Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Clinical Sciences

Erasmus + programme



We are pleased to welcome you.

The Erasmus + programme aims to enhance the quality of higher education and promote dialogue and understanding between people and cultures through mobility and academic cooperation.

Mobilities on offer

From Georgia:

- 3 staff for 12 days + 2 travel days (2240 EUR per person for 14 days)

- 2 staff for 28 days + 2 travel days (4032 EUR per person for 30 days)

- 1 BA student for 5 months (4250 EUR per person for 5 months)

- 2 MA students for 5 months (4250 EUR per person for 5 months)

- 4 MA students for 10 months (8500 EUR per person for 10 months)

- 1 PhD student for 10 months (8500 EUR per person for 10 months)

From UK:

- 1 staff for 12 days + 2 travel days (2240 EUR per person for 14 days)

Overview of significant dates

01 April 2016 Candidate Application deadline

16 April 2016 Home final selection

22 April 2016 Host final selection

25 April 2016 Candidates informed of mobility allocation

02 May 2016 Candidates confirm acceptance of mobility


Stage / What? / By when?
1 / Home selection – Universities promotes the international credit mobility and recruits potential students who have scored 100% in the internal application process. / 1 – 29th February 2016
2 / Host in cooperation with Home prepares learning agreement for each successful candidate. / By application submission
3 / Candidate Application deadline. / 1st April 2016
4 / Home forwards a list of pre-selected candidates together with their supporting documents to Host. / 16th April 2016
5 / Host selection of candidates making a final decision on allocation of mobility / 22nd April 2016
6 / Host informs all candidates of the outcome of the selection process. / 25th April 2016
7 / Candidates confirm places. / 2nd May 2016 by 16.00
8 / University of Chester in cooperation with TSMU arranges flights and insurance, and supports candidates in the visa application process and finding suitable accommodation. / 2nd May – 31st July 2016
9a / Mobility period for students on 10-month placements. / 1st August 2016 – 31st May 2017
9b / Mobility period for students on 5-month placements. / 19th September 2016 – 19th February 2017
9c / Mobility period for staff. / Anytime (last date of visit 1st May 2017)

Selection Criteria

Every applicant will be assessed on an individual basis on the following:

Criteria / Weight
Language skills / Provide evidence of a certified Home Office approved English language test, i.e. IELTS. The IELTS score you will need will depend on your level of study:
Undergraduate: 6.0 overall with no less than 5.5 in each band
Postgraduate: 6.5 overall with no less than 5.5 in each band
If you are not able to take this test but feel you have a good command of English Language, please apply as if accepted, you may b bale to please see your
2. Passing a University of Chester English Language Test (UoCELT) conducted via Skype. If you have not quite reached the required IELTS score or you are unable to take an IELTS test you do have the option of undertaking the University’s own English Language test. This test can be requested by contacting the International Centre at the University of Chester / 40%
Letter of motivation / 20%
Academic achievements / Provide details and evidence of all your academic qualifications / 20%
Academic suitability to programme of mobility / State why you have chosen the / 20%

Notes to applicants

Application package for all candidates to submit

  1. Completed application form
  2. Copy of the IELTS certificate (if you have one)
  3. Letter of motivation
  4. Copy of all existing qualifications (if not in English, then translations into English)
  5. Copy of your passport (Front cover, front inside page and photo page
  6. Signed letter of support from Dean in the department where the student is studying

Programme of study

Modules on offer for 2016-2017

Undergraduate and postgraduate students

Undergraduate and postgraduate students will be able to study modules each semester (2 modules for students on 5-month placements, 4 modules for students on 10-month placements).

PhD/ Prof Doc/Post Doc

It is essential that you discuss your research plan with the host lead so ensure appropriate supervision is available. Your application will not be considered if you do not have evidence of this (signed work plan) from the host institution.


A bespoke work plan will be developed for your mobility

The University of Chester will offer the following modules in the 2016-17 academic year Link:

Tbilisi State Medical University enquiries contact: Prof. Nino Kandelaki () University of Chester enquiries contact: Dr June Keeling ()