paul caplan, 62 brokesley st., london e3 4qj.
07801 151 052
curriculum vitae
•PhD. JPEG: the quadruple object. Birkbeck, University of London. 2013. Examined by Professor Timothy Morton.
•CELTA. Pass A. International House. 2007.
•PG University Certificate. Distinction. Education for Sustainability. London South Bank University. 2005.
•BA (Hons) First Class. Applied Social Sciences. Edge Hill College of HE (Lancaster University). 1987.
professional recognition
•Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
current research
•Object-oriented media and everyday remix. Exploring how mobile networked devices such as phones, tablets and wearable enable a form of remix whereby users, organisations, companies and the state connect streams of information, data and stories, offering new ways of imag(in)ing and managing.
•Object-oriented practice-research. Developing an approach to academic and practical study and teaching of media, advertising and communication based on a philosophy of objects together with a commitment to answering research questions through practice and using research to inform practice. This methodology formed the basis of my PhD and has been the starting point for my teaching and curriculum development since.
•These research projects form the basis of two book proposals under discussion and available at
d.o.b 04.01.64
present role
•2014-pres. Head of Department: Digital Technology & Computing, GSM London.
oResponsible for managing department and degrees in Computer Science, developing new BSc programme in Mobile Technology and Apps Development. GSM London is an alternative provider working with University of Plymouth. Developing and delivering practice-research based teaching and learning for non-programming management students.
•2012-2014. Principal Teaching Fellow in Digital Media and Design, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton.
o2012 –2013 Pathway leader MA in Communication Design
o2013 –2014 Pathway leader MA in Global Media Management
oResponsible for developing, delivering, assessing and managing the course (c77 students), staff as well as driving the marketing and recruitment strategies for the programme. Integrating practice-research methodologies into teaching and learning for both designers and management students. Developing national and international research bids.
•2002 –2012. Director, The Internationale Ltd
Own company offering Internet, editorial services, communications training and consultancy for public and non-profit making sector clients including Airbus, Government Communications Network, Home Office Drugs Strategy Directorate, COI Communications, RAF, Police, QCA, Adfam, Zurich Community Trust, Columbia Primary School, Anglo European School plus editorial, design, photography and digital illustration for Finance Week, Mortgage Strategy, Network Strategy, The Engineer, New Media Age, RIBA Journal, Play London, Play Association Tower Hamlets.
Sample projects:
QCA: Production of Governance Framework for Live Web project. Airbus: Live Web consultancy for communications team.
RAF: Conversation audit. Regular reports on how RAF talked about across Blogs and social network plus report on force’s own Live Web work. Evaluation of YouTube initiative.
NHS: Nationwide series of workshops for communications professionals
Department for Children, Schools and Families: Editorial support developing consultation and marketing materials around Young people and Alcohol.
Media Trust/ICT Hub: series of nationwide seminars for charities and non-profits on 'Live Web'
Microsoft: seminars as part of company’s Third Sector work
Finance Hub: nationwide focus groups, content strategy report, copywriting.
Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea/Arts Council England: consultancy and
strategy advice on
LEAParts: communications and internet consultancy including wikis, podcasts and Blogs
plus print design, video and photography for arts in education network organization
Office of the Information Commissioner: content audit
NALGAO: photography and networked photography project for National Arts Officers
Voluntary Arts England/Carnegie (UK) Trust/Arts Council England: Open Source
Photography project at national conference.
Essex Fire and Rescue: workshops on Live Web
Community Development Foundation: Workshop and Conversation Audit
Symphony Housing: Workshops and strategic planning
The Hub Events: Nationwide series of social media workshops. For reviews
•2004 –2011. Tutor, Birkbeck College (P/T)
Tutor in Journalism, Media Studies and digital broadcasting. Development of student and staff-student blog, wiki sites and Twitter network.
Awarded Faculty of Lifelong Learning Distinguished Sessional Lecturer Award
Awarded Birkbeck Excellence in Teaching (BETA) Award 2011
•1994 - 2002 Online Editor, Marketing Week (P/T)
Developing strategy, launching and editing of Marketing Week’s website and SMS
•2001 - 2002 Senior e-Content Manager, COI Communications
Developing content strategies and online-offline media strategies for government
departments including Home Office, Department of Health, DTI and Security Division.
•2000 - 2001 Interactive Content Manager, New Media Age Group
Developing strategy, launching and editing, web and mobile services for UK’s leading new media business titles. Plus news and analysis editorial.
•1999 - 2000 Associate/Art Editor, The Lawyer
Developing and editing features, leader writing, digital illustration and photography. Regular columns on new media and marketing.
•1998 - 1999 Editor, E-volve (P/T)
Launch editor and writer for new media marketing magazine, a supplement to Marketing Week.
•1998 - 1999 Editor,
Launch editor for UK arm of Bertelsmann’s competitor to Amazon.
•1997 - 1998 Online Editor, The Bookseller
Developing strategy, launching, editing and designing
•1995 - 1997 Editor, Viewpoint
Launching, editing, writing and photographing campaigning and inclusive newspaper for Mencap and developing accessible website.
•1994 - 1995 Editor, Pharmaceutical Technology Europe
•1988 - 1994 Lecturer: Journalism/New Media, Liverpool John Moores University
Development and delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, distance learning materials and research.
•Tutor Counsellor, Open University
•Lecturer FE.
•Press Photographer.
recent papers and conference presentations:
•We're all remix artists now: everyday remix, apps and objects Paper and Active App-Book (best viewed on Mobile) delivered at Apps and Affect conference, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada. October 2013. The paper followed a practice-research workshop on building a Web App (best viewed on Mobile).
•What Is a JPEG? The Invisible Object You See Every Day in The Atlantic (September 24th 2013).
•Software Tunnels Through the Rags 'n Refuse: Object Oriented Software Studies and Platform Politics in Culture Machine 14 (2013) PDF.
•Through a Prism darkly. What does software see?. Paper delivered at Conditions of Mediation London 17 June 2013. PDF here.
•Digital Common Space: Remixability co-authored with Jussi Parikka in Hemment, D; Thompson, B; de Vicente, J and Cooper, R (2013) Digital Public Spaces. Future Everything. Available as PDF here.
•London 2012: Distributed Imag(in)ings and Exploiting Protocol inPLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication 2(2) (September): 6-21 PDF).
•Practising Theory. Paper delievered atASCA International Workshop,Amsterdam, March 2011. (PDF version 8MB. Sorry it's got imag(in)ings embedded!)
•Software Tunnels Through the Rags 'n Refuse. Paper delivered at Platform Politics, Cambridge 12-13 May 2011. PDF and video here.
•Towards an Object-Oriented Photography.Paper given at the Perceptions of Practiceconference, Nottingham Trent University 11.07.11
•Video 'paper' Object-Oriented Photography in O-Zone and on YouTube here.
Other published work: Creative Camera, British Journal of Photography, Law &
Critique, Development Education Journal,
Teaching and research:
•Professor Chris Gale, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Law and Technology. GSM London, Horsenden House, 891 Greenford Road, Greenford, London. UB6 0HE. t: 020 8516 7800e:
•Dr Cui Su, Course Leader: MA Advertising, London College of Communication, Elephant & Castle, London, SE1 6SB. t: 020 7514 6500 e:
•Dr Tim Markham, Lecturer in Media (Journalism)/Director of Graduate Studies, Media and Cultural Studies, Birkbeck, University of London, 43 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PD. t: 020 3073 8380 e:
English language teaching:
•Jan Madakbas. International House, 16 Stukeley Street, London. WC2B 5LQ. t: 0207 611 2400 e: .