Part Time Pay Guidelines

Minimum Compensation Guidelines for Part Time Local Pastors 2011
Category / Full time / 3/4 time / 2/3 time / 1/2 time / 1/3 time / 1/4 time / Sunday Only
Days / 6 / 4.5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1.5 / 1
Hours / 48 / 36 / 32 / 24 / 16 / 12 / 8
Worship Att / 80 / 60 / 53 / 40 / 27 / 20 / 12
Salary / 33,944 / 25,458 / 22,403 / 16,972 / 11,202 / 8,486 / 5,657
Pension* / 4,413 / 3,310 / 2,912 / 2,206 / 1,456 / 1,103 / 735
TOTAL MINIMUM / 38,357 / 28,768 / 25,315 / 19,178 / 12,658 / 9,589 / 6,393
Health Ins** / 12,300 / 9,225 / 8,118 / 6,150 / 4,059 / 3,075 / 2,050
TOTAL PLUS / 50,657 / 37,993 / 33,433 / 25,328 / 16,717 / 12,664 / 8,443
* Amount for housing not included
** Conference Health Insurance only FT mandatory; PT not eligible.
Figures shown represent a stipend the church may pay to pastor

Remember, these are minimums!

Check 1 Timothy 5:20 for Biblical guidelines

Local Church Personnel Handbook

The Indiana Conference Human Resources Committee is pleased to offer to the churches of the Indiana Conference an adapted version of the Conference’s employee handbook.This version of the conference handbook has been edited for use by local churches and titled Local Church Personnel Handbook.It is in Wordand will allow individual churches to personalize the handbook for their church.

The handbook has been reviewed by several HR professionals and local church pastors, as well as Conference leaders. We have been careful to distinguish between policies of the Conference and policies of the local church. This document is available for your church’s adaptation and use.

Disclaimer:The Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church has made a sample employee handbook available to its member churches for each church's consideration as to the appropriateness of using the sample or a revised version. The decision of whether to utilize a handbook is solely that of each church as each church is a separate legal entity from the Conference and, therefore, acts separately in regard to employees' terms and conditions of employment. If you require advice concerning the appropriateness of the use of an employee handbook, the Conference suggests that you contact a competent legal professional for advice.


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Northeast District UMC

3898-A New Vision Drive

Fort Wayne IN 46845

Under the guidance of Bishop Michael J. Coyner, the Indiana Conference Cabinet is asking that in congregations where a pastor was appointed prior to 2010, each Pastor-Parish Relations Committee is to give a response regarding a recommendation for the appointment of your pastor for the next conference year beginning July 1, 2011. The deadline for this form to be submitted to the district center is DECEMBER 7, 2010. It should be signed by all PPRC members present and voting. All pastoral appointments are made on an annual basis, and changes generally occur July 1, but the Cabinet process begins in January. This means that any input received late is usually difficult for the Cabinet to honor.

Remember your committee’s input is advisory to the Cabinet and the Bishop.

Thank you in advance for returning your completed form before the December 7th deadline.


Date ______

PPR Chairperson ______Church/Charge ______

  1. In preparation for the conference year beginning on July 1, 2011, the S/PPRC prefers that

our pastor be reappointed to our church for another year. # Yes_____ # No______

2.What are the ministry reasons for this preference?

  1. The date of the committee’s discussion with your pastor ______
  1. Does your S/PPR Committee need a discussion with the DS about this recommendation?

_____ Yes _____No (If yes, provide Chairperson’s phone number ______and email address ______)

Signed ______email:______

PPR Chairperson cell and/or home #______

Signatures of other Committee members present: ______,

______, ______, ______,

______, ______, ______,

______, ______, ______.



Name of Church


Salary: Weekly Attendance:

Annual Budget:Membership:

2010 Tithe: 2010 Tithe paid:

Current debt:CFs in 2010:


Population (if in a town):

Names of school system & schools:

What makes this community a good place to live?

Is there anything that has recently, or will recently, affect this community in positive or negative way (such as plant closings or new companies coming to town).

What other churches are in the community? In what ways do you work together?


What cluster is your church in? Share with us the names of churches in your cluster.

What are the important rituals in your church? (For instance: Holidays and events? Pitch-in dinners? Communion? Confirmation?)

What are the important activities of your church?

Tell us about the most life-giving event that has happened in your congregation in the past 5 years.

How does your church building help or hinder ministry?

What are the most meaningful things you do in worship?

How does the congregation talk about money and the conference tithe?

List any paid staff positions and describe their role in the congregation.

What are 3 things a new member ought to know about the history of this congregation?

Which of the following descriptions best describes your congregation? (If two seem to apply mark both.)

Worship and education are the most important things we do. Our worship services help people feel God’s presence. Church life is primarily about worshiping together and being sent to live our daily Christian lives. Decisions are made by staff and committees and communicated to the congregation.

Our congregation is a family – that is how people in our community know us. Worship is important but our primary identity is caring for one another and providing a place where people know and are known by one another. A sense of belonging is important. We have committees but often decisions are made outside the committees and rubberstamped by the formal committees.

Our congregation is committed to caring for one another but we also think being involved in our community and world is important. It is important to study and act on important social issues. It is important that people plug into small groups. In decision making process is important to us. People will live with a decision if they believe the process for making it allowed everyone to be heard. Important decisions require lots of discussion.

Our congregation is visible in our community and our members are highly involved in community activities. Our pastor is generally visible in the community and is well connected with community activities. The pastor and lay leaders make many decisions with committees used to validate and implement these decisions.

Are there any concerns or special needs which a new pastor should know when coming?

Appointments are made without regard to gender or race. Is there anything you wish to share with the bishop and cabinet regarding this policy?


What specific skills and gifts do your see a pastor needing in order to have a successful ministry in your church? Please in order of priority, number 1 being the most important. (For instance: preaching, visitation, teaching studies, working in community, developing groups, evangelists, overseeing staff, etc.)








Leadership Style: Each pastor has a different leadership style, and each congregation has a style in which they prefer to be led. Rate these leadership styles in terms of match to the congregation in terms of their frequency of usefulness. / Always / Frequently / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
Managers—directing and overseeing the efforts of others
Soloists—delivering work on their own, working on assignments important to them, work well alone
Harmonists—see relationships and people as more important than results
Team Builders—work with or in a group; recruiting, equipping, and supporting others
Directors—Claim a vision and plan and assertively influence the congregation to follow
Administrators—excellent at ordering the plans and work of the church
Challengers—like a good challenge or problem to solve in order to motivate and be motivated
Lasse faire—keep hands off as much as possible, letting others decide and implement

There are others in addition to the above, but these are meant to get you thinking. Share with us the kind of leader that would be most helpful to you at this time? Be as specific as you can about what you think brings the best results in your congregation.

What pastor(s) are remembered fondly in this church’s history? What qualities make them well remembered?

Are there other things we should know about your needs in a pastor?


Email address:

Cell # ______Home # ______