(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)
Consultancy Services as Independent Engineer during Operation Maintenance of 4-lanedivided carriageway facility of Tambaram – Tindivanam Section of NH-45 (Km 28/000 to 121/000), Tindivanam to Ulundurpet Section of NH-45 (VI-A) (Km 121/000 to 192/250), of NH-45 to Section of NH-45 in the State of Tamil Nadu under BOT basis (Package 1)

S No / Description / Page No
1 / Summary of Current Monthly Progress / 3
2 / Pending Issues & Action Log / 4
3 / Obligations as per contract / 5
4 / Project Milestones / 6
5 / Location Map / 7
6 / Detailed Scope of Work & Physical Progress by Component / 8
7 / Land Acquisition and Clearances / 9
8 / LA Detail by CALA / 10
99 / Status of Utilities Shifting / 13
10 / Change Of Scope / 14
11 / Mobilization Of Resources
/ 15
12 / Financial Progress Details / 16
13 / Monitoring Of Operations & Maintenance Obligations / 17
14 / Safety Features / 18
15 / Weather Report / 20
16 / Accident/Incident Report, Encroachment Details / 21
17 / Important Events / 29
Summary of Current Month's Progress
Consultancy Services as Independent Engineer during Operation & Maintenance of 4-lane divided carriageway facility of Tambaram – Tindivanam Section of NH-45 (Km 28/000 to 121/000), Tindivanam to Ulundurpet Section of NH-45 (VI-A) (Km 121/0 to 192/25in the State of Tamil Nadu under BOT basis (Package 2A)
Sample Summary – Illustrative, for reference
Summary of Current Month
·  Maintenance activities like cleaning of carriage way, cleaning of drains, removal of garbage, repairing of sign boards, repairing or replacement of damaged metallic crash barriers, pedestrian guard rails, kerb, etc are in progress.
·  Accident victims have been rescued through ERP (Emergency Response Protocol), intimating to the nearest police and ambulances and in coordination with hospitals.
·  All project facilities like wayside amenities, truck lay byes including attending repairs to illumination, landscaping, water supply, drainage, waste disposal system, litterbins, and toilets have been maintained properly.
·  Round the clock patrolling is being done for surveillance of the ROW in respect of the Project / Project Facilities.
·  Maintenance of illuminations Toll plazas, Truck lay byes, Rest rooms, Bus shelters, Major junctions is in progress.
·  Maintenance of bus bays, truck lay byes, rest rooms, toll plazas, toll plaza buildings, etc is in progress.
·  Replacing of dead / missing plants, watering, maturing, etc. in progress for median / avenue plantation.
·  Repair to the damaged portions of lined drains is in progress.
·  Cleaning of vents of culverts and bridges is in progress.
·  Encroachments are being removed periodically at service roads and ROW areas.
·  Cleaning of lined drains and toe drains are in progress.
·  Guard post fixing and painting is in progress in high embankment.
·  Rectification of earthen shoulder is in progress.
·  Trimming median plants in median is in progress.
·  Replacement of damaged pedestrian grills is in progress.
·  Cutting and trimming of grass and weeds in the median and ROW is in progress.
·  Replacing of missed / damaged cluster boards, sign boards, etc. is in progress.
·  Numbering and replacing of missed / damaged HM / KM stones are in progress.
·  Milling of damaged BC surface is in progress.
·  Inlaying of BC over the milled surface is in progress.
Critical Issues and Action Log
Pending Issues and Action Log
S No / Issue Description / Type / Ongoing/ New Issue/ Resolved / Concerned Authority / Chainage(s) affected due to the issue / Length affected (km) / Action(s) taken till now / Action(s) suggested by the IE / Expected date/ Actual Date for resolving issue
Critical Issues and Action Log
Obligations as per Contract
NOTE: Please include important issues requiring intervention of various parties, giving details and background wherever necessary


Project Milestone / Description(Days from Appointed Date) / Planned / Actual / Delay(No. of Months) / Current Status
Physical Progress / Scheduled Date / Physical Progress / Revised Date
Milestone I
Milestone II
Milestone III
Scheduled Completion


Physical Progress
Detailed Scope of Work and Physical Progress by Component
Component / Cost Weightage in Project (%) / Item Description / Cost Weight age in Component (%) / Planned in Scope (As per Scope of Work) / Progress till Date / % Physical Progress / Value of Physical Progress
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Land Acquisition and Clearances
LA Summary
Description / Total Required (ha) / Total in possession at start (ha) / Total to be acquired (ha)
Existing ROW
Pvt. Land To be Acquired
Public Land To be Transferred
Grand Total / 0 / 0 / 0

Land Acquisition and Clearances

LA Detail by CALA

CALA / Total Land left to be Acquired (Ha) / 3H Pending (ha) / 3H Done (ha) / 3G Pending (ha) / 3G Done (ha) / 3D Pending (ha) / 3D Done (ha) / 3A Pending (Ha) / 3A Done (ha) / Amount Awarded (Crores Rs.) / Amount Deposited (Crores Rs.) / Amount Disbursed by CALA / Pending Amount
(Crore Rs.) / (Crore Rs.)
[CALA 1]
[CALA 2]
[CALA 3]
Grand Total

Land Acquisition and Clearances

Clearance Summary

Proposal Description / Status / Length Impacted / Current Stage / Issues/ Comments
N/A / N/A / Nil / N/A / N/A
Forest Land
Proposal Description / N/A / Length Impacted / Current Stage / Issues/ Comments
N/A / Nil / N/A / N/A
Proposal Description / Status / Length Impacted / Current Stage / Issues/ Comments
N/A / N/A / Nil / N/A / N/A
Tree Cutting
Proposal Description / Status / Length Impacted / Current Stage / Issues/ Comments
N/A / N/A / Nil / N/A / N/A
Railways (ROBs/ RUBs)
GAD Number / Status / Location/ Chainage / Current Stage / Issues/ Comments
N/A / N/A / Nil / N/A / N/A

Land Acquisition and Clearances

Status of Utilities Shifting

Utility Category / Name / Status / Length affected / Department Name / Date of request by Authority for estimate / Date when Estimate was Received from concerned dept. / Date of Approval by Authority RO/ HQ / Date of Deposit of super-vision charge / Progress of Physical Shifting / Date of Certification from Agency for Completion / Estimate Amount (INR Cr.) / Issue/Comments

Change of Scope

S No. / COS Proposal Details / Date of first submission to IE / Current Status / COS Amount (INR Cr.) / Expected/ Actual Date of Approval
1 / - / - / - / - / -



Sl.No / Name / Designation / Contact Number
1 / Janardan Joshi / Team Leader / 9099916414
2 / R.Nageswara Rao / HME / 8978239566
3 / E.Subramanyam / Quality cum Material Engineer / 9898211117
4 / Subramanyam D AVS / Asst. Highway cum Maintenance Engineer-1 / 7799873569
5 / P.V.Aravind / Asst. Highway cum Maintenance Engineer-2. / 9524000111
6 / M.Guru / Technical Supervisor / 7373777563
7 / M.Magesh Kumar / Office Manager / 9043969808


Sl.No / Name / Designation / Contact Number
1 / R. Barathi / Project Manager / 9566699194
2 / Sudendran. K / Associate Manager / 8220002349
3 / M. Dhanunjaya Rao / Associate Manager / 9840331648
4 / M. Vasanth Kumar / Executive / 9894932594
5 / K. Divakaran / Junior manager / 8754596505
6 / R. Ranjith Kumar / Junior manager / 9840421821
7 / Seenivasan / Stretch In-charge 28-60 / 9600324996
8 / C. Ramu / Stretch In-Charge Km.60-121 / 9042884522
9 / M. Siva Naga Kumar / Site Engineer / 7845579844
10 / Dhandapani / Site Supervisor / 9095986526
11 / Magesh / Site Supervisor / 9843641674
12 / Nakkeeran / Electrical Technician / 9500643123
13 / I. John Franklin / Electrical Technician / 8056398028
14 / P. Perumal / Traffic Safety Officer / 9789592192
15 / C. Siva Kumar / Patrol team Officer / 9842303043
16 / D. Aravindan / Patrol team Officer / 9842303054
17 / Anbalagan / Patrol team Officer / 9944723330
18 / Santhosh kumar / Patrol team Officer / 9943704840
19 / Rubbesh kumar / Patrol team Officer / 9952090976
20 / Kalidoss / Electrical Technician
21 / V. Arun kumar / Patrol team member
22 / Venkatesan / Patrol team member
23 / E. Irusappan / Patrol team member
24 / S. Siva Kumar / Patrol team member
25 / Maya krishnan / Patrol team member
26 / J. Kumar / Electrical Technician
27 / Devadoss / Patrol team member
28 / Santhosh kumar / Patrol team member
29 / Panner Selvam / Patrol team member
30 / M. Boopalan / Patrol team member
31 / R Ravi / Patrol team member
32 / Sekar / Patrol team member
33 / Rathana Kumar / Patrol team member
34 / Praveen / Patrol team member
35 / Nagarjun / Patrol team member
36 / Arjun / Patrol team member
37 / G. Mani / Patrol team member

Mobilization of Resources

Equipment Name / Make / Model / Age of Equipment / Planned/ Required Quantity / Actual Quantity / Deployed During the Month / Reason(s) for Under/Over Mobilization / Expected Delay due to Under-Mobilization (Months) / Remarks

Financial Progress Details

TPC (Cr) / Cumulative inflow to Escrow till previous month (Cr) / Cumulative outflow from Escrow till previous month / Inflow to Escrow during the month (Cr) / Outflow from Escrow during the month
(Cr) / (Cr)


Monitoring of Operations and Maintenance Obligations

Maintenance Status during Construction Phase:

Project completed and provisional COD issued.

Maintenance Status during Operations & Maintenance Phase

Highway Patrol

Highway patrolling is carried out regularly with two teams round the clock. The patrol team monitors the traffic flow and encroachments into NH property, emergency action in case of accidents like first aid, calling ambulance, information to all concerned, clearing vehicles from road way to ensure smooth traffic flow. The various other activities carried out like removal of parked vehicles, safety arrangement to breakdown vehicles, removal of private approaches, timely assistance to road users in emergency & keep utmost vigilant for road safety to road users and road assets.

Turf Maintenance

Turf maintenance is being carried out using the grass-cutting machine @ Km 50+000 to 60+000, Km 80+000 to 90+000 & Km 110+000 to 121+000 as per monthly task.

Sl.No / Week / Chainage / Remarks
1 / I / Km 50+000 – Km 53+000,Km 80+00 – Km 83+000,Km 110+000 – Km 113+000
2 / II / Km 53+000 – Km 55+000, Km 83+000 – Km
85+000, Km 113+000 – Km 115+000
3 / III / Km 55+000 – Km 58+000, Km 85+000 –
Km 88+000, Km 115+000 – Km 118+000
4 / IV / Km 58+000 – Km 60+000, Km 88+000 –
Km 90+000, Km 118+000 – Km121+000


Watering to the plants was carried out as and when required. Basin formation and blowing of soil to the plants were carried out. Removing the unwanted plants was carried out. Replacing of dead/missed plants is in progress.

ROW Clearance

Removal of Undesirable growth and vegetation in areas within the ROW is being carried out regularly using the manpower. Watering is carried out as and when required for the ROW trees. The clearance work carried out between Km 50+000 to 60+000, Km 80+000 to 90+000 & Km 110+000 to 121+000.

Avenue & Median plantations

15,000 No’s of new saplings have been procured and replaced of Avenue & Median Plantation on missing locations from km.28-121 during this monsoon. Further 10,000 No’s of new saplings and bio manure have been procured for replacement of Avenue & Median plantations around 9000 Nos of new saplings have been planted up to the last month. Around 500 Nos of new saplings have been planted during this month. Also ornamental plants have been procured and planted from Km. 28-60 to improve the aesthetic view of the project stretch. Tree banding completed from km.28-121.

Cleaning of MCW & SR

Cleaning of MCW is being carried out using power Broomers and man power to the entire project based on observation on daily basis.

Thermoplastic Road marking& Fixing of Road stud Rumbles

Thermoplastic road marking is in progress on faded and 2016 relay locations from Km. 28+000 – 60+000. In between km 121+000-90+000, the activity has been completed. Fixing of stud rumbles at all black spot locations and HIPR Relay locations have been completed between Km. 60+000 – 121+000. Further from Km.28+000 - 60+000 the work yet to be started.

Building Maintenance

Building maintenance such as Toll plazas @ 103+000 & 53+000, Rest areas @ 72+000 RHS, 119+000 LHS & Truck lay bye @ 113+000 LHS & RHS, 70+000 LHS & RHS are done regularly.

Shoulder Maintenance

Shoulder maintenance is in progress by using the approved borrow gravel with compaction using the Roller and grader is used for removal of excess soil and for leveling the shoulder

Debris / Road Obstruction

Our patrol team & maintenance team removed debris on the carriage way regularly by using men & machinery.

Roughness Test using 5th Wheel Bump Integrator

Roughness Test using 5th Wheel Bump Integrator has been conducted during this month as per the O&M yearly planner.

Painting works

Painting of PGR, MCW & SR Kerb, Junction Island Kerb, Parapet wall, Bridge painting, Crash barriers is in progress during this month from km 28-121. Painting of RCC handrails, guard posts and numbering of HM & KM stones has been completed. Painting of sign boards has been done from Km. 28-121. Also Painting of rest areas, Truck lay by buildings are completed.


The total no of culverts is 186. As per the schedule the cleaning of culverts are to be done once at 6 months frequency. The cleaning of culverts between Km 38 to Km 43 - 13 nos., Km 71 to Km 76 – 11 nos. Km 98 to Km 101– 5nos. is completed during this month.