Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1.  Is there many much/a lot of sugar in this cake

2.  I never go for sailing.

3.  Have you ever been to an art gallery?

4.  I am looking forward to going to your party.

5.  This exam is more difficult as than the other.

6.  There are a bit of few people outside.

7.  They are not as bright than as their brother.

8.  I always go on for a drink after work.

9.  He might to go surfing tomorrow.

10.  That red car is hers.

11.  I need a little few more apples for the pie.

12.  My friend’s sister loves shopping.

13.  She is the happiest person than in the school.

14.  She don’t goes doesn’t go swimming every day.

15.  I always have always dinner at home.

16.  I am not going to work tomorrow.

17.  I wonder if you could help me.

18.  He went to on a business trip last month.

19.  New York is farer farther than Miami.

20.  For what is that for?

21.  That car is more smaller than mine.

2.  Complete the sentences as in the example.

1.  Peter is ______( = tall) his brother → Peter is as tall as his brother

2.  I’m almost _as bad __ (= bad) at maths _as_ at science.

3.  Susan is _lazier than_ ( + lazy) her sister.

4.  It’s much __hotter than_ (+ hot) it was yesterday.

5.  This lesson is _less difficult than_ (- difficult) yesterday’s.

6.  My father isn’t __as patient as__ (= patient) my mother.

7.  This film is __as good as_ (= good) last week’s.

3.  Write sentences as in the example.

1.  For my birthday- have a party ® I’m having a party for my birthday.

2.  Monday- 4pm- play tennis

I’m playing tennis at four o’clock on Monday/on Monday at four o’clock.

3.  Saturday morning- go swimming

I’m going swimming on Saturday morning

4.  Next month – travel abroad.

I’m travelling abroad next month.

5.  Tomorrow- take an exam

I’m taking an exam tomorrow

6.  Sunday evening – go to the cinema

I’m going to the cinema on Sunday evening