Awaken Movement, UC Berkeley CUE SHEET

By: Pauline Alvarado Updated: 13 April 2008

Standby or Cue / When / What happens
Stby house lights
> curtain
> projector [not sure if this will be here]
> video / [insert minutes] before show
House lights out
> curtains open
> projector go / SHOWTIME! / Blackout
Video go
Stby projector up
>Q1 / When projector goes down or curtain is fully open / OPENING begins
Video montage
Project out / *somewhere in the middle of the video… it takes a while to roll that ish up and down*
Q1 go / [watch the video for the last line? OR do they start when I call the lights on?] / 4 speakers onstage
Q2 go / [SAM’S LINE GOES HERE] / Entire stage lights up
Band plays
Cast on stage
Stby Q3
> Q4 / The awaken movement sign starts to open
Q3 go / Music stops. [INSERT LAST LINE HERE] / OPENING ends.
Everyone stops on stage; then, blackout.
Q4 go / [do I look for Golda on the alcove? How long after the blackout? OR does Golda start when I cue to lights on?] / LIBERTY1 begins
Spot on alcove.
Stby Q5
> Q6
> Sound 1? [singkil has live music?] / VICTOR: It’s only a few minutes long… My name is victor by the way.
Q5 go
Sound 1 go? / LIBERTY: Huh? You were just stalling?
VICTOR: Shh! Look it’s starting! / LIBERTY1 ends
SINGKIL begins
Lights fade to focus on the dance.
Q6 go. / [when do you want me to cue the lights for the opening?] / [happens during this cue?]
Stby Q7 / [indicate a move or time when I should alert the lighting guy]
Q7 go. / [what move/time/sound/lyrics do u want me to call the cue?] / [happens during this cue?]
Stby Q8 to Q11 / [indicate a move or time when I should alert the lighting guy]
Q8 go / [what move/time/sound/lyrics do u want me to call the cue?] / [happens during this cue?]
Q9 go / 5 seconds after the final pose. / SINGKIL ends.
Q10 go / 3 groups are onstage. / OLD SCHOOL (OS) begins
Spotlights on each group.
Q11 go / LEAN and DARLENE on the side. Other people exit. / OS II
Full stage lights.
Stby Q12
> Q13 / AMD: Come on it’ll be fun.
Q12 go / GK: I also need a job...
DIANA: …looking for writers. / Fade black.
Q13 go / LEAN and DARLENE are on the side and people exit. / OS III.
Spotlights on characters.
Stby Q14 / LEAN and DARLENE argue. The phone rings.
Q14 go
Stby Q15 / GK: Dad I have to go.
LIGAYA: Besides, I’d like to feel like a young college student again. / Fade black.
Q15 go / After ninjas clear Ligaya’s area, actors are on stage / OS IV.
Full stage lights.
Stby Q16 / LIGAYA: I’m not old.
Q16 go / LIGAYA: “…but PILIPINOS was invested in things that mattered.” / Lighting indicates mood change.
Stby Q17 to Q19 / AM: “Right!” [insert line before]
Q17 go / GK: “No dance and no rally for me.” / Blackout.
Q18 go / Clear stage.
Actor behind screen on alcove. / OS V.
Actor will turn on light.
Q19 go / Immediately after actor turns on light. / 2 spots will follow actors as they emerge from the screen.
Stby Q20 to Q22 / GK: Stop it.
Q20 go / EMILIO returns behind the screen. / Spot off.
Q21 go / Actors will gather on SL entrance. / Spot follows 5 characters
Q22 go / LIGAYA passes flyers to MARVIN and ALEX. / OS VI.
Full house lights.
Stby Q23 / FELICITY: No, it’s okay…
Q23 go / FELICITY: No your voices need to be heard. Change starts when one person speaks up. / Change in lighting mood.
Stby Q24 to Q31 / GK: Don’t preach to me.
Q24 go
Stby Sound 2 / LIGAYA: This young man and I are going to get more participants…
Ligaya pulls GK offstage. / Blackout.
Q25 go / ANNOUNCER: OK, next up is PILIPINOS from UCB performing Rhytmn Nation. / OS VII.
Spotlight on DIANA
Q26 go
Sound 2 go / DIANA: Okay, we’ve all worked hard for this. Do a good job! / Spot off. (ask Judith/Alvin Eugene what goes after this)
Q27 go / 00:05 seconds after the 5,4,3,2,1
* look for a dance move or something easy… like a beat or something * / JAZZ begins.
Q28 go / 00:09 seconds (“bass”)
* see above * / Spot SR group
Q29 go
/ 00:14 seconds
* see above * / Spot Center group
Q30 go / 00:18 seconds
*see above * / Full stage lights.
Q31 go? / [indicate a move or time when I should cue the lighting guy] / JAZZ ends.
OS VII Resumes.
[what happens to the lights here? Black out? The same lights as jazz?]
Stby Q32 to Q35 / GK: And when you dance…
Q32 go / GK: We’re progressing as a community, right? / Change in lighting mood.
Q33go / DIANA: We can teach you a few things, and maybe you can join our next performance? / Blackout.
Q34 go / When everyone is set up on stage. / OS VIII.
Spot on groups.
Q35 go / KAY: Imagine where this can go.
KAY: You’ve awakened a movement. / OS ends.
Fade to blackout.
Q36 go / LYRA: Oh wow!
FM: Hokay hokay hokay… sige na.
* may improve to give ninjas more time * / TRANSITION1 begins
* dialogue may change… this is a general idea of it*
Stby Q37
> Q38 / LYRA: Of course she’s involved! But she…I don’t know.
Q37 go / FM: We’ll see you two at the debut?
LYRA: Yeah, she’s going. Okay, sige na.
FM: Bye! / TRANSITION1 ends.
Lights fade out SR
Stby Q38 / LYRA: …Roxanne’s debut this Saturday. / LIBERTY2 II
Q38 go / LIBERTY: Sorry, I’ll pass I’m already involved…Just not with the Filipino group. / Light change to go with mood change. [Louel, would you like a lighting change here?]
Stby Q39 / LIBERTY: Sorry, but I’m not Okay!
Q39 go
Stby Q40 / LYRA: I’m proud of you ‘nak…
LIBERTY: But you meant it. / Light change to go with mood.
[lighting change needs to be confirmed]
Q40 go
Stby Q41 to Q43 / LYRA: Well I’m lonely too!
LYRA exits with LIBERTY on stage. / Blackout.
[how long will the blackout be? As long as the ninja set up? When I see the two on stage?]
Q41 go / JOBELLE & LIB are on stage.
Spot SR on.
Q42 go / LIBERTY: Exactly… that’s the word I’m looking for… Yup. / Spot SR off.
Spot SL on.
Q43 go / WAITER: …would you like to you wait for your party?
LYRA: Wait. / Spot SL off.
Spot SR on.
Stby Q44
> Q45 / LIBERTY: I really don’t want to.
Q44 go / JOBELLE: So your mom should be happy that you’re, like, taking ownership of your life or whatevs. / Spot SR off.
Spot SL on.
Q45 go / LYRA: Oh that makes me so happy… But now I need to take more care of myself. / Spot SL off.
Spot SR on.
Stby Q46 to 48 / After knocking sound.
DAD: Jojo!
Q46 go / DAD: Whatever…
LIBERTY: Will do. / Spot follows DAD to Center
Q47 go / JOBELLE: Um okay… fine… But it’s at a fancy romantic restaurant. / Spot SR off.
Spot SL on.
Q48 go / VICTOR: Excellent, you’re… What would you guys like to order? / Lights out.
Stby Q49 / Voicemail lady
Q49 go / VICTOR: Is your friend coming?
JOBELLE: Maybe. I keep getting her voicemail th… / LIBERTY2 IV
Lights up
Stby Q50 / LIBERTY: …she’s happy, I’m happy…
Q50 go
Stby Q51 / ESTELLA: Liberty stop…
ESTELLA: I want to tell you something. / Blackout.
Q51 go / ESTELLA: Oh okay, I will.
LYRA: Salamat po. / Lights on including the alcoves.
Stby Q52
> Q53 / VOICE: It’s something you’re never thanked for.
Q52 go / VOICE: Anything
LYRA: Mother / Blackout
Q53 go / ESTELLA: Daughter
LYRA: Mother
LIBERTY: Mom / Lights on.
Stby Q54 / LIBERTY: Be able to be proud of me…
Q54 go
Stby Q55 / ESTELLA: Chis-mis and experience. / Blackout.
Q55 go / JOBELLE: Stall like crazy!…
VICTOR: You got it! That’s my specialty. / LIBERTY2 V
Lights up.
Stby Q56 / LIBERTY: Ma!
Q56 go / VICTOR: We can start the last dance!
[call the cue when all the dancers have taken their position?] / LIBERTY2 ends.
SWINGS begins.
[does swing automatically go into the dance? Will the lights be on or will there be a blackout after VICTOR’s last line?]
Stby Q57
> Sound 3 / [indicate a move or time when I should alert the lighting guy]
Sound 3 & then Q57 go
* it looks better when the sound goes as they are dancing and then the light… because it would look weird if the light changes before the sound and dancing * / When the band ends?
[what move/time/sound/lyrics do u want me to call the cue?] / Lights focus on the “soul train”?
Stby Q58
> Curtains / [indicate a move or time when I should alert the lighting guy]
Q58 go
> Curtains go / [what move/time/sound/lyrics do u want me to call the cue?] / SWING Ends.


Stby house lights
> curtains / [insert minutes] before show
House lights out
> curtains go
Stby Q59 / When we’re ready dawg. / Blackout
Q59 go / [when do you want me to cue the lights for the opening?] / MORO begins.
“Morning” lighting
Stby Q60 / [indicate a move or time when I should alert the lighting guy]
Q60 go / [what move/time/sound/lyrics do u want me to call the cue?] / “Noon” lighting
Stby Q61 / [indicate a move or time when I should alert the lighting guy]
Q61 go / [what move/time/sound/lyrics do u want me to call the cue?] / Really bright lights
Stby Q62
> Q63 / [indicate a move or time when I should alert the lighting guy]
Q62 go / Ending pose / MORO ends.
Blackout (ask trad heads)
Q63 go /
ANGELA starts walking out
Lights on.
Stby Q64 / VOICEMAIL: Ms. Bagumbayan…
Q64 go / ANGELA/LOLA: …new job as an architect. When I last talk to your mommy she was… / Spot on LOLA
Stby Q65 to Q69 / LOLA: ay nako, you’re right.
Q65 go / ANGELA:…this part of the slums for the condos.
ANGELA walks offstage. / Spot on ANGELA fades after exiting.
Q66 go / MANG TAYSO dances the ocho ocho / Spot fades
Q67 go / MANG TAYSO: Why are you HANGING around here…you silly little girl! / Spot blacks out.
Q68 go / After ringing sound. / LV II
Lamp light on SR alcove turns on.
Q69 go / ?? / Lamp off on SR alcove
Stby Q70
> Q71 / ANGELA: Really? You should write a book.
Q70 go / Everything starts to move. Plastic vase falls over. Angela gasps. / Blackout.
Q71 go / Music starts playing (2 seconds after blackout). /
Spot on ANGELA lying on the floor.
Stby Q72 / MARIANNE: Mommy brought some pandesal and juice so we can celebrate!
Q72 go / MARIANNE: This pandesal is special! / Second spot on DSL
Stby Q73 TO Q75 / FATHER: Thank you! Salamat!
Q73 go / FATHER: Nahihirapan narin. / Spot DSL gradually fades out.
Q74 go / MARIANNE: Maligayang bati. / Remaining spot fades out.
Q75 go
Stby Q76 / Family is on stage. / Dimmed lights.
Q76 go / FATHER: …we don’t have any money to ride the bus
ANGELA: I don’t understand it. / Spot on.
Stby Q77
> Q78 / MARIANNE: All you Pilipino Americans care about are…
Q77 go / ANSELMO: Or is it because I fought for a father that doesn’t even call me his own son. / [what lighting is going on right now?]
Q78 go / ANSELMO: Look baon! /
Spot on ANSELMO.
Stby Q79
> Q80 / ANSELMO is standing and whatnot.
Q79 go / PEOPLE IN BLACK: Why do you care… / Spot on ANSELMO out.
Q80 go / Last PEOPLE IN BLACK leave stage. /
Stby Q81 to Q83 / MANG TASYO: But you know, what’s missing in that picture? Dashing Tasyo!
Q81 go / MANG TASYO: Your Lola wants you to hear them… MANG TASYO grabs the frame… / Spot on MANG TASYO fades.
Q82 go / VOICEMAIL: Where are you?
[need confirmation on this line for the lighting change] /
LV, Scene III.4
“Urgent, bloody” lighting comes on.
Q83 go / ELLEN: Anak / Spot 2 on.
Stby Q84 to Q88 / BOSS: Ellen!
Q84 go / BOSS: Oh there you are!
ELLEN: No, don’t! / Spot 1 & 2 starts to fade.
Q85 go (right after “No, don’t!”) / ELLEN: I have my family… my children! / Lights out.
Q86 go / ANGELA places ELLEN on her lap.
ANGELA: Can… /
LV, Scene IV.1
Spot 1 on.
Q87 go / ANGELA: Can someone help us? I can’t let her die too… / Spot 2 on SR alcove.
Q88 go / LOLA: You can do a lot. / Spot 2 out.
Stby Q89 to Q96
> Sound 4 / MODERN walks in.
Q89 go / ELLEN: some of us stay there… and some of us come back in body bags… You won’t remember a maid. / Spot fades out.
[is Q89 and Q90 the same thing?]
Q90 / ANGELA backpedals / House lights dim
Q91 go
Sound 4 go / 2 actors exit and MODERN is left on stage. / MODERN begins.
“Everyday we struggling”
Q92 go / [what move/time/sound/lyrics do u want me to call the cue?] / Lauryn Hill song
Q93 go / [what move/time/sound/lyrics do u want me to call the cue?] / JT song
Q94 go / [what move/time/sound/lyrics do u want me to call the cue?] / Maid song
Q95 go / [what move/time/sound/lyrics do u want me to call the cue?] / “Grown apart”
Q96 go
Stby Q97
> Q98
> Video
> Projector? / [what move/time/sound/lyrics do u want me to call the cue?] / Finale – Talib Kweli
Q97 go
Projector go? / Ending pose (wait a couple of seconds). / MODERN ends.
Q98 go / Loud noises in Zellerbach. When the ghosts are standing on stage ready. /
Dimmed ouselights go on.
Video go. / Choir starts singing.
[need confirmation of this cue] /
Stby Projector / * when website material comes on * /
Video out.
Projector out.
Stby Q99 / ONSCREEN:
It's up to you... to see
It's up to you... to listen
You are the architect of your own activism. /
LV ends.
Q99 go / Jean on DSL / TRANSITION2 begins.
Spot on Jean
Stby Q100 to Q103 / ANGELA: Whatever it is. Whatever you do…
Q100 go / Wait for dancers to occupy the stage?
MOF begins
Top lights shine down on boys.
Spotlight at instrumentalists slowly fades in.
Q101 go / 10 seconds afters /
Lighting mood gradually changes
Q102 go / Dancer pose. First music piece ends. /
Lighting mood changes.
Q103 go
Stby Q104
> Q105 / Change from Spanish to Cordillero. /
Lighting mood changes.
Q104 go / Final pose (wait a couple of seconds after). /
MOF ends.
Q105 go / Jean is on stage. /
TRAN2 resumes
Stby Q106
> Q107 / ANDREW: Woogity boogity…. /
Q106 go / JEAN: Uhh .. no … I … Oh no! I’m late for tabling I gotta go! /
TRAN2 ends.
MUSICAL I begins.
Bright/Circus mood lighting.
Q107 go
>Stby Q108 to Q114 / ANDREW & JEAN: Step right up…[what are they doing before this? ] /
(from alcove?)
Spot on SL??
Q108 go / JEAN: Don’t worry! All questions will be answered. Just come out this Saturday. /