Regular Session July 8, 2004

6:07 p.m. College Hill School Complex


Chairman Daniels called the meeting to order, followed by the Pledge led by Woodard Elementary School students, after which a moment of silence was observed. The following members were present: Shaw Daniels, Whitney Seaton, Edie Sutter, Walter Dycus, Judy Vick, Ricky Sims and Richard Thompson. Bill Muehlbauer, Talvin Barner, Charles Morrison and Vince Springer were absent.


Upon a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Ms. Vick, Board approved the Agenda.


G. C. (Kip) Reel was presented a plaque recognizing his service and commending him for his dedication

to Maury County Public Schools. He served as Business Manager, Interim Director and Director of Schools.

Retirees Supervisor of Teaching and Learning Ronnie Hines, Supervisor of Elementary Instruction Carol Turner and Payroll Clerk Associate Agnes Young were presented plaques of appreciation for their service to Maury County Public Schools and commended for their dedication.


Molly Hulen, MCEA President, speaking on behalf of the MCEA membership, reminded Board Members that employees of the Maury County Public School System were the only Maury County governmental employees who received no salary increase for the 2003-04 year and encouraged them to invest in the future by providing a competitive salary schedule for all employees.


Charles A. Ball, MD spoke regarding vending machine choices in system schools and expressed his appreciation to the administration for their willingness to work for positive nutritional changes for the

children of Maury County Public Schools.

There was discussion regarding the out-of-zone request from Cheryl Howell. Mr. Thompson’s motion to

allow the request failed for lack of a second. Ms. Howell asked the Board to consider her request as an accommodation to her under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act but stated she did not need any accommodation to do her job. The Board by default placed the child at the school to which she is zoned.

No action was taken regarding the out-of-zone request from Kim & Duke Morgan as they were not present.

Rachael M. Morgan stated she was withdrawing her out-of-zone request and was moving into the district.

No action was taken regarding the out-of-zone request from Juli N. Beck. She asked to be placed on the waiting list for the school of her choice.


Upon a motion by Mr. Thompson seconded by Mr. Sims, Board approved: Minutes (June 10, 2004 Special Called Meeting and June 10, 2004 Regular Meeting), Executive Committee Report approving request from South Nashville District Wayman Chapel A.M.E. Church to use the auditorium, cafeteria and B-10 rooms at SHHS June 19, 2004 from 8 am until 3 pm with the following use of facilities fees to apply:

8.5 hours @ $15 =$127.50 due and payable to Maury County Public Schools on or before the event, request from WXRQ Radio to use the Little Theater at MPHS August 12, 2004 from 6:30 until 9:30 pm for Community Gospel Singing with the following use of facilities fees to apply:

$150 Facility Use Fee due to MPHS on or before the event-$105 due to Maury County Public Schools on or before the event (utilities $20 per hour, custodian $15 per hour=$35x3 hours), request from Central Christian Church to use the gym, cafeteria and room behind gym at Howell Elementary from 8am until 12 noon for worship services for a date to be determined with the following use of facilities fees to apply:

$150 Facility Use Fee due Howell Elementary on or before the event-$220 due Maury County Public Schools on or before the event (custodian $15 per hour, utilities $20 per hour, security $20 per hour=$55 per hour x 4 hours), request from Spring Hill Lions Club to use the field behind the playground and parking lot at SHES August 21, 2004 from 8 am until 10 pm for overflow parking for Community Horse Show with all use of facilities fees waived, request for overnight student trip:

Central High Boys Basketball Team Camp-Gallatin, TN-June 24-25, 2004, request from Special Education Coordinator to allow Lisa King, a guidance counselor at Culleoka School, have 15 contact hours in a special education classroom at Highland Park Elementary as part of her course requirements for TSU graduate work,

Low Bids/Purchases Over $5,000:

1. Local Govmt. Data Processing, accounting software/hardware for Food Service $16,308.00

2. AGS Publishing, proprietary classroom textbooks 39,374.21

3. ASCD, professional development program 10,900.00

4. Bookworks, Inc., professional development program 13,000.00

5. Developing Minds, professional development program 14,500.00

6. Steps to Literacy, LLC, proprietary classroom materials for MPES 16,601.79

7. Wright Group, proprietary classroom materials for MPES 6,368.01

8. Chattanooga Marriott, summer reading academy for teachers/staff, MPES 7,056.80

9. Anderson Piping, Riverside School chiller replacement 125,520.00,

request from SHES to continue use of their cell phone as part of their Crisis Management Plan, acceptance of donation to SHES for $2,000 from Saturn Corporation to be used in a 5th grade program “Exchange City”, request for staff to make application for continuation of the Special Education Sliver Grant with staff authorized to prepare and submit amendments, addenda and correspondence pertaining thereto, request for staff to make application for Career-Technical Division Grant and notification of Hampshire Unit School receipt of Career & Technology Institute Grant.


After discussion regarding replacement of AC Chillers at Riverside Elementary and upon a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Ms. Vick, Board agreed to proceed with the low bid from Anderson Piping using

the option to upsize to include the gym and to be funded with BEP funds.

Hines Development/Bacor Construction representatives presented a history/update of the downtown revitalization and development plan to include space for school system needs.

Revisions to South Central Human Resource Agency Lease were approved after discussion and upon a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Ms. Vick. The Board Attorney will make the necessary revisions.


A. Policies and Planning

Upon a motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Sims, Board approved the Director’s request to continue to serve on Board of Directors for TASSA and Tennessee School Resource Officers Association.

After discussion and upon a motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Thompson, Board agreed that Mr. Sims should remain as Spokesperson for the Negotiation Team. Ms. Vick was selected as a Negotiation Team Member upon a motion by Mr. Sims, seconded by Mr. Thompson. Ms. Seaton, Mr. Thompson and Mr. Daniels were selected as Negotiation Team Members with a motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Sims. Supervisor of Teaching and Learning Mary Ruth Campbell declined Mr. Sims nomination that she serve

as a Negotiation Team Member due to time restraints involved in her new position.

Upon a motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Sims, Board approved all Committee Meetings to be scheduled for Monday, Tuesday or Thursday except in an emergency situation.

There was discussion regarding Electronic Board Meetings. The Director has information from the Forsyth County, Georgia School System where this program is being utilized. He will talk with them further regarding a possible visit there on September 16-17, 2004.

Upon a recommendation by the Director, with a motion by Mr. Vick, seconded by Mr. Thompson, Board approved posting the required time revisions to Policy 2.404 (Grant Application Procedure for Individual Schools), Policy 3.216 (Naming New Facilities) and Policy 4.2081 (Optional High School).

B. Personnel

The Director's report on personnel was presented to the Board as follows:

Appointment of personnel


Ashley Bartlett, Randolph Howell Interim 2nd grade teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Linda Black, Whitthorne Middle teacher, effective July 28, 2004

Rachel Brown, System wide ELL Teacher, effective July 26, 2004

David Crabtree, Culleoka Unit History/Girl’s Basketball Coach, effective June 14, 2004

Maggie Dake, System wide Speech Therapist, effective 2004-2005 school year

Susan Davenport, Randolph Howell Interim 1st grade teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Carolyn Davis, Culleoka Unit Middle Math Teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Caryn Darwyn, System wide School Psychologist, effective July 19, 2004

Sunnie Dickson, Hampshire Unit Business Teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Rebecca LeeAnn Dunkin, System wide School Psychologist, effective July 19, 2004

Lori Farmer, Culleoka Unit Interim 3rd grade teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Jennie Garland, Columbia Central High Biology Teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Martha Hay, J. E. Woodard Elementary Interim Teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Kevin Kennedy, Columbia Central High Special Education, effective 2004-2005 school year

Paul Lamm, E. A. Cox Middle Interim Teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Keri Noblin, E. A. Cox Middle Math Teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Tracy Ortmeier, Whitthorne Middle teacher, effective July 28, 2004

Karen Pearcy, Hampshire Unit 7-12 Special Education Teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Wendy Sanders, Columbia Central High Special Education Teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Theresa Short, Whitthorne Middle teacher, effective July 28, 2004

Lee Thomason, Columbia Central High English Teacher, effective July 22, 2004

Deana Trimble, E. A. Cox Middle Special Education Teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year


Felecia Rene Braden, Central Office Payroll Accounting Associate, effective June 28, 2004

Diane Falcon, Randolph Howell Elementary Special Education Assistant, effective 2004-2005 school year

Janice Fann Flowers, Central Office Attendance Social Worker, effective July 26, 2004

Carolyn Sue Halsted, Teacher Center Clerk, effective July 6, 2004

Patricia Jackson, Santa Fe Unit Secretary/Bookkeeper, effective July 1, 2004

Mary Street, College Hill Education Assistant, effective 2004-2005 school year

Transfers and Assignments:


Debra Ann Alcorn, from E. A. Cox Middle Family and Consumer Science teacher to Spring Hill High

Family and Consumer Science Teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Jill Jones Alsup, from Culleoka Unit 1st grade teacher to Culleoka Unit Kindergarten Teacher, effective

2004-2005 school year

Marisa N. Archard, from Highland Park Elementary 1st grade teacher to Highland Park Elementary

2nd grade teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Stella Barnett, from 10 month System wide/Special Education Facilitating Teacher from to 11 month System

wide/Special Education Facilitating Teacher, effective July 10, 2004

Tiffany Boyd, from Culleoka Unit Kindergarten Teacher to Culleoka Unit 3rd grade teacher, effective

2004-2005 school year

Cindy Brennan, from Culleoka Unit Middle School Teacher to Culleoka Unit 3rd grade teacher, effective

2004-2005 school year

Ricky Broadway, McDowell Elementary 5th grade teacher to McDowell Elementary Technology Teacher,

effective 2004-2005 school year

Kristy Brown, from Hampshire Unit 5th grade teacher to Hampshire Unit 4th grade teacher, effective 2004-

2005 school year

Amy Burleson, from Culleoka Unit 2nd grade teacher to Culleoka Unit 1st grade teacher, effective 2004-2005

school year

Mary Ruth Campbell, from Culleoka Unit Middle School Teacher to Central Office Supervisor of Teaching

& Learning, effective July 1, 2004

Mary George Cook, from Culleoka Unit 2nd grade teacher to Culleoka Unit 1st grade teacher, effective 2004-

2005 school year

Janice Cook, J. E. Woodard Elementary 2nd grade teacher to J. E. Woodard 3rd grade teacher, effective

2004-2005 school year

Betsy Dozier, from Randolph Howell (part-time) teacher to Randolph Howell (full-time) teacher, effective

2004-2005 school year

Diane English, from Joseph Brown Elementary Kindergarten Teacher to Joseph Brown Elementary 2nd

grade teacher , effective 2004-2005 school year

Debbie Kay Flowers, from Hampshire Unit 2nd grade teacher to Hampshire Unit 3rd grade teacher, effective

2004-2005 school year

Annette Hatfield from 10 month System wide/Special Education Facilitating Teacher from to 11 month System

wide/Special Education Facilitating Teacher, effective July 10, 2004

Jessica Hay, from Culleoka Unit 3rd grade teacher to Culleoka Unit 2nd grade teacher, effective 2004-2005

school year

Judy Hardiman, from E. A. Cox Interim Teacher to full-time E. A. Cox Middle History Teacher, effective

2004-2005 school year

Marc Higdon, from Hampshire Unit teacher to Spring Hill High Teacher/Coach, effective May 26, 2004

Heather Mary Higdon, from Mt. Pleasant High Math Teacher to Columbia Central Math Teacher, effective

July 22, 2004

Karen High, from Spring Hill Elementary to Whitthorne Middle Guidance Counselor, effective 2004-2005

school year

Delk Hill, from Hampshire Unit Interim Teacher to full-time Hampshire Unit 6th grade teacher, effective

2004-2005 school year

Connie Holland, from E. A. Cox Middle Interim Special Education Teacher to E. A. Cox Middle full-time

Special Education Teacher, effective 2004-2005 school year

Kim Hooper, from Spring Hill Elementary 2nd grade teacher to Spring Hill Elementary 5th grade teacher,

effective 2004-2005 school year

Joby Hughes, from J. E. Woodard Elementary Interim Teacher to J. E. Woodard Elementary (full-time) teacher,

effective July 26, 2004

Janna Johnson, from J. E. Woodard 1st grade teacher to J. E. Woodard 2nd grade teacher, effective 2004-2005

school year

Rebecca Sue Kelley, Hampshire Unit 3rd grade teacher to Hampshire Unit 2nd grade teacher, effective 2004-

2005 school year

Misty Kennedy, McDowell Elementary first grade teacher to McDowell Elementary fifth grade teacher,

effective 2004-2005 school year

Marsha Kirk, from 10 month System wide/Special Education Facilitating Teacher to 11 month System

wide/Special Education Facilitating Teacher, effective July 10, 2004

Brenda Morton, Hampshire Unit 5th grade teacher to Hampshire Unit 7th & 8th grade teacher, effective 2004-

2005 school year

Lori Napier, from Teacher Center part-time teacher to Teacher Center full-time teacher, effective 2004-2005

school year

Beverly Norman, from Culleoka Unit 5th grade teacher to Culleoka Unit 4th grade teacher, effective 2004-

2005 school year

Suzanne Parks, McDowell Elementary Kindergarten Teacher to McDowell Elementary 1st grade teacher,

effective 2004-2005 school year

Wendy O’Neal, McDowell Elementary Technology Teacher to McDowell Elementary 4th grade teacher,

effective end of 2004-2005 school year

Alicia Benefield Parrott, from Culleoka Unit 6th grade teacher to Culleoka Unit 5th grade teacher, effective

2004-2005 school year

Julia Priest, from 10 month System wide/Special Education Facilitating Teacher from to 11 month System

wide/Special Education Facilitating Teacher, effective July 10, 2004

Rachel Stewart Patton, from J. E. Woodard Elementary 2nd grade teacher to J. E. Woodard Elementary 1st