Pastoral Council Committee on Evangelization

MINUTES 6-25-14 10:00am

PRESENT: Patty Sherrill; Kathy Rakowski; Maureen Boyd; Paula Freel; Karen Steplitus

ABSENT: Chris Hatmaker; Jeanne Fader; Ellen Matczak

1.  The group entered into intercessory prayer for the intention of Evangelization at our parish from 10:00am – 10:22am.

2.  Karen informed the group about the “Year Round Inquiry” sub-committee which met the evening before.

3.  The topic of having “small faith sharing groups” was again discussed. Karen has had this topic pressed upon her every day for about the last two weeks, sometimes more than once in a day from a variety of different avenues and conversations.

a.  New Leaven is a program which encourages the small group process. Karen provided the team with copies of the flier

b.  The Light of the World Retreat program (LOTW), which is endorsed by the AOD also provides avenues for the small group process. Certain members of our team had previously met with one of the LOTW representatives. The cost is quite pricey, and at the time, all had agreed that it would be necessary for us to review the program in action before committing to the endeavor. Jeanne Fader and Chris Hatmaker have planned to attend their next retreat in November in the Chicago area.

c.  All agreed to intercede regarding the small group process and discern how to implement

4.  Patty Sherrill is leaning towards going to the next “St Paul Street Evangelization” program on August 12 and 13. Karen is interested, but it falls on her daughter’s birthday and therefore doesn’t think she should be away for two days.

5.  Miscellaneous discussions took place.

6.  The group ended loosely at around Noon.

7.  Karen invited the team to consider coming on Thursday, July 17th at 6:30pm if they are interested in the planning process of the “Year Round Inquiry”.

8.  A specific time for our next meeting was not set. Karen will email the group to establish.