Agfa Graphics bringsnext generation thermal plate systemto Drupa 2016

Always innovating, Agfa Graphics announces itsnew generationthermal plates solution:

  • Energy Elite Eco, Agfa Graphics’ latest no-bake, long-run thermal printing platethat combines increased performance with significant advantages in terms of ecology, economy and convenience.
  • Arkana smart processing technology tosignificantly reduce the use of chemicalsandotherresources.

Mortsel, Belgium – May 31, 2016

At drupa, Agfa Graphics underlines its commitment to sustainable innovation that focuses on ecology, economy, and extra convenience, coined ECO³ aiming at the development of cleaner and cost-effective solutions that are easier to operate and maintain, both for chemistry-free and for conventional plate systems.

Energy Elite Eco

Thanks to its innovative dual-layer coating technology, Energy Elite Eco is a remarkably robust printing plate that eliminates the need for any pre- or post-baking. Its technology also features high sensitivity for future-proof compatibility with all high-speed thermal platesetters.The plate offers a run length of up to 600,000 prints (or up to 150,000 copies using UV ink) for a variety of applications and print conditions. Even in harsh environments, itaffordsphotorealistic imaging quality, supporting up to 340lpi Sublima and FM10 screening technologies. Energy Elite Eco provides printers with consistent results at 1-99% dot resolution, without dot loss.

“The Energy Elite Eco technology enables a wide press latitude in both sheet-fed, heatset and UV Packaging printing, ensuring excellent lithographic performance, fast restarts, low dampening levels, fast roll-up, and a stable ink-water balance,” explains Eddy De Dobbeleer, Marketing Manager, Thermal Plate Systems. “But what’s more, this new printing plate fits into Agfa Graphics’ ECO3 framework. ECO3 stands for more ecology, more economy and extra convenience in operating both chemistry-free and conventional plate systems. In standard processors, Energy Elite Eco effects a 25% decrease in waste production. In addition, the plate allows for a longer bath life, much easier processor maintenance and longer runlength on press.”


The new Agfa Graphics Arkana smart processor features a small developer tank, drastically lowering the replenishment rates andconsiderably reducing the use of chemicals. In addition by deploying Agfa Graphics’ patented gum cascade system, Arkana no longer requires water for plate rinsing. Instead, the cascaded gum has a dual function, cleaning the plate and protecting the plate with a finishing layer.

“All in all, the new processing technologyeliminates the total amount of rinse water and produces up to 50% lesscollectable waste compared to other systems on the market”, De Dobbeleer said. “But that’s not all there is to Arkana. The long bath life drastically reduces maintenance frequency and the clean chemistry used in the system reduces maintenance time. The system can process up to 80 B1 plates per hour, thus offering the perfect solution for high-production, heavy-duty environments. Arkana saves printers both time and money by making operations more ecological and convenient.”

The optimal combination

The Energy Elite Eco plate is compatible with all standard processing equipment, yet performs optimally in combination with the advanced Arkana smart processor.

“When printers combine Energy Elite Eco with the Arkana processing technology they get maximum results in terms of ECO3,” De Dobbeleer concludes.

At the Agfa booth (hall 8) atDrupa 2016 the new thermal plate solution Arkana with Energy Elite Eco will be on display.

About Agfa

The Agfa-Gevaert Group is one of the world's leading companies in imaging and information technology. Agfa develops, manufactures and markets analogue and digital systems for the printing industry (Agfa Graphics), for the healthcare sector (Agfa Healthcare), and for specific industrial applications (Agfa Specialty Products). Agfa is headquartered in Mortsel, Belgium. The company is present in 40 countries and has agents in another 100 countries around the globe. The Agfa-Gevaert Group achieved a turnover of 2,646 million euros in 2015.

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About Agfa Graphics

Agfa Graphics offers integrated prepress solutions to the commercial printing industry, the newspaper printing and publishing industry and the sign and display, decoration and industrial inkjet printing industry. These solutions comprise consumables, hardware, software and services for production workflow, project and process management, cloud software and image processing.

Agfa Graphics is a worldwide leader with its computer-to-film, computer-to-plate, digital proofing and security solutions for commercial and packaging printers.

For newspaper markets Agfa Graphics is leading supplier of automation for printed and mobile publishing workflows.

Agfa Graphics has also developed a prominent position in the new segments of industrial inkjet. It offers a wide range of inkjet presses and a complete assortment of high-quality inks.


Paul Adriaensen

Agfa Graphics Press Relations Manager

tel. ++32 (0)3/444.3940

