Mamie P. Whitesides Elementary School

1565 Rifle Range Road

Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

Tel. (843) 849-2838

Fax (843) 849-2884

Gerrita Postlewait, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

Terri H. Nichols

Associate Superintendent of Schools

John E. Cobb

Executive Director
Elementary Learning Community

Cynthia Perez


Dear Whitesides Parents,

I am looking forward to an exciting year at Whitesides Elementary. As part of the school counseling program, I will continue to do monthly classroom guidance lessons that focus on character education and career awareness. All students will participate in classroom guidance. I will also do individual counseling. Students are typically referred to me by teachers, administrators, nurse, parents, or self-referral. If you would not like your child to be seen by me individually, please sign and return below. I will also be doing small group counseling on an as-needed basis. Parents will be notified by invitation for a child to participate in a small group. Parents who receive an invitation for their child will be required to sign the invitation in order for your child to participate. Additionally, as part of the counseling program, I will be coordinating school-wide programs such as Student of the Month, the Compliment Club, Red Ribbon Week, bully prevention, positive behavior program, and community outreach projects.

My goal through the school counseling program is to enhance the educational experience your child receives at Whitesides by helping your child grow academically, personally, and socially. I have an open door policy for students, parents, and teachers. I am available during school hours and by appointment. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to another wonderful year at Whitesides.


Amy Daniell, NBCT

School Counselor

843.849.2838 ext. 26641


Please sign and return only if you would not like your child to participate in individual counseling.


Child’s Name Teacher Parent Signature