Congratulations ______Family!
Your daughter or son is an official member of Bunnell University’s Kindergarten Reading Club called Starbooks Cafe. To help your reading at home program get started off successfully, the following items have been made or provided in this brown bag. Please do not throw this bag or the items in the bag away. These items should be used on a regular basis to establish a nightly routine of reading.

1.  Starbooks Cafe Membership Card

Periodically I will ask students to wear their membership card to school for

special incentives.

2.  Student-Made Owl with “READ EVERY DAY!” speech bubble

Once you have established a comfortable place to read every night in your

household, this owl can stand as a visual reminder to read every day.

3.  Starbooks Cafe Moveable File Folder Sign

This sign made from a file folder can be opened and closed to show whether

it is time for Starbooks at your home or not. “Is Starbooks open or closed?”

4.  Student Bookmark

This bookmark is the official bookmark of Starbooks.

5.  5 Multi-colored Kindergarten Sight Word Posters

These posters can be hung up anywhere in your home or kept in

the car for practice while running errands. They are sight words and should be recognized immediately and not sounded out.

Starbooks Cafe Reading Club Start-Up Kit


6.  Kindergarten Sight Word Flip Book

Make a routine of flipping through this book right before going to bed. Even

if your child knows all the words, you should keep practicing the words for

speed and accuracy.

7.  Sentence Writing Practice Book

As your routine becomes established for reading every night, begin to write a

sentence or two about what was read or any other idea your child may have.

We are really working on putting spaces between words and a stop-dot-period

at the end of a sentence.

8.  Becoming an Expert with my ABCs Booklet

Each month your scholar will be practicing skills that we have learned in class.

The last eight weeks we have been working on letter names and letter sounds.

This booklet is a chance to practice letter writing and to find pictures of

items that start with that letter (or draw pictures for each page).

9.  Raz-Kids Log-in Information

Each month your son or daughter may choose to read online with our

school reading program Raz-Kids. I will be monitoring your child’s progress and sending messages to them as well.

10. Pixy-Stix Pointer for Reading

Please remind your young scholar that good readers point to words as they

read. So enjoy the "treat" but save the plastic wrapper to use as a

reading pointer. This pointer would be great to use to point to the sight word




* Plastic bag of class-made books

* Plastic bag of color books made in class

* Three-prolonged folder with pictures of our class reading charts

* Special owl surprise