2017 Active Achievers’ Country Week Awards

Please note in 2017 there will be no finalists selected or interviews held to assess winners. All nominees will be acknowledged at the Opening Ceremony. The nomination criterion for the award is listed below. It is not essential that nominees fulfil all the criteria - just as many as possible. The aim is to acknowledge a number of eligible school girls and boys.

1. Be actively involved in sport and/or physical activity.

·  This could be at a national, state or local level.

·  The nominee must be promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.

2. Be active within the school and/or community.

·  The nominee should be actively involved in their school and/or community. This can include, but is not limited to being involved outside school hours in school activities, community work, being a member of the Student Council, coach a local sporting team, or the Rock Eisteddfod, etc.

·  Please note that involvement in school and community activities is not limited to sport.

3. Be developing leadership qualities.

·  The nominee should be developing or already possess leadership qualities.

·  For example the nominee could be a member of the Student Council, a faction or house captain, Sportsfun leader, coach or holds some other position.

4. Is enthusiastic and puts 100% effort into tasks that they tackle.

·  This does not have to just be in sport, but could also be in their studies.

5. Be a role model and/or encourages others, either informally or through a recognised mentor role.

·  Many school girls and boys are not aware that they are a role model or leader and this Award often gives them an insight into this aspect of their activities. The Active Achievers Country Week Awards is an encouragement Award as well as acknowledging their achievements.

6. Represents their school in the 2017 School Sport WA Senior High School’s Country Week Carnival.

·  Represents their school in either one of the sports or debating

Although elite sports girls and boys are eligible for this Award, please note that the nominee does not have to be an elite athlete. In fact, the majority of past winners participated in sport and physical activity for fun and to remain active and healthy, but are not elite athletes.

If you have any queries regarding the criteria, please phone Lynda Merritt at School Sport WA on

9264 5725 or email