AGM Lisbon Registration

Dietary Requirements or Food Allergies

Delegate €1275 (Retreat Credits may be available*). Guest sharing: €592

Fees include three nights luxury accommodation at the Altis Grand Hotel,Rua Castilho, 11, 1269-072, all breakfasts, lunches and dinners (two of which will be joint dinners with IECNet); all day professional program for delegates on Friday, with joint IECNet program in the morning; a market visit and subsequent cooking class for accompanying guests Friday (9:00-15:30); IBLC AGM for delegates Saturday morning and an afternoon social outing to Sintra for delegates and accompanying guests.

Not included in the above are transportation to/from Thursday dinner restaurant Bairro do Avillez, R. Nova da Trindade 18, 1200-466 (busses prohibited; hotel is a 15 or 20 minute tram-ride or walk), and to/from Cooking Lisbon,RuaCidade de Liverpool, 16D, 1170-097(metro) for accompanying guests.

Registration Details

Member Office

Representing Delegate(s)

Accompanying Guest(s)




IBLC shoulder night rates: €141 single occupancy, inclusive of VAT, city tax and breakfast; €162 double occupancy, inclusive of VAT, city tax and breakfast; Booked through IBLC Secretariat upon request but pending confirmation of availability from hotel.If you book any of the post-meeting tour options accommodation is included in the rate automatically.

Registration Cut-Off 15 August 2018Rates or accommodation an only be guaranteed for registration up to this date, and if payment of fees is received within 14 days of registration. No-show or cancellation after the cut-off date may result in cancellation charges of up to full fee. In case the registered delegate is unable to attend, a substitute may take his or her place at no extra cost.

Retreat Credits For each attorney delegate (up to three depending on membership category) that a member office sends to a retreat each year, it will receive a credit on its renewal of membership subscription (€500 credit for December 2018 renewals; €515 for June 2019).


Payment is required within two weeks of registration. We accept credit cards, checks and bank transfers. To pay by bank transfer: Center for International Legal Studies, IBAN AT41 1509 0001 3101 0324, BIC/Swift OBKLAT2L, Oberbank, Ignaz-Harrer-Str 40a, 5021 Salzburg, Austria. REGISTRANTS RESPONSIBLE FOR BANK CHARGES; checks should be mailed to: Center for International Legal Studies, Matzenkopfgasse 19, 5020 Salzburg, Austria. To debit your credit card please indicate as follows:
[ ] AmEx [ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] Diners / Number:
Billing Address: (if different from firm address) / Exp. Date

I confirm that I have read and accept the terms of the registration.

Date & Signature:

If you preferthe vegetarian alternative in any of the above, please indicate here:

If you are allergic to any kind of food please indicate here:

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AGM Lisbon Registration

Dietary Requirements or Food Allergies

Registration Details

Join one, two or three days of exploring the surroundings of Lisbon.

Sunday 7 Octoberyou will visitFátima, the Convent of Christ a World Heritage 12thcentury Knights Templar stronghold with a guided tour, and the gothic Monastery of Batalha.

Monday 8 Octoberyou will visit Évorafor the day, enjoying a walking tour through the Old Town, including the Chapel of the Bones, the RomanBaths and Temple and the Moorish heritage of Évora. In the afternoon you will visit a vineyeard and taste three of their wines.

Tuesday 9 October, you will visitAlcobaça, Nazaré, and Óbidos: A World Heritage 12thcentury monastery, a fishing village with a magnificent view to the Atlantic Ocean where you can enjoy some lunch and time on your won, and a medieval town; with a guided visit inside the Monastery of Alcobaça and a walking tour in Óbidos.

All tours include wireless and bottled water on board.Calculation based on minimum of 7 people participating. Lunches and dinners are not included in the fees, but group dinners might be organised yet.

Name(s)of Participant(s)

I / We wish to register for the following days (please tick appropriate):
Sunday €155 (per person sharing accommodation); €222 per person (single traveller) with checkout Monday morning unless you also join the Monday tour; and/or
Monday €155 (per person sharing accommodation); €222 per person (single traveller) with checkout Tuesday morning unless you also join the Tuesday tour; and/or
Tuesday €155 (per person sharing accommodation); €222 per person (single traveller) with checkout Wednesday morning

Above fees include accommodationat the Altis Grand Hotel,Rua Castilho, 11, 1269-072 Lisbon.


Payment is required prior to the event. We accept credit cards, checks and bank transfers. To pay by bank transfer: Center for International Legal Studies, IBAN AT41 1509 0001 3101 0324, BIC/Swift OBKLAT2L, Oberbank, Ignaz-Harrer-Str 40a, 5021 Salzburg, Austria. REGISTRANTS RESPONSIBLE FOR BANK CHARGES; checks should be mailed to: Center for International Legal Studies, Matzenkopfgasse 19, 5020 Salzburg, Austria. To debit your credit card please indicate as follows:
[ ] Use same credit card information as forwarded for the Freiburg IBLC AGM 4-7 October 2018
[ ] AmEx [ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] Diners / Number:
Billing Address: (if different from firm address) / Exp. Date

I confirm that I have read and accept the terms of the registration.

Date & Signature:

Registration Cut-Off 15 August 2018Rates cannot be guaranteed after this date. No-show or cancellation after the cut-off date may result in cancellation charges of up to full fee.

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Opt In for Delegates into


Please opt in by ticking the appropriate box(es):

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

☐€50 per person: Welcome Cocktail (19:00) and dinner in (Rio de Janeiro Restaurant, Altis Grand Hotel)

Thursday, 4 October 2018

☐€50 per person: Lunch (Altis Grand Hotel, Lisboa Meeting Room)

☐€33 per person: Afternoon Meeting (Altis Grand Hotel, Lisboa Meeting Room)

Saturday, 6 October 2018

☐€50 per person: Post Dinner MonteMar Party - Dancing til the early hours

Indicate name(s) of participant(s) below:



Payment is required prior to the event. We accept credit cards, checks and bank transfers. To pay by bank transfer: Center for International Legal Studies, IBAN AT41 1509 0001 3101 0324, BIC/Swift OBKLAT2L, Oberbank, Ignaz-Harrer-Str 40a, 5021 Salzburg, Austria. REGISTRANTS RESPONSIBLE FOR BANK CHARGES; checks should be mailed to: Center for International Legal Studies, Matzenkopfgasse 19, 5020 Salzburg, Austria. To debit your credit card please indicate as follows:
[ ] AmEx [ ] MasterCard
[ ] Visa [ ] Diners / Number:
Billing Address: / Exp. Date

I confirm that I have read and accept the terms of the registration.

Date & Signature:

Return to manuela.wedamiblc.comDEADLINE 15 August 2018