


document structure tags

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> SGML tag given above HTML tag

Common Attributes

Common attributes can be given to most of the tags.

Core Attributes

ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.

The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes. Classes allow authors to define specific kinds of a given element.

The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element

The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers

Internationalization Attributes

The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content

The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).

Top-level Elements

HTML</HTML>Attr: VERSION=CDATA (HTML version) internationalization attributes

HEAD>...</HEAD> Attr: PROFILE=URI (dictionary of meta info) internationalization attributes


Attr: BACKGROUND=URI(background image of document)

BGCOLOR=Color (background color )

TEXT=Color (text color ) LINK=Color (link color )

VLINK=Color (visited link color )

ALINK=Color (active link color )

ONLOAD=Script ONUNLOAD=Script common attributes


Attr: ROWS=MultiLengths (row lengths "*,100" )

COLS=MultiLengths (column lengths)

ONLOAD=Script ONUNLOAD=Script and core attributes

FRAME> (with in a frame set)

Attr: NAME=CDATA (name of frame)

SRC=URI (content of frame)

LONGDESC=URI (long description of frame)

FRAMEBORDER=[ 1 | 0 ] (frame border)

MARGINWIDTH=Pixels (margin width)

MARGINHEIGHT=Pixels (margin height)

NORESIZE (disallow frame resizing)

SCROLLING=[ yes | no | auto ] core attributes

NOFRAMES>alternate code contained in body </NOFRAMES> Attr: common attributes

Head Elements

<BASE> Attr: HREF=URI (base URI reference) specifies base URL whose path will be taken by any other URL without path in the document

TARGET=FrameTarget (frame to render links in)


Attr: REL=LinkTypes (relationship to link)

REV=LinkTypes (relationship from link)

HREF=URI (hypertext reference)

TYPE=ContentType (content-type of link)

TARGET=FrameTarget (frame to render link in)

MEDIA=MediaDesc (media appropriate for link)

HREFLANG=LanguageCode (language of link)

CHARSET=Charset (character encoding of link)

common attributes

ContentTypeà text/html, image/jpeg, model/vrml, video/quicktime, application/java, text/css, and text/javascript

LinkTypesà Copyright: web site’s copyright page, Glossary: Glossary of terms of site, help: help page, home: homepage, index: indexpage, made: mail to URL pointing to the email address of the page author, next: previous: next and previous pages, Stylesheet: file containing style information, toc: site table of contents, up: the page above the current page in site’s hierarchy.

MediaDesc àscreen (the default); tv; projection, for projectors; handheld; print; all;

META>Attr: NAME=Name (property name) or

HTTP-EQUIV=Name (HTTP response header name)

CONTENT=CDATA (associated data)

SCHEME=CDATA (form of data).

internationalization attributes.

http-equiv=”refresh” content=”5; url_name”

http-equiv=”expires” content=”date”

name: author, keywords, generator, description. Keywords are separated by , in content.

Scheme: the type of information eg. “9 digit zip code”

SCRIPT>...</SCRIPT> Attr: TYPE=ContentType (content-type of scripting language)

LANGUAGE=CDATA (scripting language name)

SRC=URI (external script location)

CHARSET=Charset (character encoding of external script)

DEFER (script execution may wait)

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="foo.js" CHARSET="ISO-8859-1">


Attr: TYPE=ContentType (content-type of style language)

MEDIA=MediaDesc (media to apply style to)

TITLE=Text (title of style sheet)

internationalization attributes (for the TITLE)

TITLE>...</TITLE> internationalization attributes

Generic Block-level Elements

ADDRESS>If you have any questions about ordering, contact us at <A HREF="mailto:"> </A>,or phone our offices at 555-5555.

</ADDRESS> common attributes

<BLOCKQUOTE> block quotation... </BLOCKQUOTE>

Attr: CITE=URI (source of quotation) not supported by many browsers and common attributes

CENTER>...</CENTER> common attributes

DEL>...</DEL> displays text as strike through

Attr: CITE=URI (reason for deletion)

DATETIME=Datetime (date and time of deletion)

common attributes

DIV>...</DIV> The DIV element defines a generic block-level container, allowing authors to provide style or language information to blocks of content.

Attr: ALIGN=[ left | center | right | justify ] (horizontal alignment) and common attributes

<H1>...</H1> same upto h6

Attr: ALIGN=[ left | center | right | justify ] (horizontal alignment) and common attributes

INS> content that has been inserted</INS>

Attr: CITE=URI (reason for insertion)

DATETIME=Datetime (date and time of insertion)

common attributes

INS CITE="../changes.html#h-A.1.2" DATETIME="1997-12-19T00:00:00-05:00">Note that CENTER is changed</INS> common attributes

NOSCRIPT>alternate content for a client-side script not executed</NOSCRIPT> Attr: common attributes

P>...</P> Attr: ALIGN=[ left | center | right | justify ] (horizontal alignment) and common attributes


Attr: WIDTH=Number (line width) and common attributes


All lists take Attr: COMPACT (compact display) and common attributes

DIR>contains one or more LI elements </DIR>

DL>definition list is created using <DT>defined term</DT> and <DD> it’s definition</DD</DL>

<MENU>contains one or more LI elements </MENU>


Attr: TYPE=[ 1 | a | A | i | I ] (numbering style)

START=Number (starting number)


Att: TYPE=[ disc | square | circle ] (bullet style)

LI>...</LI> Attr: TYPE=[ disc | square | circle | 1 | a | A | i | I ] (style of list item marker)

VALUE=Number (number in sequence, always an integer)

common attributes. Contained in OL, UL, DIR, MENU



Att: SUMMARY=Text (purpose/structure of table)

WIDTH=Length (table width)

BORDER=Pixels (border width)

FRAME=[ void | above | below | hsides | lhs | rhs | vsides | box | border ] (outer border)

RULES=[ none | groups | rows | cols | all ] (inner borders)

CELLSPACING=Length (spacing between cells)

CELLPADDING=Length (spacing within cells)

ALIGN=[ left | center | right ] (table alignment)

BGCOLOR=Color (table background color)

common attributes

CAPTION>must be first in TABLE </CAPTION>

Attr: ALIGN=[ top | bottom | left | right ] (caption alignment) and common attributes

THEAD>a group of header rows </THEAD>

Attr: ALIGN=[ left | center | right | justify | char ] (horizontal alignment of cells in group)

CHAR=Character (alignment character for cells)

CHAROFF=Length (alignment character offset)

VALIGN=[ top | middle | bottom | baseline ] (vertical alignment of cells in group) and common attributes


Attr: ALIGN=[ left | center | right | justify | char ] (horizontal alignment of cells in group)

CHAR=Character (alignment character for cells)

CHAROFF=Length (alignment character offset)

VALIGN=[ top | middle | bottom | baseline ] (vertical alignment of cells in group) and common attributes


Attr: ALIGN=[ left | center | right | justify | char ] (horizontal alignment of cells in group)

CHAR=Character (alignment character for cells)

CHAROFF=Length (alignment character offset)

VALIGN=[ top | middle | bottom | baseline ] (vertical alignment of cells in group) and common attributes


Attr: ALIGN=[ left | center | right | justify | char ] (horizontal alignment of cells in group)

CHAR=Character (alignment character for cells)

CHAROFF=Length (alignment character offset)

VALIGN=[ top | middle | bottom | baseline ] (vertical alignment of cells in group)

BGCOLOR=Color (row background color)

common attributes


Attr: ROWSPAN=Number (rows spanned by the cell)

COLSPAN=Number (columns spanned by the cell)

HEADERS=IDREFS (list of header cells for current cell)

ABBR=Text (abbreviation for header cell)

SCOPE=[ row | col | rowgroup | colgroup ] (cells covered by header cell)

AXIS=CDATA (category of header cell)

ALIGN=[ left | center | right | justify | char ] (horizontal alignment)

CHAR=Character (alignment character)

CHAROFF=Length (alignment character offset)

VALIGN=[ top | middle | bottom | baseline ] (vertical alignment)

WIDTH=Pixels (cell width) HEIGHT=Pixels (cell height)

NOWRAP (suppress word wrap)

BGCOLOR=Color (cell background color)

common attributes


Attr: ROWSPAN=Number (rows spanned by the cell)

COLSPAN=Number (columns spanned by the cell)

HEADERS=IDREFS (list of header cells for current cell)

ABBR=Text (abbreviation for header cell)

SCOPE=[ row | col | rowgroup | colgroup ] (cells covered by header cell)

AXIS=CDATA (category of header cell)

ALIGN=[ left | center | right | justify | char ] (horizontal alignment)

CHAR=Character (alignment character)

CHAROFF=Length (alignment character offset)

VALIGN=[ top | middle | bottom | baseline ] (vertical alignment)

WIDTH=Pixels (cell width) HEIGHT=Pixels (cell height)

BGCOLOR=Color (cell background color)

NOWRAP (suppress word wrap) common attributes


FORM>...</FORM>Attr: ACTION=URI (form handler)

METHOD=[ get | post ] (HTTP method for submitting form)

ENCTYPE=ContentType (content type to submit form as)

ACCEPT-CHARSET=Charsets (character encodings)

TARGET=FrameTarget (frame to render form result in)

ONSUBMIT=Script (form was submitted)

ONRESET=Script (form was reset) and common attributes


Attr: NAME=CDATA (key in submitted form)

VALUE=CDATA (value in submitted form)

TYPE=[ submit | reset | button ] (type of button)

DISABLED (disable button)

ACCESSKEY=Character (shortcut key)

TABINDEX=Number (position in tabbing order)

ONFOCUS=Script (element received focus)

ONBLUR=Script (element lost focus) common attributes

FIELDSET>grouping related form controls,must begin with a LEGEND</FIELDSET>

LEGEND>defines a caption for form controls grouped </LEGEND>

Attr: ACCESSKEY=Character (shortcut key)

ALIGN=[ top | bottom | left | right ] (alignment relative to fieldset) common attributes


Attr: TYPE=[ text | password | checkbox | radio | submit | reset | file | hidden | image | button ] (type of input)

NAME=CDATA (key in submitted form)

VALUE=CDATA (value of input)

CHECKED (check radio button or checkbox)

SIZE=CDATA (suggested number of characters for text)

MAXLENGTH=Number (maximum number of characters for text input)

SRC=URI (source for image)

ALT=CDATA (alternate text for image input)

USEMAP=URI (client-side image map)

ALIGN=[ top | middle | bottom | left | right ] (alignment of image input) DISABLED (disable element)

READONLY (prevent changes)

ACCEPT=ContentTypes (media types for file upload)

ACCESSKEY=Character (shortcut key)

TABINDEX=Number (position in tabbing order)

ONFOCUS=Script (element received focus)

ONBLUR=Script (element lost focus)

ONSELECT=Script (element text selected)

ONCHANGE=Script (element value changed)

common attributes


Attr: FOR=IDREF (associated form field)

ACCESSKEY=Character (shortcut key)

ONFOCUS=Script (element received focus)

ONBLUR=Script (element lost focus)

common attributes


Attr: NAME=CDATA (key in submitted form)

MULTIPLE (allow multiple selections)

SIZE=Number (number of visible options)

DISABLED (disable element)

TABINDEX=Number (position in tabbing order)

ONFOCUS=Script (element received focus)

ONBLUR=Script (element lost focus)

ONCHANGE=Script (element value changed)

common attributes


Attr: LABEL=Text (group label)

DISABLED (disable group of choices)

common attributes


Attr: VALUE=CDATA (value of option)

SELECTED (choice initially selected)

DISABLED (disable choice)

LABEL=Text (option label) common attributes


Attr: NAME=CDATA (key in submitted form)

ROWS=Number (number of rows)

COLS=Number (number of columns)

DISABLED (disable element)

READONLY (prevent changes)

ACCESSKEY=Character (shortcut key)

TABINDEX=Number (position in tabbing order)

ONFOCUS=Script (element received focus)

ONBLUR=Script (element lost focus)

ONSELECT=Script (element text selected)

ONCHANGE=Script (element value changed)

common attributes

Special Inline Elements

<A>...</A>Attr: HREF=URI (hypertext reference)

NAME=CDATA (named link destination)

REL=LinkTypes (relationship to link)

REV=LinkTypes (relationship from link)

TYPE=ContentType (content-type of link)

TARGET=FrameTarget (frame to render link in)

HREFLANG=LanguageCode (language of link)

CHARSET=Charset (character encoding of link)

ACCESSKEY=Character (shortcut key)

TABINDEX=Number (position in tabbing order)

SHAPE=[ rect | circle | poly | default ] (client-side image map)

COORDS=Coords (client-side image map)

ONFOCUS=Script (element received focus)

ONBLUR=Script (element lost focus) common attributes

APPLET>...</APPLET> Attr: CODE=CDATA (class file)

CODEBASE=URI (base URI for class files)

WIDTH=Length (applet width)

HEIGHT=Length (applet height)

ARCHIVE=CDATA (archive files)

OBJECT=CDATA (serialized applet)

NAME=CDATA (name for inter-applet communication)

ALT=Text (alternate text)

ALIGN=[ top | middle | bottom | left | right ] (applet alignment)

HSPACE=Pixels (horizontal gutter)

VSPACE=Pixels (vertical gutter) common attributes

<applet code="helloworld.class" name="helloworld" width=150 height=25</applet>


Attr: SIZE=CDATA (font size adjustment)

COLOR=Color (font color adjustment)

FACE=CDATA (font face adjustment) ID=ID (unique ID)

BDO>overrides the bidirectional algorithm </BDO>

Attr: DIR=[ ltr | rtl ] (directionality of text)

LANG=LanguageCode (language of text) core attributes

BR> Attr: CLEAR=[ left | all | right | none ] (clear floating objects) core attributes


Attr: SIZE=CDATA (font size adjustment)

COLOR=Color (font color adjustment)

FACE=CDATA (font face adjustment) common attributes


Attr: SRC=URI (URI of frame content)

NAME=CDATA (name of frame)

LONGDESC=URI (link to long description)

WIDTH=Length (frame width)

HEIGHT=Length (frame height)

ALIGN=[ top | middle | bottom | left | right ] (frame alignment)

FRAMEBORDER=[ 1 | 0 ] (frame border)

MARGINWIDTH=Pixels (margin width)

MARGINHEIGHT=Pixels (margin height)

SCROLLING=[ yes | no | auto ] (ability to scroll)

core attributes

IMG>Attr: SRC=URI (location of image)

ALT=Text (alternate text)

LONGDESC=URI (link to long description)

WIDTH=Length (image width)

HEIGHT=Length (image height)

USEMAP=URI (client-side image map)

ISMAP (server-side image map)

ALIGN=top|middle|bottom|left|right (image alignment)

BORDER=Length (link border width)

HSPACE=Pixels (horizontal gutter)

VSPACE=Pixels (vertical gutter) common attributes

MAP>one or more AREA</MAP>

Attr: NAME=CDATA (name of map) common attributes


Attr: SHAPE=[ rect | circle | poly | default ] (shape of region)

COORDS=Coords (coordinates of region)

HREF=URI (linked resource)

TARGET=FrameTarget (frame to render link in)

NOHREF (inactive region)

ALT=Text (alternate text)

TABINDEX=Number (position in tabbing order)

ONFOCUS=Script (region received focus)

ONBLUR=Script (region lost focus) common attributes

OBJECT>lack of browser support </OBJECT>

Attr: DATA=URI (object data)

CLASSID=URI (location of implementation)

ARCHIVE=CDATA (archive files)


WIDTH=Length (object width)

HEIGHT=Length (object height)

NAME=CDATA (name for form submission)

USEMAP=URI (client-side image map)

TYPE=ContentType (content-type of object)

CODETYPE=ContentType (content-type of code)

STANDBY=Text (message to show while loading)

TABINDEX=NUMBER (position in tabbing order)

DECLARE (do not instantiate object)

ALIGN=[ top | middle | bottom | left | right ] (object alignment) BORDER=Length (link border width)

HSPACE=Pixels (horizontal gutter)

VSPACE=Pixels (vertical gutter) common attributes

PARAM> Attr: NAME=CDATA (property name)

VALUE=CDATA (property value)

VALUETYPE=[ data | ref | object ] (type of value)

TYPE=ContentType (content-type of value resource) ID=ID

An OBJECT or APPLET may contain any number of PARAM elements prior to the alternate content that is also contained within the OBJECT or APPLET element

Q>for short, inline quotations</Q>

Attr: CITE=URI (source of quotation) common attributes

SPAN>...</SPAN> Attr: common attributes

SUB>...</SUB> Attr: common attributes

SUP>...</SUP>Attr: common attributes

Phrase Elements

All of them take common attributes

ABBR>non pronounceable short forms</ABBR>

ACRONYM TITLE="radio detecting and ranging"> radar</ACRONYM> pronounceable short forms

CITE>citations, such as titles of magazines or newspapers, ship names, references sources, quotation.</CITE>

CODE>denotes computer code</CODE>

DFN>defining instance of a term</DFN>

EM>text to be entered by the user</EM>

KBD>text to be entered by the user</KBD>

SAMP>sample output</SAMP>


VAR>variables or program arguments</VAR>