To: Lisa Whitfield, CFO, ConnCAN
From:Madeline McNeely, PrincipalConsultant, Facilitator, Coach, Trainer
Date: December3, 2016
Re: ConnCAN Trust Building through Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ)Initiative
This proposal is an outline of how I would approach working with ConnCAN staff as gain insights into how their communication impacts others. C-IQ helps teams and organizations become aware of conversational dynamics and how elevate trust. Madeline uses the C-IQ DRIVE methodology to guide this culture change and trust building process.
Discover (Review) Phase Total hours 6
- Madeline meets with Ex. Team to get agreement on outcomes and process of work. 1 hr
- Madeline meet with Project Design Team to prepare the work (executive level plus others) 1 hr
- Madeline reviews background documents which are relevant for this project so she can understand ConnCAN’s “Current Reality” and ensure this work is designed to serve its organizational and culture change purpose. 1 hr
- Madeline designs Desired Outcomes, Agenda, prepares pre-work, handouts etc… with feedback
from Process Design Team. 3 hrs
Realign(Rediscover) Orientation Workshop Total hours 8
plus travel time
- Madeline facilitates C-IQ Workshop to introduce Conversational Intelligence, co-creating conversations, messaging of this work is laid out, vital areas are identified to improve. 3 hrs
- C-IQ Essentials and Catalyst Tool overview.C-IQ context from which frameworks/interventions ConnCAN has implemented (True Colors workshop, Difficult Conversations etc…) alreadyin organizational system.
- Debrief session/s with Planning Design Team. 5 hrs
Innovate (Implementation) PhaseTotal hours 10
- Madeline administers C-IQ Catalyst Team Assessment for each staff person
- C-IQ at Work Workshops
- C-IQ Catalyst Team Result
- Trust and Engagement overview
- Processes identified to ensure up-regulation of oxytocin inducing behaviors and down regulation of cortisol inducing behaviors.
- 30-60-90 day learning tools identified, initial long term plan beginning to be shaped.
Validate (Sustain Engagement) PhaseTotal hours 8
- Share learning and successes across departments and organization.
- Individual and collective tracking of assessment and impact.
- Measure successes over time.
Evolve (Energize) PhaseTotal hours 8
- Build action learning teams, coaching and feedback culture, share successes internally and externally.
- Measure and celebrate milestones, feedback for organization as a whole.
Consultant Daily Rate: $1200.00
Catalyst Tool: $99.00 per person
Total # of hours/days: 40hours = 5 days
Total Contract: $6000.00 + catalyst tool administration
Plus expenses: Mileage, hotel (if needed).Copying handouts done by ConnCAN
68 Jewett St. Newton, MA 02458 617-320-7381