Nepal: WSIS Action Lines & its Achievements

Since the WSIS initiation began, Nepal also played a significant role in the development and promotion of ICT sector. Some of the key features are outlined below:

1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development

Ø  ICT has been considered as key priority area for future investment by the major bilateral and multilateral development partners.

Ø  His Majesty’s Government of Nepal (HMGN) has initiated the involvement of the private sector in the development of the telecommunication services since December 1995.

Ø  ICT friendly Telecommunication Policy has been promulgated and Information Technology projects are in place.

Ø  Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA) was established as an autonomous regulatory body in 1998.

Ø  HMG/N established a High Level Commission on Information Technology (HLCIT) as an apex body under the chairmanship of Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Nepal in 2003. It acts as a platform to work together in ICT related matters with the private sectors, government sectors, Regional, and International Organizations.

Ø  The National Information Technology Center (NITC) was established in 2002 under the MOEST. It acts as the Secretariat of HLCIT so as to facilitate the implementation of ICT related works.

Ø  The Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology (MOEST) brought forward the Science and Technology Policy, 2004.

Ø  As per the license issued by NTA, the previous Nepal Telecommunication Corporation transformed to the Nepal Telecom as a company where the share from the private sector would also be allowed. At the moment it is 100 percent government owned company. In this budget speech of this fiscal year 2005/2006, HMG/N has announced that 15 per cent of the share of Nepal Telecom would be privatized in which 5 per cent to the officials of the Nepal Telecom and 10 per cent to the private sectors.

Ø  Sufficient number of ICT related private training institutes have been established in promoting ICT within the country. Besides conducting training programs, many of these private companies offer various services like Consultancy, Software Packages and Hardware maintenance as well as computer assembly.

Ø  IT subjects have been introduced from the primary level to higher secondary level.

Ø  Many colleges are running Graduate and Post Graduate levels of academic IT courses.

Ø  Due to the ICT awareness campaign form HMG/N and private sectors, Personal Computers are fast becoming an essential household item in the affluent families as well as in some families of middle level economy.

Ø  Value Added Telecommunication Services are continuously being offered by the Service Providers

Ø  Due to the liberalization policy of HMG/N, the first private company United Telecom Limited (UTL) started its own International Gateway from 19th April 2004 and is providing its telecom service in Kathmandu Valley. Total subscriber of WLL telephone service was 31000 as of 15 July, 2005.

Ø  STM Telecom Sanchar Pvt. Ltd. is also going to provide rural telephone services in the Eastern region by establishing 197 PCOs.

Ø  Spice Nepal Private Limited (SNPL), a joint venture company of Kazakhstan and Nepal, has launched its mobile services from September 17, 2005.

Ø  IT related professionals have formed an association named Computer Association of Nepal (CAN) in the private sector to help promote ICT related subject matters in the country.

Ø  South and South-West Asia Conference on Follow-up to the First Phase and preparation for the Second phase of the WSIS was held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 1 to 3 March 2004;

Ø  Websites for Government agencies have been developed.

Ø  ICT related seminars were organized among stakeholders.

Ø  Around 200 Tele-centers have been established in different districts of the country.

2. Information and communication infrastructure: an essential foundation for the Information Society

Ø  East-west highway optical fiber Project has been launched as a backbone for Information Super Highway.

Ø  Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) WLL Project has been initiated.

Ø  GSM Mobile network expansion Project has been launched.

Ø  Telecom has been shifting from 2nd to 2.5 Generation.

Ø  Telephone services are available on demand in Cities and towns and at shouting distance in villages/rural settlements.

Ø  HMG/N has received supports in ICTs from International Telecommunication Union (ITU), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT), Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank (WB), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Korea Agency for Digital Opportunity and Promotion (KADO), etc.

Ø  National ICT master plan is being jointly prepared by ADB and HMG/N

Ø  Japan Fund for Information and Communication Technology (JFICT) has pledged for one million dollar for establishing Community Centre.

3. Access to information and knowledge

Ø  HMG/N with its Telecommunication Policy-2004 is insisting ICT friendly policies in every sector.

Ø  Membership of WTO on 23 April 2004 with the opening of Computer and related services and Telecommunication Services which includes all Basic Telecom, Mobile Telecom Services, and Value-added telecommunications. Foreign equity participation upto 80 per cent in the telecommunication services

Ø  The Telecommunication services have been liberalized through deregulation and licensing of new operators by NTA

Ø  Privatization process of State Owned Nepal Telecom Co. is continuing.

Ø  NITC has developed Government portals that enable citizens to find necessary information and utility forms. Initially, 33 forms are being posted on websites for easy access to the concerned people for obtaining government services. These are the forms required to be filled up by Nepalese/outside citizens for various purpose such as citizenship certificate, driving licenses, etc.

Ø  Total telephone penetration rate in Nepal is around 3.07% (2% in fixed line and 1.07% in mobile) as of July15, 2005.

Ø  The construction of infrastructure of IT Park is completed and is in the stage of operation with the active participation of the private sectors.

Ø  Rural tele-centres are encouraged to provide ICT services to rural people.

Ø  So far there are around 200 ICT tele-centres in rural and sub-urban areas. ADB/JFICT is assisting to establish tele-centres.

Ø  Private sectors are doing their best to defuse open source facilities.

Ø  Courts, Land Revenue Department, Press and Publication houses created their archives and digital libraries. Personnel Information System (PIS) are being developed by the Ministry of General Administration to the officials of Civil Service.

4. Capacity building

Ø  Schools and educational institutions are encouraged to conduct ICT literacy programs

Ø  HLCIT and NITC are going to establish Govt standard competency for civil servant.

Ø  Private sectors on IT have opened up many Training Institutes on ICT sectors in the urban areas.

Ø  Many colleges have run Bachelors and Masters level of academic course in the ICT sectors.

Ø  Information Technology Policy 2000' is in force. Revised IT policy 2004-under the process of being promulgated.

Ø  HMG/N has brought out Telecommunications Policy, 2004 A.D. with the consideration of the rapid development taking place in the telecommunication sector.

Ø  The MOEST has conducted training and support programs for IT Pioneer and experts.

Ø  Private sectors on ICT opened up many Training Institutes on ICT sectors in the urban areas.

Ø  Nepal Television (NTV) with the cooperation of NITC is conducting weekly E- learning program.

Ø  Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) and other vocational institutions are conducting E-learning programs.

Ø  Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT), ITU, and other international institutions are supporting capacity building in ICT Sector by providing training programs.

Ø  UNDP, ITU, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and UNV formed a strategic partnership with the government of Nepal to help train students.

5. Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs

Ø  Electronic Transactions Acts 2004 and Electronic Transactions Regulations 2004 have been enacted

Ø  Institutions mechanism for regulating the use of ICT is in place with the coordination of MOIC, MOEST, and HLCIT.

Ø  Institute of Information Technology Ordinance 2005 has been in the process of implementation.

Ø  Nepal Telecommunication Act is in the process of Amendment.

6. Enabling environment

Ø  10th development plan had set out plan and policy for ICT development.

Ø  IT Policy 2000 has been enacted and is under revision

Ø  Liberal telecommunication policy has been enacted in 2004

Ø  Membership of WTO on 23 April 2004

Ø  Electronic Transactions Act 2004 and Electronic Transactions Regulation 2004 are in force.

Ø  The following types of telecommunication services have been rendered by the following numbers of service providers as of July 2005:

Basic Telecom Operators- 2, (July 2005)

Cellular Mobile Operator-2,

Rural Telecom Operators- 1,

Fax Mail Operators -3,

VSAT Network Service Provider- 9,

GMPCS Service Provider -2,

Radio Paging Service Provider-1,

Video Conferencing Service-1, and

Local Data Network Service Provider-1

Ø  NTC transformed to the Nepal Telecom with 100 per cent government owned company at present. Five percent and ten percent share of Nepal Telecom Company Ltd. will be sold to the employees of the Company and to the public respectively through the stock exchange.

Ø  Many private sectors have developed their entrepreneurship in providing ICTs services.

Ø  United Telecom Limited (UTL), STM Telecom Sanchar Pvt. Ltd., and Spice Nepal Private Limited (SNPL) are providing telecommunication services.

Ø  Price in telephone services have been curtailed with the effective from 17 May 2005 (World Telecom Day) in order to make the people more involved to the ICT sectors.

7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life

Ø  Total telephone penetration rate (i.e. 1 phone to 100 citizens) in Nepal is around 3.07% (2% in fixed line and 1.07% in mobile)

Ø  NITC developed Government portals that enable citizens to find information or to obtain forms.

Ø  Department of Customs provides Cargo Processing by using ICT.

Ø  Nepal Post Provides Track and Trace Service of EMS and Registered articles through ICT.

Ø  Nepal Post Provides Point of Sale services on all registered articles.

Ø  Private Enterprises carry out business by using ICTs. Example of e- business in private sector is,, etc.

Ø  NTV with the cooperation of NITC is conducting weekly E- learning program.

Ø  Education program is conducting from Radio and TV.

Ø  Necessary procedures are undergoing to conduct E-health program with the help of WHO and ITU.

Ø  Private Hospitals and Nursing homes carrying out e-health services.

Ø  Some hospitals have started the facilities of telemedicine.

Ø  Employment vacancy has been started to post in the website by some agencies.

Ø  Public awareness and knowledge on e-environment, e-agriculture, e-science, has been increasing through the various related websites.

8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content

Ø  Various programmes on cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local contents have been developed and put on air through electronic media.

Ø  UNESCO and some development partners have provided some assistance in the promotion of cultural heritage.

9. Media

Ø  Print and Electronic media in the form of Radio and TV from the government as well as private sectors have been extensively increased.

Ø  News in the website has been stated to be posted.

10. Ethical dimensions of the information society

Ø  Urging to all concerned stake holders and media to promote respect for peace and to uphold the fundamental values of freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, shared responsibility, and respect for nature.

11. International and Regional Cooperation

Ø  SAARC Information Centre has been established in June 2005

Ø  ICT focus programs have been placed on annual program and budget

Ø  Many International agencies have come up with ICT strategy in their program to intensify their support to the recipients.

Ø  Fifth Meeting of the SAARC Information Ministers was held from 28 to 30 August 2005 and SAARC common position on WSIS for the Tunis Phase has been prepared.

Ø  Cooperation on ICT has been provided byADB, World Bank, UNESCO and JAICA in various forms.

Problems Encountered in ICT Application Issues

1.  There are high Government. Taxes on Telecom services; 15% Service Charge, 13% VAT makeup around altogether 31.5% extra charge on made calls.

2.  Dial up internet connection through private ISP's is not charged in local calls rate but charged as STD calls in many places.

3.  Customs duty on ICT equipments is higher in comparison to the other South Asian Countries.

4.  Necessary amendments on Telecommunication Act are urgently required to enact the already adopted Telecommunications Policy-2004.

5.  Telephone in Rural areas could not be increased as planned.

6.  There is not compatibility of various changing technologies in ICTs with the older ones.

7.  Nepal has not been able to migrate faster to 3 Generation and even to the Next Generation. It has been migrated from 2nd Generation to 2.5 Generation.

8.  There is relatively slow speed in Internet surfing. There is lack of broadband accesses sufficiently. There is lack of proper management of the existing broadband access infrastructures.

9.  There are lapses in Standardization of Training and academic courses education

10.  There is lack of sufficient public awareness campaigning on publicizing of ICT development as an essential issues and it is not a luxurious thing.

11.  Since there are payment problems due to the non-convertibility of Nepalese Rupee in foreign currency exchange the intended people cannot utilize the internet services for having better information.