The ideas below are suggestions. If you’d like to do something other than what’s on this page, you can. It’s best to discuss your idea with your teacher before you start, though.

I.Write a TESTfor your book

This should include 5 True/False questions, 5 Multiple Choice questions, 5 short answer questions (who…what…where…when…why…how) and 2 essay questions.

You must also include an answer key with answers to the first 15 questions and any ONE of the essay questions.

  1. Create a COMIC BOOK based on the book you’ve read. It should have an illustrated cover with the title and author and be comic book size (minimum 2 pages). Inside, retell the story using dialogue and descriptions of the setting and characters. Put your writing in bubbles or use captions below each frame. Create colorful illustrations that help tell the story.


Choose one main character from the book you've read and create a diary from his/her point of view. Diary entries should reveal the major events as well as the character’s reactions to these events and his/her hopes, dreams, problems, concerns and frustrations. Begin with “Dear Diary” and use a first person point of view (“I”, “me” “my” mine” “we” “our”). Your “diary” should include at least three entries of one paragraph each.

IV.Play the role of PSYCHOLOGIST offering advice to the main character(s) in your book. Describe what their problems are, why these problems may have appeared and offer advice or suggestions for change (or living with it!).


Tell him/her why you chose to read their book, share your reactions, with him/her. Describe your favorite part(s) of the book, what you would have liked more of, and anything that was unclear or disappointing for you, the reader. Ask the author at least three questions you would really like the answers to.

  1. Assemble a collection of ten QUOTABLE QUOTES from the book (include page numbers). Write a one or two sentence explanation of why you chose each quotation.

VII. Choose between three to five scenes from the book and pick the appropriate BACKGROUND MUSIC that would go with each scene if it were presented on stage or film. Include with each musical selection:

  1. either a photocopied version of the “scene” from the book or your summary of it
  2. why you chose this particular piece of music

NOTE: This option could also be done orally, with actual taped selections of the music and your commentary.