevent accidents in the kitchen and demonstrate how to use a fire-extinguisher.
Discuss how to work as a team in the school foods lab, prepare a work plan, and follow a work plan in the foods lab.