Adult Teaching Observation Form

Educator: ______County: ______Date of class: ______

Name of Group: Location: ______

Number in Group: ______Lesson:

Recipe/Food Activity: ______Physical Activity:______

PREPARATION / Yes / Somewhat / No or
not apparent /


“And Justice For All” poster is displayed prominently where participants can see it.
Lesson is planned around the group’s needs.
Educator is prepared for the class ahead of time (arrived at least 15 minutes early, has all paperwork needed, all materials needed, all food prep materials needed, appropriate for number of people in the class)
Classroom is set up prior to class for a welcoming learning environment (decorations set out, music being played, tables/chairs set up so participants face each other)
Educator greets participants as they come in the door, acknowledges latecomers and catches them up as needed
Educator is using current curricula materials
Materials used are in good condition.
Educator utilizes volunteers in scheduling, recruiting and/or preparing for lesson.
Additional comments about lesson preparation:
PRESENTATION / Yes / Somewhat / No or
not apparent /


Educator follows the lesson plan as its written (presents the information in the order laid out in the lesson plan, doesn’t skip activities, doesn’t add information or activities that have not been approved by state office)
Educator tells participants she will not call on them.
Educator utilizes visuals appropriately (interacts with the visuals during the lesson, uses the correct visuals for the lesson)
Educator responds to participant questions properly (answers questions with correct information, tells them she doesn’t know the answer but will get back to them if she is unsure of the answer)
Educator presents the lesson plan in a clear and understandable manner (talks about one topic at a time, doesn’t jump around from topic to topic, speaks slowly and clearly)
Educator allows enough time for each activity to be completed by all participants.
Educator utilizes the worksheet properly (distributes the worksheet at designated time during the lesson, encourages participants to use the worksheet with intended activities, participants create personal goals and write them on worksheet where indicated)
Educator utilizes the handout appropriately (distributes the handout at designated time during the lesson, encourages the participant to follow along on the handout as they review the content of the handout thoroughly)
Educator utilizes the lesson enhancement properly (distributes the enhancement at the designated time during the lesson, explains to the participants what the enhancement is and how it relates to the lesson topics)
Educator has copies of the recipe for all participants; reviews the recipe aloud before beginning the preparation and has
everyone follow along as the recipe is prepared
not apparent /


Food activity is a food preparation instead of a demonstration or tasting whenever possible (participants prepare the recipe with the educator’s assistance/direction).
Educator follows the physical activity segment of the lesson the way it is written; educator demonstrates, then leads the participants in physical activity.
Educator utilizes the materials in the activity bin.
Educator uses the 24 hour recall kit when necessary (during entry and exit paperwork with adults).
Educator is sensitive to the participants’ reactions and presents the lesson so it is understood.
Additional comments about presentation:
CONTENT / Yes / Some-what / No or
not apparent / Comments
Recipe/food activity chosen is appropriate to the lesson content (recipe used is approved by the state EFNEP office for the specific lesson).
Physical activities done in class are from the appropriate lesson and approved by the state EFNEP office.
Subject matter is accurate and clearly presented (educator does not skip any information in the lesson plan, educator does not add any information that hasn’t been approved by state EFNEP office)
Participants’ questions are answered accurately or a promise is made to follow up on questions.
Educator introduces the next lesson topic and reviews date and time of next meeting.
Additional comments about content:
not apparent /


Participants show interest in the lesson.
Participants participate in the discussion.
Participants demonstrate knowledge of information learned from previous lessons.
Participants choose to be active during the physical activity segments.
Additional comments about participant involvement:
OVERALL ATMOSPHERE / Yes / Somewhat / No or
not apparent /


Educator creates a warm, welcoming learning environment.
Educator is sensitive to the participants’ situation and puts them at ease.
Educator praises the participants for obvious accomplishments.
Additional comments about overall atmosphere:
Class observed by: