In this issue….
4-H Leaders Council Meeting
4-H Livestock Leaders Council
Entry Deadline
2006 Fair Judges
Drug Withdrawal Certificate
Livestock Auction
Rules of Two Animals
4-H Uniforms
Rules Governing Still Exhibits
There will be a 4-H Leaders Council Meeting on Thursday, February 5, 2006, 7:00p.m. at the Farm Bureau Auditorium, 1000 Broadway, in El Centro, CA.
The tentative agenda will consist of how much money should 4-H clubs get from the barbecue fundraiser. At our last council meeting it was voted that 4-H clubs receive 50% in return for their ticket sales. Even though, it was voted on, we need to amend that vote. Our council treasurer advises us against giving out a 50% payout. She plans to introduce a new proposal. Be sure to have your voting representative present.
With the fair around the corner March 3, 2006, we need to set up working committees for our still exhibits projects.We are in dire need of volunteer help. Volunteers are needed to check-in and display judged projects.
All community leaders and their voting representatives are urged to attend this very important meeting!
What:Livestock Leaders Meeting
When:February 19, 2006
Where:Livestock Entry Office
Calif. Mid-Winter Fair & Fiesta
Tentative agenda will consist of working committees, assignments, pen assignments, and livestock judges for the 2006 Fair. All 4-H livestock leaders and voting representatives are urged to attend this meeting!
The date to remember is February 10, 2006, 4:00p.m. This is the date and time when entries close. All entries must be received at the fair-entry office by that time. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Remember one check per club will be accepted at the entry office. No cash please.
Bedding – will be the same as in years past. All livestock must be bedded in clean wood shavings. The Junior Livestock Foundation will provide shavings for all exhibitors.
Please note: Several contracts are pending.
Steven MedeirosBeef
Derek AcevedoSheep
Marty RoppSwine
Donna ElkinsPygmy Goats
Richard SwansonRabbit
Valerie JumpCavy
Donita BlalockPoultry
Anne SmithDog Showmanship
Don DyerDairy Cattle & Junior Breeding Beef
Sandi LiskaGoat
Animals will be weighed at times listed in each division. No wet or overly stress/fatigued animals will be permitted across scale at the time of weigh-ins. The weigh-in judge/livestock superintendent has final say. There will be no changes, coming back, or debuting after animal leaves scale.
All animals will be admitted on to the fairgrounds on Thursday, March 2, 2006 from 2:00pm – 4:00pm for beef and dairy cattle. Feeder calves weigh ins start at 4:00pm to 7:00pm. For sheep and goats from 2:00pm to 7:00pm. Market swine will weigh in on Friday, March 3, 2006 from 6:00am to 12noon.
Only Gold Ribbon Animals will be seen in the large animal auction. Blue/Red ribbon animals will sell in the barn. All animals receiving white ribbons are to be removed from the fairgrounds.
There will be two livestock auctions:
*Small Animal Auction will be held on Friday, March 10, 2006. It will consist of feeder calves, poultry, cavies, and rabbits.
*Large Animal Auction will be held on Saturday, March 11, 2006. All large animals’Grand swine, sheep, beef, and Reserve Market Champions shall be processed and may not be exhibited at other fairs.
Read your 2006 Exhibitors Handbook.Get up-to-date information on animal sifting rules for beef, horse, sheep, swine and junior market goats.
A reminder for all – only one pig-walker per ten (10) pigs will be allowed on the fairgrounds and each pig walker must be labeled with club name and registered at time of entry.
Market beef, lamb, goat, swine and Holstein feeder calf limits. Each exhibitor may show two market animals, but not two animals of the same species. Exhibitors will be allowed to pre-register and enter two animals each of two species (paying the appropriate entry fee) however; only one animal of each specie may be bought to the fair. Market beef and Holstein feeder calves are the same specie.
4-H exhibitors must wear the official uniform of their organization while showing their 4-H animal projects. The official uniform to be worn by all exhibitors showing at fairs and livestock shows shall consist of white shirt, with green tie or scarf, white pants/shirt, and approved 4-H cap.
Still Exhibits project will be received at the Ben Hulse (Hulsienda) Bingo building. Foods are due on Monday, February 27, 2006, 7:30am to 9:30am and other Still exhibits projects are due on Monday, February 27th, 3:00pm to 7:00pm.
Junior High Point Awards
1st place in each division – Rosette
The High Point is a department award. Points are calculated for each ribbon earned by individual exhibitors within each of the following departments:
- Special Displays
- Aerospace/Rocketry
- Photography
- Arts & Crafts
- Foods & Nutrition
- Food Preservation
- Clothing & Textiles
- Home Furnishings
- Fine Arts
- Hobbies
- Ornamental Horticulture
- Fruit & Vegetable Plants
- Biological Science
- Industrial Arts
Junior Sweepstakes Awards
1st 2nd3rd
$25 & Plaque $15.00$10.00
The Sweepstakes Award is an overall award and is presented to the junior exhibitor who ranked highest in the above listed departments.
1. Muffins, cookies, biscuits and rolls must be entered on plain white paper plates of the smallest size that will accommodate the exhibit.
2. If exhibit was frozen before the fair, include information underneath the plate.
3. Decorated Cake – Can be entered under Foods and Nutrition. If edible,cakes decorated on a Styrofoam base must be entered in Arts & Crafts.
4. Pies and pastry shells must be baked and entered in "throw away" aluminum pans.
5. Bake bread far enough ahead of entry, to allow it to cool thoroughly before wrapping. Bread wrapped hot will be soggy. Remember, fruit breads and nut breads need to develop their flavor, so plan on making them one or two days ahead of time.
6. Bring only the amount of food making up an exhibit. Check the Exhibitor's Handbook for amounts. Any entry which does not conform to the amounts, mentioned to make up an exhibit, would not be judged.
7. All foods must be wrapped. Cover all foods securely with zip lock bags.
All entries must be labeled with the following information:
Members entering HOT orCOLD items must provide the means to keep them at the proper temperature. Perishable foods may be taken home by members following judging.
Food preservation items must be properly labeled and sealed. Check food preservation manual for proper labeling of canning exhibits and use of sealing methods. If contents of jar were taken from a batch, include this information on a separate label (masking tape). Refer to the Exhibitors Handbook for specific information required by the fair.
All garments, laundry bags, aprons, etc. must be on hangers. Garments and articles must be ready for the exhibit at the time of entry. Items must be cleaned, neat and ironed. If the garment has been mended, make sure it has been done neatly. If you have a question about a garment, i.e., fabric printed off the grain, a permanent stain, flaw, etc., attach a note to the garment for the judge.
Any garment, which has
been worn and turned
in without being cleaned,
will not be judged.
All garments and articles must have been made as a 4-H project and must have been made within one year of the fair.
All garments constructed pre-assembled kits must be accompanied by the information.
Printed identification labels are available for fabric items. Masking tape is sufficient for all other as a label. Label must contain name, club, age and year in project and must be placed on back or bottom of entry.
Home Furnishing articles of fabric must be cleaned and well pressed. It is helpful to cover cloth items, i.e., quilt, curtain, etc., in plastic to help protect them from soil before they are judged. Entry limit information can be found in the Exhibitors Handbook.
See Exhibitors Handbook. 4-H members enrolled in recognized 4-H projects, for which no other competition is offered, are eligible to enter in this category. However, if competition is offered elsewhere, entry in this category shall not be permitted.
4-H members are encouraged to enter a poster depicting some aspect of their project. This is particularly helpful for those projectswhich have few tangible exhibits (i.e. leadership).
See Exhibitors Handbook for entry amounts and classes.