Ms. Lenssen’s Seventh Grade English Class

Welcome to Yelm Middle School. I am looking forward to getting to know you as this year progresses. This promises to be an exciting year as you will meet new friends and teachers, and learn your way around a new school. In order to help ease the transition, I hope the following information will prove useful.

Class Objectives:

·  Improve your reading skills by practicing reading strategies, discussing and evaluating elements of literature through the study of novels, short stories, plays, poetry, essays, and autobiographies.

·  Improve your writing skills by practicing the writing process for expository and persuasive writing.


POSITIVE ATTITUDE: “To be optimistic and make the best of any situation”

Show excitement for learning. Make the best of challenging situations.

Smile and speak in a friendly tone. Use “please” and “thank you”.

Be a positive, willing participant in class.

RESPECT: “To treat the school, self, and others with dignity and value”

Listen to other viewpoints. Avoid side conversations and other disruptions when someone is speaking. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Use body language and words that demonstrate that you value others. Come to school prepared to learn.

Be kind to ALL- students, staff, guests, materials, and the building.

INTEGRITY: “To be your best and do the right thing, even when no one is watching”

Be responsible for your choices. Do your own work. Report inappropriate behavior. Be honest.

DETERMINATION: “To hold a course of action despite obstacles”

Put forth your best effort on every task. Seek understanding when you struggle by asking questions or using strategies. Arrive at school every day with your materials and with your homework completed. Be on time to school and to class.

Learn as much as you possibly can.

EMPATHY: “To show acceptance of others by being considerate and sensitive of diverse experiences and values”

Provide constructive feedback with kind words. Help others; help don’t tell. Pull people up, don’t put people down. Before offering criticism, “walk a mile”. Be willing to work with anyone.

See a need, meet a need.

Required Materials: Please bring the following items to class every day. You may need to replace materials throughout the year.

·  An AR Novel (or a pre-approved novel) You must bring a novel to all of your classes at YMS

·  A 3 ring binder with dividers and a pencil pouch

·  #2 pencils and eraser

·  2 writing pens, blue or black ink

·  1 Correcting pen of another color

·  Binder (filler) paper

·  Yellow, pink, green, and blue highlighters

·  YMS Handbook


93-100 = A 77-79 = C+

90-92 = A- 73-77 = C

87-89 = B+ 70-72 = C-

83-86 = B 67- 69 =D+

80-82 = B- 60- 66 D

below 60 = F


Your homework for Language Arts will consist of reading independently at home for approximately 20-30 minutes a night and a Daily Grammar Practice that needs to be completed before class begins the following day. Vocabulary will also need to be completed on a weekly basis if you are unable to complete it during class time. In order to improve as a reader, practice is essential. I have attached a copy of my first quarter reading requirements and due dates. You may have additional homework if you are unable to complete an assignment during class or in the event of a larger project. If you need to use the textbook, you may check out a copy from the library or most of the stories are accessible online with a login and password that I will provide to you.

Cheating and Plagiarism:

Cheating and plagiarism are very serious offenses. I may use one of many plagiarism detection services if I suspect plagiarism. If you are caught cheating or plagiarizing, you will earn an immediate F for the assignment. Respect yourself and your abilities. I want to know your thoughts and ideas, not those of some person who posted his or her ideas on the internet. Occasionally you will be allowed to work collaboratively with other students; however this does not mean that you may copy someone else’s work or not complete the entire assignment. Collaboration means students working together and discussing ideas—not assigning the task to one student.

Progress Reports:

Because we use the Skyward system and are attempting to cut down on paper usage, progress reports will only be sent home with students mid-way through the quarter. You are welcome to access grades via Skyward. In addition, Skyward offers a feature where you can request that progress reports be emailed to you on a regular basis. If you would like a paper copy of a progress report from me, please let me know and I would be glad to send one home.


All assignments are to be turned in with the proper heading and should be neat. The holes in the paper should not be torn, papers should be clean, and not crumpled.

All final drafts of essays will need to be written in blue or black ink or typed.

Computer Use:

In order for you to be able to take AR tests and participate in classroom activities, it will be necessary for you to know your school assigned password. Please make sure that you read the computer use policy. If you forget your password or lose the password, the technology department will not be able to immediately provide a new password which could result in late assignments.


All work will need to be made up following an absence, even if the absence is excused. You should check the planner and designated folders in Ms. Lenssen’s room to get the missed assignments and schedule a time to make up any tests. Assignment information and links to certain assignments will also be posted on my page on the YMS website. Assignments need to be completed and turned in within the allotted time. For an extended absence of a week or more, parents may request assignments from all teachers by calling the office. The general rule is that you will have one day to make up the work for each consecutive day of excused absence. If you have a pre-arranged absence, work should be completed on your return to class.

Cell phones:

I understand that cell phones are a convenient way to communicate with family and friends; however, they are not to be turned on during the school day. Cell phones often create a major distraction both for the student using it and for the rest of the class. Please be respectful of our time together, of me, and of your classmates and make sure your phone is turned off (not on silence or vibrate) before you enter my classroom. Parents, if you need to reach your student during the school day, please call the office and they can either send a message or transfer your call to my classroom.

Late work:

You are expected to complete your assignments on time. If, however, something prevents this from happening, you may use one of the late work passes that have been given to you. In addition, you may be required to use some of your lunch time in order to complete the missing work. Assignments turned in late without a late pass will receive a maximum score of 50%. All late work must be turned in prior to the last week of the quarter.

Extra help and study time:

I am available to offer extra help before and after school if a student makes arrangements with me and has arranged for transportation. Yelm Middle School offers a number of resources if you need extra help. Please contact me for more information regarding these options.

Please feel free to contact me at 458-3600 if you have any questions.

Ms. Lenssen’s Reading Requirement

As a necessary component of your Language Arts grade, you will be required to complete additional reading outside of class. In order to help you accomplish this, I will try to provide you opportunities to go to the library to check out books. In addition, you may have time provided during class to read so it is important for you to make sure you have an AR book with you during all of your classes.

During each quarter, you will be required to read three books totaling at least 500 pages. The books that you choose should be of an appropriate length and level. You may choose to read AR books and complete the quiz on the computers in my room or the library with a passing grade(usually 60%) or you may read books that do not appear on the AR list and complete a project after making special arrangements with Ms. Lenssen. You must have Ms. Lenssen pre-approve any non-AR book that you plan to read before you begin. Please remember that any book you read should be appropriate for school. If you are having difficulty selecting a book, please ask Ms. Lenssen or Ms. Hansen for suggestions. We would be delighted to help you find a book.

The three first quarter due dates have been selected to help you stay on track in completing your quarterly reading requirement. If you are reading a book that is 400-600 pages, you may talk with me about adjusting project due dates and expectations. The due dates are as follows:

Due date # 1 – Monday, September 26

Due date #2- Friday, October 14

Due date #3- Thursday, November 3

Make sure to complete the book and AR test prior to these dates. Feel free to take AR tests before these dates as you finish reading your book. Please do not waste time and paper taking a test for a book you have not read recently. If you have any questions regarding appropriate books or requirements for longer books, please arrange a time to talk with me outside of class or find a time when it will not be disruptive to do so.


I have read and review the attached class information and reading requirement. Once I have done this, I signed it, had mom, dad, or my guardian sign it and turned it in to Ms. Lenssen.

I then filed the informational part of this packet in my binder in the Language Arts section, where it will remain as a reference for the rest of the year.

Student signature Date


Parent/ Guardian signature Date


Parent’s email address Contact number

The best way/ time to reach me is: