Date: 10/01/2011

Time: 20:00 – 21:00

Meeting Held in: Conference Room Myddelton Wing

Members Present: Abul, Alam, Hollie, James, and Rafie

Members Absent: Danial, Ian, Jamie

1. Using Facebook to communicate amongst committee members

It was agreed that the best way for us to communicate was by using facebook, for quicker responses.

2. Make clear to Roseberians who we are and what we are doing

Use the space in the Roseberian Newsletter, outlining discussions in meetings, our new ideas and events. Creating a facebook group, where we can put up information also.

3. Planting trees in Rosebery

Need volunteers to help plant about 30 trees in March. So this needs promoting.

4. Inter-hall Competitions

- Discussed the idea of talent show

- Valentine’s Party with Carr Saunders, February 14th – Need to promote

- RAG inter-hall ball, Leicester square, tickets £10, each person gets t-shirt with name of hall of residence on it. The hall with highest percentage of residents turning up, wins the competition. This event needs promoting, as we want to win again this year.

5. Gossip Box

Discussed idea of a wooden box in reception, where people would write “gossip” on paper and then put in box. A selected few would be published in the Roseberian. Or make an account on websites such as

We agreed not to go ahead with this idea.

6. Making better use of Telephones in rooms

Creating a directory with the names, room number and room telephone number of Rosebery residents. This would allow people to contact each other easily and would be voluntary. Or, people who want to know their own number can get it and then give it to people who they want. Need further discussion.

7. TV Room

- Games: Communal poker set perhaps, more board games - we should keep them away from thieving tourists

- Sky Sports- bringing back Sky Sports, and advertising live games outside the room, reception, facebook etc. so residents can watch it together

- More football tables?

8. Eurovision Night

Discussed the idea of residents dressing up as their own country and watching the show together in the TV room. But as it is “Euro” vision, perhaps it would not appeal to everyone.

9. General improvements to Rosebery accommodation

-Improvements in showers and in rooms

-Need to obtain details on shower rooms – expected dates of completion etc.

- Writing formal letters to people in charge of LSE accommodation – reducing rent?

10. LSE Students’ Union Hustings

Rosebery will be holding hustings 7.30pm on March 2nd, for the candidates running to be in the LSE Students’ Union. We need to organise this event, any candidates from Rosebery, and need further discussion on challenges etc.

11. Study Sessions

The idea was to have organised group study sessions, so that people with economics problem sets for example, could come together and work on them. This could be held in the canteen or maybe in the conference room in Myddelton. Also, we thought about the idea of having someone “teach” the session. The group liked this idea.

Minutes of meeting: 10/01/11, 20:00, Conference Room Page 1 of 2