World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse

What is World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse?

World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse was organized by Women’s World Summit Foundation and sponsored by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children Child Prostitution and Child Pornography. It is a Day to be commemorated every November 19th in synergy with the anniversary of the International Day for the rights of the child (November 20th) the day the Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified in 1989. This day has as its objective to be a rallying point around the issue of child abuse and the need for urgent effective prevention programs. The International Child Abuse Network(Yes ICAN) has joined the coalition along with 609 organizations and 114 countries. The main purpose of the Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Coalition is to contribute to the creation of a culture of prevention of child abuse and form a global partnership network to raise awareness, mobilize public opinion and action, and disseminate prevention programs.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international treaty that recognizes the human rights of children (ages 0-18). It states that all children be protected from all harm, have access to education and health care and that they be able to develop their personalities, abilities and talents to the fullest potential; growing up in an environment of happiness, love and understanding. To access a full text, please click on: As we focus on this World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse we hope that we all will pay attention specifically to article 19 and 34 of the Convention.

Yes ICAN believes that one way tobreak the cycle of abuse isto educate and convince government officials of the impact that abuse of children has on society. Our vision for celebrating this World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse is by impressing on all civil society the need to play a more active role in the promotion of and respect for children’s rights and to impress upon legislators within the United States the importance of signing onto the Convention on the Rights of the Child. While the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention on November 20, 1989, the USA has been unwilling to sign on along with the 192 other countries that have already ratified the Convention.

What is Yes ICAN doing to commemorate World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse?

Yes ICAN believes that education and prevention are the key to the reduction of child abuse. Therefore, we provide a site on our website for all of our visitors to go to learn more about the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the objectives of World Day.

Yes ICAN actively attempts to education our elected officials and requests all to proclaim November 19th as World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse.

Yes ICAN holds itsAnnual Children’s Art Show. The Art Show is a display of children’s work. The objective of the art show is to promote the health and well-being of children and to provide a comfortable forum for discussion. It is not a contest but an arena for all children ages 5-18 years to provide art in a variety of forms focused on the theme of the year. This year the theme is, “Child Abuse Prevention through a Child’s Eyes.” The show is a wonderful avenue for all members of the community to come together and focus on child abuse prevention.

What can I do to get involved and commemorate World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse?

  • If you live within the United States, we are asking you to please contact legislators in your jurisdiction to express your assent to the Convention and to implore them to push for its ratification. To easily reach your members of Congress by phone, you may call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. The White House can be reached at (202) 456-1414. Or, visit the to identify your elected officials:
  • If you are outside the US, write your government officials and remind them of their commitment they made to the children of the world when they ratified the Convention.
  • Click here on “Say Yes to Children” and pledge your support for children’s rights. The Global Movement for Children (GMC) is a force for change, calling for people throughout the world to take action and protect the rights of children.
  • If you are a teacher and would like your students to participate in our World Day Art Show, or, if you are a parent and would like your child to provide art work for the show, please click on World Day Art Show Packet and follow the guidelines.


Here is the list of URL’s that you can use to link the areas in the text to the appropriate (I’ve put the words to make links in blue):

List of URL’s to go into the text:

Women’s World Foundation -

Say Yes to Children:

Convention on the Rights of the Child -