AP Goal 11

Chapters 27-29

1.  What was the policy that Eisenhower espoused during his presidency? Why was that indicative of society as a whole during the 50’s?

2.  Describe the FHA.

3.  What was the Federal Highway Act of 1956?

4.  What impact did the Soviet launching of Sputnik have on American students?

5.  What was NASA?

6.  Write a paragraph describing suburban life.

7.  What was the AFL-CIO?

8.  Describe the Landrum-Griffin Act

9.  What were the baby boomers?

10.  What was the G I Bill (Servicemen’s Readjustment Act)?

11.  Describe three major health care changes and their impact.

12.  Why was the teen age culture so important in the 1950’s?

13.  What was the new music that teen-agers listened to? List some famous singers and their songs. Who was the “King?”

14.  What was the downside of the teen age culture?

15.  What is mass culture?

16.  What impact did television have? List some famous shows.

17.  Who were the beatniks and who was considered their spokeman? What book did he write?

18.  Who was John Foster Dulles?

19.  What was the garrison state?

20. Who became leader of the Soviet Union upon the death of Stalin?

21.  What happened in May of 1960, causing an increase in tensions between the Soviets and the US?

22. The Soviets launch an ICBM. Why is that important?

23. Who was the leader of the CIA? What was the CIA?

24. In an essay, describe the US foreign policy during Eisenhower’s administration. Was it successful? Why or Why not?(WORTH 15 TOTAL POINTS)

25. Why did Eisenhower fear the military industrial complex?

26. The election of 1960 pits Nixon against who?

27. What role did television play in the 1960 presidential election?

28. Who won in 1960? Did he have a clear mandate?

29. Kennedy’s political platform was called _____? What did it mean?

30. Kennedy issued a challenge to have what by 1970? Was he successful?

31.  Who is considered the father of Special Forces? How much did Kennedy spend on defense spending?

32. In a paragraph, describe Kennedy’s attitude and response to Vietnam.

33. What was the Alliance for Progress? What area of the world did it reach?

34. In a paragraph, describe the Bay of Pigs invasion. Was it successful? Why or why not? Who received the blame for it?

35. In a paragraph explain the Cuban Missile Crisis.

36. What was the outcome of this crisis? What is a “hotline?”

37. What nuclear testing was banned?

38. What occurred on Nov. 22, 1963? Who was held responsible? Why do we not know the whole story?

39. Who will be president now?
Chapter 28

1)  What was the state of African-American rights after WWII?

2)  What was CORE?

3)  What overturned Plessy v. Ferguson?

4)  In a paragraph, explain the impact of Little Rock Nine?

5)  What was the Southern Manifesto?

6)  The official start of the Civil Rights Movement is considered with the start of Rosa Parks refusing to give her sit up. Explain the Montgomery Bus boycott.

7)  Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.?

8)  What was SCLC? (Slick)

9)  Greensboro NC is famous for the sit-ins. What were they? How effective was this technique?

10) What is SNCC? (Snick)

11)  What role did the Civil Rights Movement play in the election of 1960?

12) What were the Freedom Rides? Were they successful? Why or why not?

13) What was the Albany Movement?

14) What happened in Birmingham?

15) Describe the importance of the March on Washington. What famous speech was given here?

16) Who gets the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed? What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

17) What was Freedom Summer? Was it successful? Why or why not?

18) The Civil Rights Movement becomes more radical. Who is Malcolm X?

19) Malcolm X will have an epiphany and change his viewpoint. What was this epiphany and how does this get Malcolm X killed?

20)  What was the Voting Rights Act?

21) What impact did the Civil Rights Movement have on Mexican Americans?

22)  What impact did the Civil Rights Movement have on Puerto Ricans?

23)  What impact did the Civil Rights Movement have on Japanese Americans?

24)  What impact did the Civil Rights Movement have on Native Americans?

Chapter 29

1)  Who owned Vietnam prior to WWII?

2)  What president was responsible for our commitment in Vietnam? Why did he feel it was necessary?

3)  Define Operation Rolling Thunder.

4)  What was the Tonkin Gulf Resolution?

5)  What was the Credibility Gap?

6)  Why was Vietnam called the living room war?

7)  What was the SDS?

8)  What was the Free speech movement?

9)  What is in loco parentis?

10) Define the counterculture movement. What are they commonly called?

11)  What area of San Francisco was the starting point of this movement?

12) List some of the music and artist of this period.

13) What were some of the problems with the Vietnam war as far as the servicemen were concerned?

14) What was the war on poverty?

15) What was the Great Society?

16) Define: OEO CAP Medicare Medicaid Head Start

17) Describe the urban problems.

18) What did these problems lead to in the Long Hot Summers?

19) What was the turning point of the Vietnam War? Why?

20)  What happened April 4, 1968? Who was responsible?

21) Johnson refuses to run again. Why? Who runs and who wins in the presidential election of 1968?

22)  What happened at the Democratic convention in Chicago?

23)  What happened on Feb. 14, 1969?

24)  What was the Black Power movement?

25)  Who were the Black Panthers?

26)  What were some of the ideas that the Black Panthers stood for?

27)  What was “The Feminine Mystique” and how did it start the new Feminist Movement?

28)  What was the AIM?

29)  Nixon becomes president in 1968. What was the Southern Strategy?

30)  What was “Vietnamization?”

31) What was the Mi Lai Massacre?

32)  What two countries did Nixon visit? What was the Cold War impact of his visits?

33)  What was the SALT?

34)  What was “Silent Spring?”

35)  What happened at Watergate?

36)  What happened at Kent State?

37)  Why did the release of the Pentagon Papers cause us to doubt our government?

38)  What was CREEP?

39)  Define the Saturday Night Massacre

40)  Was Nixon impeached?