Englische Übersetzung zu
Anlage 1 (Musterschreiben zur Anforderung eines Bankbriefes)

[client letterhead]

[address of bank]

[place], [date]

Audit of our Financial Statements

Dear Madam/Sir,

On the occasion of the audit of our Financial Statements we kindly ask you to directly confirm with our auditor

[audit firm]

Attn: [auditor in charge]

all our business connections as of [date] with the following detailed information:

1.  Balance of all our accounts including savings accounts made out to us (we confirm, that these savings accounts are owned by us, have not been passed to any third parties, and can be presented if required[1]) with information as to:

1.1. account number and title of account

1.2. currency and amount of credit or debit

1.3. Amount of interest and bank charges, if the amount as disclosed above does not contain interest and bank charges until balance sheet date. If balance sheet date does not correspond with account closure date, alternatively the rate of interest and exact date until which interest was determined may be used.

1.4. specification, amount, duration and due dates of existing financing arrangements

1.5. securities given including securities from third parties on behalf of us

1.6. existing set-off declarations, if not covered by "general business conditions"

1.7. take-back obligations for sold receivables or other assets

1.8. judicial or other disposal limitations on assets

1.9. List of current signatories with a declaration if single signatory or combined signatory is required, as well as an indication of other signing restrictions[2]

2.  Balance of our deposit of securities with exact title and with indication of pledged securities or scurities serving as collateral

3.  Our other obligations towards you resulting from

3.1. accepted bills of exchange

3.2. discounted bills of exchange

3.3. letter(s) of credit

3.4. surety bonds, guarantees and declarations of patronage, if not covered in 3.1 above

3.5. pensions- und securities lending transactions, except as stated in the certificate of deposit

3.6. derivative financial instruments as for example foreign currency forward agreements, open forward rate agreements, financial futures, options, caps, floors, collars, swaps, warrants

We ask you to answer all the items 1 to 3 raised above, if applicable to give a negative report and to additionally declare that we hold no further assets or obligations resulting from bank transactions with your institution.

We hereby explicitely declare, that we release you from your banking secrecy against our auditor for the informations listed above.

We would appreciate your original answer to be addressed directly to [audit firm] with a copy to us until [date][3] the latest.

Yours sincerely,

[client signature]


[1] Unter der Voraussetzung, dass die betreffenden Namenssparbücher vom Klienten vorgelegt werden oder sich in der Innehabung des Kreditinstitutes befinden, kann der jeweilige Stand bekannt gegeben werden. Eine Auskunftserteilung über Losungswortsparbücher oder restanonyme Sparbücher ist nur bei Vorlage des Sparbuches und Nennung des Losungswortes möglich.

[2] Das Verzeichnis der Verfügungs- und Zeichnungsberechtigten kann auch vorher im Zuge der Systemprüfung angefordert werden.

[3] Eine Frist von 14 Banktagen nach Erhalt des Schreibens ist als angemessen anzusehen.