Secure First Program

This program is designed solely to provide Housing First clients with the possibility of accessing a onetime grant to assist with first month’s rent and/or security deposit. The maximum amount available will be up to $1000 per rent payment and $1000 per security deposit. It is important that when applying for this benefit that the agency assesses carefully the necessity and reasonable amount required. Please do not submit for the maximum amount just because that is what is available. None of the money will go into the pocket of the client anyway and is only paid directly to the landlord so the extra money would not benefit the client. But if the client is able to pay some toward their first month’s rent and/or security deposit then we should work with them to budget for it and therefore not request the full amount available. That way we can help additional people with the amounts not requested.


  1. The client must reside within the Lethbridge city limits
  2. Have confirmed denial of extra benefit for same purpose from Alberta Works or AISH
  3. Can be under 18 with valid rent report from landlord
  4. Have confirmed follow up support from Housing First team
  5. Valid need for a onetime benefit of this kind.


Again this is a two step process.

Step 1: Referral Letter

This letter is to first be submitted to the CBO (City) to myself and copied to Vlessy and should include the following information.

  1. Name of the client needing the benefit
  2. Amount being requested and whether it is for first month’s rent or security deposit or both
  3. Address and landlord of the home in which the client will be residing.
  4. Indication that a rent report has been obtained and if not when it will be obtained.
  5. Reason for needing the benefit
  6. Indication that the client is unable to access a similar benefit from Alberta Works or AISH
  7. Amount of traditional verifiable income and the sources(do not include nontraditional or illegal types of income)
  8. Signature of the agency team lead and place for signature from the City

Step 2: Application Package

This package can be completed while waiting for approval of the referral letter or before. Once completed it should be delivered in person to Cathy Switzer preferably at the Thursday Interagency Case Consultation but if that is not possible then directly at LHA. The package should include:

  1. Completed LHA rent supplement application (check with Cathy to see if one exists and if not download from LHA website)
  2. Fully signed referral letter
  3. Release of information for sharing about the client between LHA and the Housing First agency.
  4. Proof of income (stubs including Alberta Works and AISH)
  5. 1 source of valid ID (required within 30 days of submitting application if not available at time of application)
  6. Rent report from landlord and landlord name and contact information
  7. Confirmation of denial of similar benefit from Alberta Works and AISH where applicable

Again, remember this is a one time benefit. If the client moves from that location and the client had received a security deposit as part of this benefit, LHA must be informed of the move and the security deposit must be returned to LHA by the landlord. Therefore it is important to ensure that if the client is thinking about moving, they are preparing for paying a security deposit in their new location.