Section 1

  1. How was sea travel & trade important to the Greeks?
  2. How did Greece’s mountainous terrain shape Greek political life?
  3. Why was Greece not able to support a large population
  4. Who were the Indo-European migrants that settled in Greece?
  5. How did contact with the Minoans influence the Mycenaeans?
  6. Is there any evidence that the Trojan War was real or fictional?
  7. Why is little known about Greek history from 1150 to 750BC?
  8. What is Arete?
  9. What did the Greeks hope to understand through Myths?
  10. What was the only difference between the Gods & ordinary Greeks?
  11. Who was Zeus’ favorite child?

Section 2

  1. What was the fundamental political unit in ancient Greece?
  2. What are Agora & Acropolis?
  3. Define Monarchy, Aristocracy, Oligarchy.
  4. Define democracy
  5. Describe the practice of debt slavery.
  6. Whose reforms allowed Athenian citizens to participate in a limited democracy?
  7. What groups of people were excluded from Athenian citizenship?
  8. Who was responsible for the education of Athenian girls?
  9. What event forced the Spartans to become a strong military city-state?
  10. What price did the Spartans pay for their military supremacy?
  11. How did the role of Spartan women differ from that of Athenian women?
  12. How did the widespread availability of iron change the Greek military?
  13. What did Pheidippides accomplish?
  14. Who controlled the Delian League?

Section 3

  1. What were Pericle’s goals for Athens?
  2. What reform allowed more citizens to participate in Athenian democracy?
  3. Why was a strong navy important to Athens?
  4. What was the purpose of the Parthenon?
  5. Who paid for Theatrical productions in Athens, & what were most play about?
  6. What were the two kinds of drama written by Greek playwrights?
  7. What did Thucydides believe about the study of history?
  8. Why did other city-states view Athens with ill will & hostility?
  9. What advantage did Athens have over Sparta, what advantage did Sparta have over Athens?
  10. What does the word philosopher mean?
  11. What did the Sophists question?
  12. Who once said, “The unexamined life is not worth living?”
  13. Why was Socrates brought to trial in 399BC?
  14. Who was the author of the Republic?
  15. Who were Plato’s only rivals?
  16. Who was Aristotle’s most famous pupil?

Section 4

1. How did other Greeks view the Macedonians?

2. What battle put an end to Greek independence?

3. Why did Philip not carry out his planned invasion of Persia?

4. Why did most Greek city-states give-up on the idea of rebellion against Alexander?

5. How did the Egyptians greet Alexander when he marched into their country?

6. Alexander’s victory in what battle ended Persian power?

7. Why did Alexander not carry out his plans to unify & organize his vast new empire?

8. What cultural impact did Alexander’s conquests have on himself & the Greeks?

Section 5

  1. Hellenistic culture was a blending of what cultures?
  2. What city became the foremost center of commerce and Hellenistic civilization?
  3. What was the first true research library in the world?
  4. What two significant scientific conclusions did Aristarchus reach?
  5. Whose work is the basis for courses in geometry?
  6. Which philosophy proposed that people should live virtuous lives in harmony with the will of god or the natural laws that God established to run the universe?
  7. What does the word epicurean mean in today’s context?
  8. Which city-state preserved Greek culture for Western civilization?