Audax UK Organisers’ and Mentors’ Guidelines
Further help or advice is obtainable from Sheila Simpson,
or 33 Hawk Green Road, Marple SK6 7HR 0161 449 9309
Foreword, AUK Events and Calendar Events, Ride Regulations, Mentor and Organiser systems: 2
Riding and Organising Mentors 3
The Event Secretaries 4
AUK Organisers 5
New Organisers 6
The Event Planner 7
Unavoidable alterations to your event, Cancellations, Advertising Your Event 9
From a Germ to a Route, What is a Good Route? Timing, 10
Linear Routes, Circular Routes, Variation of Distance for Riders 11
Start Points, 12
Finish Points, Categories of AUK Registered Event 13
Intermediate Control Points: Fixed controls, Check Points, Information Controls 14
Route Measuring, Calibrating Autoroute for Cycle Routes 15
Risk Assessment 16
How Many Helpers will I Need? 17
The Route Sheet 18
Entries and Enquiries, Parental Consent, Non-members, Temporary Membership, Ordering Cards 20
The Event, Pre-Event Ride, Start Sheet, Brevet Cards, On-the-line Entries, Equipment Checks 21
On the Ride, The Finish, Accident Reports 22
The Results Sheet and Organisers’ Return, Thanks to Helpers, Final Touches Validation 23
Financial Support for Events 24
Fees, Insurance Membership, Renewal, CTC DA/Section events 25
Press 26
Audax Altitude Award 27
Complaints, Child Protection 30
A Brief Timeline, a summary of procedures through the year 31
Compiled by Sheila Simpson, Peter Coulson and Francis Cooke on behalf of the AUK Committee.
Errata/updates appear in Arrivée, Events pages, and also AUK’s website www.audax.uk.net
These guidelines should be read in conjunction with the AUK Members’ Handbook. They are not designed to be read at a single sitting or to apply, in their entirety, to all events calendared with AUK.
By running an event you agree to comply with AUK Regulations, supply all details by the required time and to send all cards and forms to Validation within two weeks of the event. Please let the Validators or Events Sec know if there will be a delay, as we might be able to help you.
Audax UK Events and Calendar Events:
Audax UK organises few events. Exceptions are the Annual Reunion with its AGM and associated Dart rides, and the Permanent Events.
AUK calendars events organised by clubs, CTC Sections and DAs who agree to organise to AUK Regulations. These regulations are based on International Ride Rules formulated by Audax Club Parisien and recognised by the member countries of the Randonneurs Mondiaux. AUK also keeps records of successful riders of these events in the UK and maintains award schemes for series of successful rides.
AUK Ride Regulations:
1. Conform with the international ride regulations of Audax Club Parisien, to some degree.
2. Encourage riders to maintain sensible touring speeds during an event.
3. Encourage riders to take adequate rest and refreshment during an event.
The AUK Mentor system:
Provides a source of experience and information for training new and inexperienced Organisers:
1. In cycle touring and the AUK system.
2. In organising an event.
AUK Organiser Levels:
1. Establish a body of proven experienced Organisers.
2. Ensure new and inexperienced Organisers have access to training at the appropriate level.
Riding and Organising Mentors
All experienced AUK members, who are current or recent riders or organisers, are asked to provide advice and help, when requested, to new organisers. This is the Mentor system, which makes explicit the help that has always been available within cycling clubs.
New Organisers must have first-hand experience of riding events organised under AUK regulations, or, in the case of spouses and close friends, second-hand experience from helping or controlling.
Where cycling experience is lacking, the new organiser needs the opportunity to question an experienced rider. This is the Riding Mentor.
The Riding Mentor is a current AUK rider, at or above the proposed event distance, who is available to:
1. Discuss what the riders expect to happen before, during and after your event.
2. Explain AUK technical terms &/or give guidance as to where further information can be obtained.
3. Discuss your choice of route and controls.
4. Ride your route and check your route sheet and distances.
5. Discuss a risk assessment for your event, based on riding the route.
NB The responsibility of the Riding Mentor is limited to advice based upon experience; the Organiser has sole responsibility for assessing and accepting or rejecting that advice.
A New Organiser who has ridden a couple of AUK calendar events and is capable of riding the proposed routes is not required to name a Riding Mentor but is required to name an Organising Mentor who has recent experience of organising at or above the required level (within the last five seasons).
The Organising Mentor is a current or very recent Organiser who is available to:
1. Advise on procedures at the start, finish and controls.
2. Help you to understand how the AUK system works.
3. Advise on the suitability of your route and controls from your marked-up map.
4. Advise on the risk assessment for your event.
5. Guide you through the on-line Event Planner.
NB The responsibility of the Organising Mentor is limited to advice based upon experience; the Organiser has sole responsibility for assessing and accepting or rejecting that advice.
An established Level 1 or 2 Organiser who wishes to organise longer events needs an experienced Organising Mentor at the longer distance, since planning a route and controls which are suitable for use day and night and covering the wide range of times available for the slowest and fastest riders, requires extra skills. Level 2 event Organisers requiring a Level 3 Organising Mentor should enquire of their Event Secretary.
The Event Secretaries
Where you live will define your Event Secretary, see above map. Please communicate by email if possible:
1. Scotland and Northernmost English counties: Lucy McTaggart,
30 Victoria Street, Galashiels, Scottish Borders TD1 1HL. 01896 758 181
2. North and East Midlands (and general enquiries): Sheila Simpson,
33 Hawk Green Road, Marple SK6 7HR 0161 449 9309
3. Wales and the Midlands: Danial Webb,
77 Wood Lane, Harborne, Birmingham B17 9AY 0121 241 9853
4. Southwest England: Ian Hennessey,
8 Nap View, Awliscombe, Honiton EX14 3PL. 01404 46993
5. Southeast England: Andy Uttley,
19 Kings Chase, Willesborough Lees, Ashford, Kent TN24 0LQ. 01233 661 462
AUK Organisers
All Organisers should familiarise themselves and keep up to date with Regulations, as published annually in the Handbook, and the Guidelines and Notes published in Arrivée.
Organisers of events in the 2003 Calendar were accepted by AUK as follows:
Level 1 Organisers administered calendar events up to and including 300 km (no night on the road).
Level 2 Organisers administered calendar events of 400 to 600 km (one night on the road).
Level 3 Organisers administered calendar events of over 600 km (two or more nights on the road).
(note that the distances referred to are all standard distances ie a 600 km is up to 699 km)
Qualifications for registration as a new or upgraded AUK Organiser from May 2003:
Level 1 Organisers organise AUK Calendar events up to and including 300 km with responsibility for the administration of those events.
1. They are over 18 years of age and and have been AUK members for at least a year.
2. They have experience of riding at least 2 AUK Calendar events or have a named AUK Riding Mentor.
3. A new Level 1 Organiser is also helped by an Organising Mentor of Level 1 or higher.
Level 2 Organisers organise AUK Calendar events up to and including 600 km.
1. They are over 20 years of age and and have been AUK members for at least a year.
2. They have successfully administered events at Level 1 for at least two consecutive seasons/years.
3. They have experience of riding AUK Calendar events up to and including 600 km, or have a named AUK Riding Mentor.
4. A new Level 2 Organiser is also helped by an Organising Mentor of Level 2 or higher.
Level 3 Organisers organise AUK Calendar events of over 600 km.
1. They are over 20 years of age and and have been AUK members for at least a year.
2. They have successfully administered events at Level 2 for at least two consecutive seasons/years.
3. They have experience of riding AUK Calendar events of 1000 km or more, or have an AUK Riding Mentor.
4. A new Grade 3 Organiser is also helped by an Organising Mentor of Level 3 or more.
New Organisers
The first time that you organise an event, you are asked to provide evidence of your reliability and familiarity with the AUK ethos. To do this, ask your Event Secretary for, the Form for New or returning Organisers. This will ask you to provide:
1. (a) the name of a cycling club or other recognised organisation, which can vouch for your reliability.
(b) the signature of an official of that organisation and the official position held.
2. Your AUK membership number.
(Both you and your Riding Mentor, if one is required, must have been AUK Members for a full season.)
3. Either evidence of 2 Brevet de Randonneur events you have ridden.
Or the name of a Riding Mentor and evidence of Brevet de Randonneur events they have ridden.
To organise a Brevet Populaire, only evidence of BPs need be given.
Events of a standard distance over 200 km are not usually accepted from a new Organiser but exceptions may be made if you are taking over an existing event particularly if a previous Organiser is acting as Mentor and you have the backing and support of an experienced organisation.
Return your Form for New or returning Organisers to your Event Secretary who will either:
A. Create a ‘dummy’ event in your name in the on-line Event Planner (see page 7) or
B. Duplicate, in your name, the existing event which you are taking over
In the case of A. (a new event) you must go to the Event Planner and fill in the names of the villages or towns that you propose as control points for your event. These are placed so as to ensure the integrity of your distance, to within 2-5%, depending on the terrain, and will be checked in Autoroute or ViaMichelin.
Provided that the process above is satisfactory, you will be accepted as an AUK Organiser Level 1.
NB When contacting Mentors, please remember that they are unpaid volunteers and email is the usual method of communication. When writing, include a stamped self-addressed envelope. When telephoning please do not ask for return phone calls.
Established Organisers wishing to Organise at a Higher Level:
To register an event, which requires that you increase your level, please provide, on the Form for New or returning Organisers (see page 3):
1. (i) Either evidence that you have ridden at or above the distance you propose to organise.
(ii) Or the name of a suitably qualified Riding Mentor, along with evidence of experience
2. The name of a suitably qualified Organising Mentor. (ie someone who has organised an event at or above the grade that you require).
The Event Planner
From 2007, new Organisers must be able to register their events on-line and established organisers, without Internet access, are recommended to find a friend or relation who can help. The on-line system is automated so can seem inflexible but it is an open and even-handed system that has advantages for us all. It is worthwhile persevering and becoming familiar with the various facilities. As a last resort, established organisers can contact their regional Events Secretary for help.
For access:
1. Go to Organiser’s Gateway in the AUK web site: www.audax.uk.net/official/gateway/
2. Enter using your AUK membership number and password
3. Go to Event Planner (in the red left hand side bar)
4. Your existing events are listed – you can view the Calendar entry by clicking on the start place, or more importantly you can EDIT your event by clicking on the event number.
5. To create a new event either:
A. To repeat an event, click on the event number, as if you were going to edit that event, go to the Main Edit page and use the Duplicate this Event blue link. Or
B. Go to Add New Event in the grey left hand sidebar
6. In the new event’s pages, you will find some details have been added for you automatically – simply check them and alter if required &/or add further details
7. Then check that everything is compete and to your satisfaction in the following pages:
A. Main Edit page – this is most of the info that appears in the Calendar
B. Edit Address Info – including optional event phone number
C. Setup Controls
D. View Brevet Card – this is what we will print - is everything complete and making sense?
E. Risk Assessment – your event cannot take place without an RA
F. View Calendar – this is what we will print - is everything complete and making sense?
G. Add/Edit Extra Info – notes, weblinks, route/GPS upload, card logo, etc
H. Paypal – if you have a Paypal account, you can opt for online event entry
In the planning stage, organisers can see what other organisers are proposing for the next season (but of course they can’t edit each other’s events!).
A certain amount of etiquette is required and we suggest that you check the previous year’s events when choosing a new date for your next year’s event - if necessary, contacting fellow organisers with whom you clash (by date, geographic proximity, or whatever). Your Event Secretary will only intervene if individuals cannot sort themselves out amicably.
Note that you cannot register an event without a date. If you are uncertain of your event date, use a possible date and leave a note to say that the date is provisional in the Organiser’s Notes box, preferably with alternative dates. You can use the Planner to check for possible date clashes with existing planned events.
For New Events you must provide: