Cool Tools Lesson Plan

Universal Expectation: Be Respectul Name of the Skill/Setting: Listening

Purpose of the lesson/Why it’s important:
·  To learn
·  To hear what another person is saying
·  Listening is an important part of friendship.

Procedure for Listening:

1. Look at the person who is talking.

2. Keep your body still.

3. Think about what they are saying.

4. Wait for your time to talk.

5. Share about the topic when its your turn.

Teaching Examples:
·  You know the answer to the teacher’s question, and you raise your hand and wait to be called on.
·  Other students are shouting out answers, but you raise your hand and wait to be called on.
·  The teacher gives the signal for attention, but you want to finish your work. Instead, you put your pencil down, look at her, and listen quietly.
·  You’re listening to the teacher, but looking at your work.
·  You interrupt when the teacher is talking to some one else.
·  You move around on the carpet when the teacher is talking.
·  You think of something to say, and you shout it out without waiting to be called on.
·  You’re disappointed that the teacher didn’t call on you, even when you had your hand raised, so you groan out loud.
·  You have a question about what the teacher said, and you ask without raising your hand.
Kid Activities/Role-Plays:
Students pretend to work, and you get their attention to give directions.
Share with the students about your vacation. Point out students that showed good listening.
Have 2 students share about their vacation. Have the class identify what the listener did well.
Have a class discussion about the vacation. Have give thumbs up for how they did, and explain why.
Follow-Up Reinforcement Activities:
§  Have students rate themselves after activities that required listening. Ask a few students to say why.
§  Tickets for good listening; not complaining when not called on; sitting still; looking at speaker; etc.