Site Allocations and Development ManagementPreferred Approach Document (March 2012) /


Copies of this questionnaire can be downloaded and completed from the SiteAllocations web site:

Comments should be submitted to:


Freepost: Site Allocations (CD/BH), FreepostBS6529, BRISTOL BS1 5BR

The closing date for responses is:5pm on Friday 18th May 2012.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of this document, please call us on:0117 903 6725

Section 1

Your Details

Please note that anonymous comments, letters or e-mails will not be accepted or taken into consideration. Any written comments that you make must be made publicly available. This includes availability via the council’s web site.

(if applicable)
On behalf of
(if you are an agent)
We will add your details to our consultation database so that you will be kept informed about the preparation of the Bristol Development Framework.
Please tick here if you do not want to be added to this database.
Data Protection Act
The contact details you submit will only be used in connection with the preparation of the Bristol Development Framework and will only be available to the Strategic Planning Team of the City Council and at certain times partnership organisations directly involved in the preparation of the Bristol Development Framework. /

Section 2

Your comments about preferred allocations, designations and development management policies

Please identify which site, designation or development management policy your comment relates to. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Site reference / development management policy number
eg. BSA0101 / Please state your comments and include the site name, designation type and location, or the development management policy your comments relate to.

Section 2 continued...

Site reference / development management policy number
eg. BSA0101 / Please state your comments and include the site name, designation type and location, or the development management policy your comments relate to.

Section 3

Possible Impacts on Equalities Groups

Do you consider that any aspect of the Site Allocations and Development Management Preferred Approach Document would have unfavourable effects on the following equalities groups?

Age / Yes – Please explain below / No
Disability / Yes – Please explain below / No
Gender Reassignment / Yes – Please explain below / No
Marriage and Civil Partnership / Yes – Please explain below / No
Pregnancy and Maternity / Yes – Please explain below / No
Race / Yes – Please explain below / No
Religion or Belief / Yes – Please explain below / No
Sex / Yes – Please explain below / No
Sexual Orientation / Yes – Please explain below / No
We would be very grateful if you could also complete an equalities monitoring form. This will help us to understand which groups / communities we have reached in this consultation. Copies of the equalities monitoring form can be downloaded and completed from the council’s web site: