Training Material (TM) Version 1.1

Training Plan

Healthy Kids Zone Survey App

Team 14

Name / Primary Role / Contact Email
Jessie Kim / Client /
Joseph Martinez / Client /
Carson Malcoln / Client /
Yang Wang / Project Manager
Life Cycle Planner /
Chad Honkofsky / IIV&V/QFP /
Xu Zhang / Builder (Front-end Designer) /
Chenglu Wang / Tester /
Junjun Ji / Builder (Mobile Designer) /
Ye Tao / Builder (Back-end Designer) /

May 7th, 2014

Version History

Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale /
04/04/2014 / Yang Wang / 1.0 / ·  Finished the part 1,2,3 / ·  To meet the requirements of TS Set
05/07/2014 / Yang Wang / 1.1 / ·  Slightly change and add feedback / ·  According to our project progress

Table of Contents

Training Plan i

Version History ii

Table of Contents iii

Table of Tables iv

1. Introduction 1

2. Schedule and Participants 1

2.1 Training Schedule 1

2.2 Measure of Success 2

2.3 Training of Others 2

3. Tutorial and Sample Data 2

4. Training Feedback 2


Feasibility Rationale Description (FRD) Template Table of Contents

Table of Tables

Table 1: Training Target 1

Table 2: Training Schedule 1

Table 3: Training of Others 2

Table 4: Tutorial & Sample Data 2


Training Material (TM) Version 1.1

1.  Introduction

Training material is a guideline for CHC staff and volunteers training activity. Basically, our training plan contains two parts. The first part is to train a CHC team to use HKZ Website to manage surveys questions and survey results. The second part is to train a CHC team and some HKZ project volunteer to use our HKZ Mobile App to finish the survey.

Table 1: Training Target

Target Groups / Roles in HKZ System / Skill Levels
CHC staff involved in HKZ Project / HKZ Website Administrator / -Basic knowledge of Excel and Survey Monkey.
-Be familiar with HKZ Project, knowing the relationship between schools, paths and surveys.
E.g. The administrator needs to create survey in Survey Monkey. Then, they will use HKZ System to import survey, configure them with schools & paths and deploy them to mobile app.
HKZ Project volunteer / User of HKZ Mobile App / The users need to how to finish the HKZ Project Survey.
E.g. They need to walk the street twice to finish the survey. They should finish the Block question first, and then finish the Tally & Other questions.

2.  Schedule and Participants

2.1  Training Schedule

Table 2: Training Schedule

Date / Time / Location / Contents / Person being trained / Responsible Personnel / Training Materials
5/02/2014 / 2-4pm / CHC Office / How to use HKZ website to import, configure and deploy survey. / CHC staff involved in HKZ Project / Yang Wang
Chad Honkofsky / HKZ Website
User Manual
Sample Data
5/02/2014 / 6-8pm / CHC Office / How to use HKZ Mobile App to finish survey. / HKZ Project volunteer / Yang Wang
Chad Honkofsky
Joseph Martinez / HKZ Mobile App
User Manual
Sample Data
2.2  Measure of Success

For the first session

-Clients know how to design/create a survey by using Survey Monkey.

-Clients know how to import, configure and deploy the survey to mobile.

-Clients know how to export the survey results.

For the second session

-Volunteers know how to use HKZ Mobile App to finish a survey.

2.3  Training of Others

Table 3: Training of Others

Stakeholder / Responsible Person
Some CHC staffs who join the team after the software delivered. / Joseph Martinez
Any other HKZ Project volunteer who doesn’t attend the training session. / Joseph Martinez

3.  Tutorial and Sample Data

Table 4: Tutorial & Sample Data

Documents/Tutorial / Description / Link
User Manual / The document which contains detailed description of how to use the System. /
System Architecture Document / The document which contains the detailed information of HKZ design pattern, system architecture, etc. /
Sample Data / The data set we used for testing & training.

4.  Training Feedback

The session was very successful. Our client representatives knew how to use the system.

One bug found: when retracting one survey, all the surveys disappear in mobile app.