Graduate Affairs Committee


February 22, 2011

Present: Margaret Adamek, Beth Berghoff, Ben Boukai, Oliver Chen, Fred DiCamilla, Bob Dittmer, Patricia Ebright, George Edwards, Dominique Galli, Kathy Johnson, Kari Martin (sitting in for Barry Barker), Craig McDaniel, Jackie O’Palka, Fred Pavalko, David Peters, Sherry Queener, Simon Rhodes, Brittany Shea-Herbert, Sherry Sims, Dave Skalnik, Tony Stamatopolos, Jon Story, James Williams & James Wimbush.

Staff: David Koerner, Sue Wheeler & Beth Young

Guests: Sonja Rice

Approval of Minutes – Dr. Sherry Queener

Email: Beth Young ejmoody at iupui dot edu

IU Dean’s Report – Dr. James Wimbush

The IU Graduate School found out about three weeks ago that the AGEP funds have been reinstated. This is good news because previous initiatives like “Getting You Into IU” can be extended to IUPUI again. This has been a successful recruitment tool in the past & Dean Wimbush is pleased that this money can be used toward that.

The IU Graduate School has been looking at increasing mentorship opportunities in regards to academic and career development. They are hoping to find funding for a position that can assist the graduate & post doc students with these types of needs since they are currently not available at this time. If this is successful, they will look into extending this type of position to other campuses.

2010 Annual Report is now available. A limited amount of hard copies (100) will be available at the end of next week. The report is also available electronically & most should have gotten an email with the link by now. Although, they tried to cover all campuses, the report mainly covers IUPUI & IUB. Please notify IU Graduate School if you want a hard copy.

Purdue Dean’s Report – Dr. Jon Story

There are some Round Tables in progress with the Provost Office. One in particular concerns an increase in professional master programs. Another Round Table topic includes interdisciplinary work on campus.

Purdue Graduate School (PUGS) has currently found out that they will have additional space from the Interdisciplinary Office, which will put the entire graduate school in one location again.

PUGS is also studying program reviews & re-examining graduate faculty.

Associate Dean’s Report – Dr. Sherry Queener

Dr. Queener shared that the AGEP money received recently will allow the Graduate Office to look back at spending from last summer & give them more funding for more summer students.

The Graduate Office is still waiting for final permission to make an offer to the Assistant Dean position.

The office is hiring two Graduate Assistants to help alleviate some of the backlog that has happened due to a smaller staff in the Graduate Office.

Dr. Queener shared that the AGEP Money is primarily used for “Getting You into IU”, recruiting activities for minority institutions & Summer Research Opportunities.

Graduate Office Report – Mr. David Koerner

No report.

·  Recruitment Events – Ms. Sue Wheeler

o  Graduate Recruitment Council meeting monthly

§  Recent & Future Events:

·  Part-time/Evening Showcase – February 14th

·  Accelerate Acceptance: The Secrets to Graduate Admissions Speed Session – May 23rd

·  Graduate School Boot Camp – July 18th

·  Graduate Expo – September 21st

GPSG Report – Kari Martin

Kari Martin, Director of Communications & Marketing for the GPSG joined us in place of Barry Barker, GPSG President.

They are currently rebranding Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG). They have given away over 170 t-shirts to graduate students so far. They have also had two brochures printed: one is general information about the GPSG & the other is about their C3 efforts. They have created a Facebook & Twitter account along with creating a new website.

The Educational Enhancement Grant opens on March 1st & the deadline is March 18th.

Committee Business

Curriculum Subcommittee – Dr. Jackie O’Palka

Dr. O’Palka shared that the committee approved 16 course changes & 11 new courses the meeting held in January.

Next meeting: March 8th

Final meeting for the academic year: June 16th

Fellowship Subcommittee – Mr. David Koerner

Deadline for University Fellowship Application is February 23rd at 5pm. They will go out to committee members on Friday.

Program Review – Dr. Sherry Queener

We received proposals for Biology PhD & Chemistry PhD.


·  Commencement Dates

§  May 14th & 15th

§  IU School of Medicine event will be held on the 14th.

§  The main ceremony is May 15th. Fred Pavalko will be the Graduate School Marshall.

·  Update on Accreditation 2012

§  Student learning and effective teaching (Criterion Three) discussed from “The Criteria for Accreditation” handout.

i.  Deadline March 10th

·  Assessment – Principles of Graduate Learning

Old Business

·  Update on Degrees

o  Herron Tracks are approved.

o  Minor & Graduate Certificate in Translational Science are approved.

o  Masters in Translational Science is approved

o  IUPU-C Psychology – in remonstrance by IUB School of Education – passed by ALC

o  PhD in Urban Education – Stalled at ICHE

·  Update on Search & Screen Committee

o  School of Science Dean Search in late stages

o  University College Dean – 5 candidates being interviewed

o  Student Life Position – Search & Screen wrapped up yesterday

o  Center for Research & Learning – Rick Ward presenting on Tuesday, March 1st – 2pm UL 1116

Next Meeting

March 22, 2011

Meeting adjourned 2:43pm