Annex No. 3 to the Rules and Regulations of student internships in the Warsaw

School of Economics


entered into on (date)...... in Warsaw by and between:

with its registered office in :

hereinafter referred to as the ‘Organiser’, represented by:


The Warsaw School of Economics with a seat at Al. Niepodległości 162, hereinafter referred to as the ‘University’, represented by:

...... - acting pursuant to Rector’s power of attorney of (date)......


Mr/Ms*...... , student number......

Form of studies......

Bachelor’s/Master’s programme ......

Field of study ......

PESEL/passport number*......

Domicile address......

Hereinafter referred to as the ‘Intern’

§ 1

The University assigns the Intern to conduct a student internship (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Internship’) under the supervision of the Organiser, pursuant to the student internship programme at the Warsaw School of Economics.

§ 2

1.The Intern undertakes to conduct an unpaid internship with the Organiser.

2.The internship will last from ...... to ...... , and will cover not less than

...... hours in total.

3.The Intern shall perform the following actions/tasks:




4.The Intern undertakes to:

1)observe the order and discipline of work as set by the Organiser;

2)obey the work safety and fire regulations;

3)follow the business confidentiality rules as well as regulations on the protection of data obtained during the course of the internship;

Delete as necessary


4)follow the formal internship procedurę of conducting internships as stipulated in the Rules and Regulations of student internships at the Warsaw School of Economics.

5.The Organiser has the right to terminate the internship before its final date should the Intern be in breach of the obligations stipulated in section 4.

§ 3

1.The internship may not be carried out in the conditions posing health risks in the understanding of the work safety regulations.

2.The University shall provide a personal accident insurance cover in the time period For the remaining period of the internship the Intern shall take

out an insurance cover at his own cost.

3.The University shall not be held liable for any damage caused by the Intern during the time period of the Internship.

§ 4

1.After the completion of the internship the Intern shall write an internship report

pursuant to the template set out in annex 4 to the Rules and Regulations of student

internships at the Warsaw School of Economics.

2.The Organiser shall confirm the completion of the internship in the report

mentioned in section 1.

3.The report shall constitute a basis for clearing the internship.

§ 5

1.The Organiser appoints ...... to be the internship


2.The change of the person stipulated in section 1 shall require notifying the University and shall not be an amendment to the agreement.

§ 6

1.Any amendments to this agreement shall be made in writing, otherwise being null and void.

2.The agreement has been made in three identical counterparts, one for each of the parties to the agreement.