VIAAA Annual Budget A-1
VIAAA Conference B-1
Annual Conference Programs/Registration Packet Content B-2
VIAAA Annual Business Meeting Agenda B-4
Annual Business Meeting Awards Ceremony B-5
Banquet Awards Ceremony B-6
VIAAA Sectional Meeting Suggested Agenda B-7
Conference Forms B-8
VIAAA Pre-Conference Estimated Budget B-9
VIAAA Conference Final Financial Report Form B-10
VIAAA News Release B-11
VIAAA News Release Guidelines B-12
VIAAA District Representatives B-13
Annual Sectional Election Report B-14
VIAAA Sectional Meeting Report B-15
VIAAA Award Nominations B-16
VIAAA Committee/Liaison Annual Summary Report B-17
VIAAA Conference Sites, Chairpersons and Themes B-18
VIAAA Annual Conference Chairperson and Site B-19
VIAAA Annual Conference Themes B-20
Awards C-1
Awards Summary C-2
Award Deadline Schedule C-4
Voting Procedure for VIAAA Athletic Director of the Year & the VIAAA Distinguished Service Award C-5
VIAAA Athletic Director of the Year Nomination Form C-6
VIAAA Career Award Application C-7
VIAAA Retiring Athletic Director/Administrator Form C-8
VIAAA Distinguished Service Award Nomination Form C-9
VIAAA Special Award Nomination Form C-10
John C. Youngblood Scholarship Award Criteria C-11
The John C. Youngblood Scholarship Award Nomination Form C-12
NIAAA Award Forms & Recipients C-13
VIAAA Annual Awards C-14
VIAAA State Athletic Administrator of the Year C-14
VIAAA Career Awards C-15
5 Year Pin C-15
10 Year Certificate + Pin C-15
15 Year Pins C-17
20 Year Award + Pin C-18
25 Year Award + Pin C-19
30 Year Award + Pin C-20
35 Year Award C-20
NIAAA Career Awards C-22
15 Year Awards C-22
20 Year Award C-22
30 Year Award C-23
VIAAA Distinguished Service Award Recipients C-25
(Individuals Outside the Field of Athletic Administration) C-25
NIAAA Distinguished Service Award C-26
NIAAA Distinguished Service Award Outside the Field of Athletic Administration C-27
NFHS National Citation Award C-27
NIAAA National Award of Merit C-27
NIAAA Award of Excellence C-27
NIAAA State Award of Merit C-28
VIAAA Special Award C-28
Frank Kovaleski Award C-28
John C. Youngblood Lifetime Award of Merit C-29
John C. Youngblood Scholarship Award Recipients C-29
Claudia Dodson Scholarship Award Recipients C-30
VIAAA Outstanding Service Award C-31
VIAAA Outstanding Leadership Award ( Presidents ) C-31
VIAAA Honorary Membership C-31
VIAAA Award of Merit C-32
VIAAA Certificate of Appreciation C-32
VIAAA Award of Excellence C-32
Certified Athletic Administrators- CAA C-33
Certified Master Athletic Administrator- CMAA C-34
VIAAA Retired Athletic Director / Administrator Award Recipients C-35
Board of Directors D-1
Sample Letter D-2
Absent From Meeting-First Letter D-2
Sample Letter D-3
Absent From Meeting-Second Letter D-3
VIAAA Board of Directors D-4
Athletic Directors Who Served on the VHSL Executive Committee D-8
VIAAA Forms E-1
VIAAA Committee Application E-2
Standing Committee Descriptions E-3
VIAAA Board of Directors Application Form E-4
Board of Directors Position Descriptions E-5
Districts/Sections G-1
VHSL Public Schools Divided Into VIAAA Sections G-2
Independent Schools by VIAAA Sections G-3
Sponsorships H-1
VIAAA Conference Sponsors H-2
VIAAA Conference Booster H-2
Sample Letter for Partners of the VIAAA Contract/Agreement H-3
VIAAA Partnership H-4
List of VIAAA Partnerships H-6
VIAAA Educational Corporate Contributors H-8
Time-lines I-1
Time-line - President I-2
Time-line - President-Elect I-3
Time-line - Secretary I-5
Time-line - Treasurer I-6
Time-line - Immediate Past President I-8
Past Presidents Council - Items of Note I-10
Time-line - Regional Representative I-10
Time-line - Delegate-At-Large I-12
Time-line - Awards I-13
Time-line - By-laws I-14
Time-line - Exhibitors I-15
Time-line - Legislative Action I-16
Time-line - Membership I-17
Time-line - NIAAA Liaison I-18
Time-line - Public Relations I-20
Time-line - Publications I-21
Time-line - Scholarship I-22
Time-line - Ways and Means I-23
Time-line - VHSL I-24
Time-line - Retired Athletic Administrator Liaison I-26
Time-line - Professional Development Committee I-27
Committee Chair Term Rotations I-29
VIAAA POP Manual – Appendices Table of Contents Page v
VIAAA Annual Budget
VIAAA Sample Budget
Sample Budget
Estimated Income:
Membership $ 0.00
State Conference 0.00
50/50 Raffle 0.00
Scholarship (Conference Class) 0.00
Donations 0.00
Investment Funds 0.00
Miscellaneous (Fines) 0.00
Total estimate income $0.00
Estimated Expenses:
Travel $ 0.00
Scholarship (4 at $1,500) 0.00
Newsletter (printing, postage) 0.00
Insurance ( at $5) 0.00
Corporation Fee 0.00
NIAAA Association Fee 0.00
NIAAA Executive Board Travel/Expenses 0.00
Section II NIAAA Expense 0.00
Lapel Pins 0.00
Membership (cards and brochures) 0.00
NEFF (certificates and plaques) 0.00
President's ring 0.00
State Conference 0.00
Miscellaneous 0.00
Total estimated expenses $0.00
Net Profit $ 0.00
Investment Funds (Date) 0.00
Checking Account (Date) 0.00
Proposed Net Worth (Date) $0.00
Respectfully submitted by:______
Treasurer VIAAA
Appendix A – Budget Page A-2
Appendix B - Conference Page
VIAAA Conference
Annual Conference Programs/Registration Packet Content
(Free room to President, Conference Chairperson, Invited Speakers, Hospitality Chairperson)
Registration Packet Contents
o List of pre-registered attendees (as of cut-off date) Note: give free registration to other state attendees.
o Minutes from last years Annual Business Meeting
o Annual Business Meeting Agenda and meeting evaluation (for Sectional Chairperson to use at Sectional meeting)
o By-law changes
o List of exhibitors (include corporate sponsor advertisements)
o Conference Evaluation Form (Put at the bottom a return address and/or a drop off spot for the evaluation - good to have a door prize to get people to return the evaluation)
o Name badge
o Tickets (Banquet, extra events)
o Program changes and special announcements (if needed)
o Professional Development Booklet
o Standing Committee Board of Directors Application (optional)
o Standing Committees - Annual Report
1. Registration Form
o General registration form for the conference with an outline of the events included
o Check on the current prices to be included on the form (this may change annually)
o Copies should be sent to all members (public and Independent), retired and middle school
2. Main Conference Program
o Pictures of region representatives and delegates-at-large
o Pictures of speakers - If you need to leave some pictures out leave out pictures of VIAAA members
o List of corporate sponsors with level of giving
o Picture of Conference Chairperson
o List of host Conference committee members
o Letter from the President
o VSHSADA/VIAAA Through the Years - List Past Presidents, Exhibitors/contributors/corporate sponsors
o VIAAA Standing Committee Chairpersons
o Back page - check to see if this should be given to a corporate sponsor (see President/Corp. Sponsor Chair)
3. Banquet Program
o List all awards given at the Conference (Recognize organization sponsoring awards in banquet program)
o Program Format - see Awards Ceremony pages in this section
o Back Page(s) - VIAAA Career Awards - List these
NIAAA Career Awards - List these
4. Opening General Session
o Formal Opening - National Anthem, Pledge, etc.
o Welcome
o Conference Chairperson
o Distinguished Guests
o Appropriate Sponsor(s)
o VIAAA President
o Speaker
o Closing
VIAAA Annual Business Meeting Agenda
The Association shall conduct its regular business meeting in conjunction with the Annual Conference.
AGENDA - Items shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Call to Order - Determine Quorum (1/5 of current membership)
2. Introductions - the officers will introduce the following and ask them to stand:
A. Officers - President
B. Past Presidents - Immediate Past President
C. Board of Directors - President-Elect
D. Committee Chairpersons - Treasurer
E. Conference Chairperson - President
3. Announcements
4. Minutes - last year’s business meeting minutes only
5. Treasurer's Report - Annual Budget and financial report
6. Officers' Report
7. Executive Director’s Report
8. By-laws
9. Legislative Report
10. VHSL
11. Committee Reports - See Appendix B - VIAAA Standing Committee Annual Summary Report for Business Meeting. (Do not adopt annual committee reports)
12. Sectional Meeting Reports - See Appendix B - Sectional Meeting Report
13. President's State of the Association Report
14. Unfinished Business
15. New Business
A. National Conference
B. State Conference
C. Regional Door Prizes
D. 50/50 Raffle (Announce to buy tickets)
16. Adjournment
Sit officers on the platform (6).
The Past Presidents shall be seated at a table or in chairs in front of the platform (rows should be saved by a board member assigned by the president).
Annual Business Meeting Awards Ceremony
Head Table (6) - President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and Executive Director. Table to the side of the head table with awards lined up in the proper order. (This should be adjusted if there is a guest speaker - everyone speaking should be at the head table)
Business Meeting - All recipients must check in before the meeting begins. There should be a sign outside of the meeting asking "ALL AWARD RECIPIENTS PLEASE CHECK IN HERE!"
Reserved Seating- Past Presidents
Order of Awards:
o VIAAA Career Awards - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 Year Career Awards. Names called by Awards Chairperson
o NIAAA Career Awards - 15, 20, 25, Year Awards. Names called by NIAAA Liaison
o NIAAA Distinguished Service Award Inside the Field of Athletics-
¨ Nomination announced by NIAAA Liaison
Procedure for Awards:
President will introduce the Awards Chairperson and ask all award winners to remain up front until a group or individual picture is taken. The President will then go down to hand out awards. The President-Elect will get the correct award and hand it to the President and the President will hand the award to the recipient.
VIAAA Awards will be called first and the NIAAA Awards will follow. Recipients present should be called up for picture and then any not checked in should have award given to the Regional Representative.
The Awards Chairperson will call the state winners per group and then the NIAAA Liaison will read the names of those in attendance receiving a NIAAA Certificate. The group or individual picture will be taken and then the chairperson will ask the Regional Representatives to pick up the plaque for absent members as names are called.
Banquet Awards Ceremony
Head Table (8 or 10) - President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director, Awards Chairperson, Scholarship Chairperson, NIAAA Liaison, (Speaker and spouse if appropriate). The banquet chairperson should confirm the final number at the head table by an RSVP before the event to make sure there are a correct number of seats)
Presiding - President
John Youngblood Scholarship - Scholarship Chairperson
Claudia Dodson Scholarship – Scholarship Chairperson
Past Presidents’ Leadership Scholarship – Scholarship Chairperson
Keynote Speaker (Optional) - Introduced by President or local conference person
Award: Presented By:
Hall of Fame Rings President
VIAAA Distinguished Service Award
Outside the Field of Athletics President-Elect or local conference person
Retiring Athletic Director Treasurer
NIAAA State Award of Merit NIAAA Liaison
Athletic Directors of the Year Immediate Past President
Outstanding Leadership Award Immediate Past President
*Other Awards if Given President
Presentation of the Gavel ` President
Next Conference Site Announcement
*Each year we will also have:
Presentation of the Outstanding Leadership Award - Immediate Past President
(A ring= to the outgoing President)
Presentation of the Gavel to the President-Elect - by the President
Outgoing President's Comments (optional)
Incoming President does not give a speech
#Plaques and Awards obtained by Award Chairperson.
=Rings obtained by President through Jostens Inc.
VIAAA Sectional Meeting Suggested Agenda
(Use this agenda as a basis for VIAAA Sectional Meeting at Conference)
1. Welcome and Roll Call (Recognize non-members or visitors)
2. Membership/Mailings
A. Membership list - check for any corrections
B. Mailings - anyone not receiving A.D.mission or VIAAA information should be noted
C. Corrected list should be given to the A.D.mission & membership Chairperson
3. Elections/Committee & Board Membership
A. Appoint a Secretary to keep minutes at the meeting
B. Elections
C. Sectional Chairperson &/or Vice-Chairperson if needed
D. VIAAA Board of Directors Regional Representative &/or alternate
E. Standing committees and VIAAA Board openings - have applications available
4. Awards (VIAAA & NIAAA)
A. Award Nominations - give a brief description of each award and nominate at least one in each category
B. Complete award summary sheet to turn in after the meeting
C. Award Forms - have award applications available to hand out to nominees
D. Follow up on all nominations
E. Annual Awards - make sure you have a name for each annual award category
5. New Memberships (VIAAA & NIAAA)
A. Membership - runs from July 1 – June 30
B. NIAAA - encourage membership in our national organization
6. District Representatives for VIAAA Memberships (See membership pamphlet to confirm representatives already in place - purpose is to distribute information and encourage membership in each district)
A. District Representatives - confirm representatives already in place and are they active
B. Election - elect representatives where needed and complete sheet
C. District Representatives should go to the membership committee meetings
7. Review upcoming VIAAA Business Meeting Agenda items as necessary
8. Future Conference Planning
A. Year Rotation Site Chairperson
List Dates
*Conference Review Committee Chairperson - should have 5 committee members at all times
9. National Conference Information
A. Location – List Dates and Location
B. NIAAA Membership
10. Unfinished Business of Section
11. New Business of Section
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Report submitted by: Date: ______
Conference Forms
VIAAA Pre-Conference Estimated Budget
(Due at the January VIAAA Board Meeting)
The following Budget Form shall be used by conference directors for Board of Directors review.
Conference Site:
Conference Date:
Conference Director:
I. Expenses/Chairpersons