Telling Amy’s Story Employee Event Overview

“Telling Amy’s Story” is the powerful national PBS documentary program about the domestic violence homicide of Amy Homan McGee on November 8, 2001, at the hands of her husband Vincent. While the end of Amy’s story can never be changed, “Telling Amy’s Story” (TAS) chronicles the events leading up to her death, and seeks to change the outcome for the millions of victims, survivors, and loved ones by domestic violence every day. For more information on the Telling Amy’s Story program, please visit

The Verizon Foundation encourages employees to learn more about the documentary and share it with their family, friends and other members of their local communities. This document provides guidance on the process for planning a Verizon work location TAS workshop event.

The Verizon Foundation recommends that a Director-level (or Manager) employee “champion” and emcee the event in your work location. In addition, a local external domestic violence agency representative must attend to share insights on the impact of domestic violence in the local community and to provide information on local resources that are available to employees who are faced with domestic violence in their own lives. The Verizon Foundation team can assist in identifying a local domestic violence agency to invite – do not host a workplace TAS event without a representative from a local Domestic Violence agency.

Ideally, a representative from Verizon’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) vendor, currently Anthem, should be invited to share some information on EAP resources for employees in domestic violence situations (although the local HR team may also be able to speak to this).

Enclosed in the toolkit where you found this document are a number of electronic files and templates to help you plan for a successful TAS employee event…

ü  “TAS Employee Event Planning Template.xls” – project planning template to help you plan and track action items required to host a TAS event at your work location

ü  “TAS Employee Event Template - Agenda & Talking Points.doc” – suggested (customizable) agenda and talking points for event

ü  “TAS Employee Event Promotional Email Template.doc” – email template for promoting the TAS event in your work location

ü  “TAS Employee Event Promotional Flyer.ppt” – customizable flyer template for promoting the TAS event in your work location

ü  “TAS Employee Event RSVP_Sign-In Sheet.doc” – template for tracking event RSVPs and/or attendance (sign-ins)

ü  “Telling Amy's Story Fact Sheet.doc” – 1-page overview of the TAS documentary program, which can be given out to TAS employee event attendees

ü  “Telling Amy's Story_Domestic_Violence_FAQ.pdf” – 5-page PDF document that provides information on domestic violence (including resources for assistance), which can be given out to TAS employee event attendees

ü  “Telling Amy's Story_Small Group Discussion Guide.pdf” – 3-page PDF document that provides employees with tips on sharing Telling Amy’s Story with their local communities – can be given out to TAS employee event attendees

ü  “Q&A document 1-4-11.doc” – 2 page FAQ document that describes Verizon’s support for domestic violence prevention (including HopeLine)

ü  “Telling Amy’s Story Employee Event Follow-up Email.doc” – email template to send to attendees after the even (see below)

ü  “TAS Employee Event Reporting Template.xls” – reporting template for event Coordinator to report summary of event back to Verizon Foundation team.

After the event, the Coordinator should send a follow-up email to attendees using the “Telling Amy’s Story Employee Event Follow-up Email.doc” template, so they can provide us with feedback on the event itself. We also require that the Coordinator provide the Verizon Foundation team with a brief summary of the event, using the attached “TAS Employee Event Reporting Template.xls” file, and a the electronic RSVP list within 1 week after the event.

Please contact to let us know when you are planning to host a TAS Employee Event at your work location, and for more information regarding the program.