Success Story: Record Seed Production in Groundnut

1.  / Name of the Farmer / : / Shri. Madhukarrao Namdevrao Ghuge.
2.  / Marital Status / : / Married
3.  / Date and Place of birth / : / 1st Dec. 1962, at Kehal Tq. Jintur, Dist. Parbhani (M.S)
4.  / Postal address / : / Shri. M. N. Ghuge
At post Kehal, Tq. Jintur, Dist. Parbhani-431 510, Maharashtra, India.
Phone No. (02457) 260376
5.  / Formal / Informal education / : / XIIth (H.S.C)
6.  / Resources owned by Farmer / :
i.  Land (ha.) / : / 20 ha (Irrigated – 10 ha, Rainfed – 10 ha.)
ii.  Water bodies with irrigation capacity / : / Open well – 3, Purna river (Irrigation & Water lifting by P.V.C Pipeline.
iii.  Animal Resources including fish and poultry / : / §  Cows –09
§  Buffalo’s- 06
§  Bullocks -05
iv.  Farmer Machinery / : / Tractor - 01, Tractor drawn plough – 01,
Harrow - 01,Seed drill- 01,Rotavator – 01 , Groundnut Grading Machine - 01, Groundnut Sheller - 01, Bag Closer Machine- 01, Turmeric Processing Machine with Boiler - 01, Power Sprayer - 01,Knapsack Sprayer - 01,
Power Generator (20hp) - 01,
Jaggery Production Crusher – 01,
and other tillage implements like hoes, blade harrows, weeders etc.
7.  / Area / :
i.  Field crops / : / 16.25 ha.
ii.  Fodder crops / : / 1 ha =1.0 ha
iii.  Fruit crops / : / Total: 1.75 ha
Mango - 1 ha (50 trees)total 1.75ha
Coconut - 0.25 ha. (25 trees)
Custard apple - 0.25 ha. (100 trees)
Chiku (Kalipatti) - 0.25 ha. (25 trees)
iv.  Vegetable crops / : / 1.0 ha (Cow pea, lady’s finger, cluster bean, cauliflower)
v.  Agro forestry crops / : / Bamboo/ Sagwan – 1.0 ha.

8.  New Technologies developed:

Ø  Introduced Ghuge Pattern of Groundnut Production (By maintaining Row to Row and Plant to Plant spacing (Planting distance) cultivation methods

Ø  Developed Scientific Seed Production Farm

Ø  Developed cycle hoe and sub soiling machine

9.  New Technologies adopted in farming (list only):

Crop production:

Ø  Groundnut seed production on scientific and commercial basis

Ø  Soybean and Tur (Pigeon pea) production

Ø  Wheat seed production

Ø  Neem seed production and its marketing used for IPM

Horticultural crops:

Ø  Fruit crop production

(Mango- fertigation, Custard Apple - October harvesting with INM)

Ø  Vegetable Production

(High tech vegetable cultivation with INM and IPM modules of the Agril. University)

Water Management:

Ø  Soil and Water conservation (Cement Nala bund)

Ø  In – line Drip Irrigation and Sprinkler Irrigation

Integrated Nutrient Management:

Ø  Integrated Nutrient Management in all crops and especially in Groundnut and fruit crops i.e. Mango and Custard apple

Ø  Soil Test Based Fertilizer Management

Ø  The Soil from each plot of nearly 2 to 3 acres was tested for major and micronutrients status and fertilizer management was strictly undertaken as per soil test reports.

Ø  Composting, Green manuring, Vermicomposting

Animal Domestication and Production:

Ø  Domestication of red kandhari cows

Ø  Milk production

Other Enterprises:

Ø  Use of improved varieties in soybean, wheat, red gram and groundnut etc.

Ø  Jaggery production

Ø  Turmeric cultivation and its processing and marketing

13. Technologies modified if any :

Ø  The existing production technology of Groundnut crop was modified and introduced the Ghuge Pattern for Groundnut Production by maintaining Row to Row and Plant to Plant spacing (Plant Population)

Ø  Improved wheat production by using higher seed rate and use of INM as well as use of Pre-emergence herbicide for weed control

Ø  Use of tissue culture seedlings for Sugarcane cultivation.

Ø  Use of micro irrigation method in groundnut

14. Activity wise income cost – benefit ratio, gross and net income year – wise for previous five years.

I. Field crops

Sr. No. / Crop / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13
1 / Cotton (Bt)
Yield (q/ acre) / 15 / 16 / 20 / 18 / 23
Gross Income (Rs./acre) / 45000 / 48000 / 80000 / 72000 / 115000
Net Income (Rs./acre) / 30000 / 32000 / 48000 / 48000 / 70000
C. B. Ratio / 1:3 / 1:3 / 1:25 / 1:3 / 1:2.5
2 / Soybean
Yield (q/acre) / 9 / 10 / 8 / 11 / 12
Gross Income (Rs./acre) / 18000 / 25000 / 24000 / 30800 / 28800
Net Income (Rs./acre) / 14000 / 20000 / 19000 / 24800 / 23300
C. B. Ratio / 1:4.5 / 1:5 / 1:4 / 1:5.1 / 1:5.2
3 / Red Gram
Yield (q/ acre) / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 7
Gross Income (Rs./acre) / 13000 / 21600 / 22800 / 32000 / 22400
Net Income (Rs./acre) / 11000 / 19100 / 20000 / 29000 / 19400
C. B. Ratio / 1:6.5 / 1:8.6 / 1:8.2 / 1:10.6 / 1:7.5

II.  Seed Production of Field crops

Sr. No. / Crop / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13
1 / Wheat (Foundation Seed Production)
Gross Income (Rs./acre) / 24000 / 286000 / 32200 / 36000 / 38400
Net Income (Rs./acre) / 18000 / 21600 / 24700 / 28000 / 29900
C. B. Ratio / 1:4 / 1:4.1 / 01:4.3 / 1:4.5 / 1:4.5
2 / Ground nut (Breeder Seed Production)
Gross Income (Rs./acre) / 110000 / 138000 / 150000 / 182000 / 189000
Net Income (Rs./acre) / 90000 / 115000 / 124000 / 154000 / 159000
C. B. Ratio / 1:5.5 / 1:6 / 1:4.8 / 1:6.5 / 1:6.3

III.  Horticultural crops

Sr. No. / Crop / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13
1 / Tomato
Yield (tonnes/ acre) / - / - / 9 / 11 / 13
Gross Income (Rs./acre) / - / - / 125000 / 140000 / 160000
Net Income (Rs./acre) / - / - / 70000 / 80000 / 90000
C. B. Ratio / - / - / 1:2.3 / 1:2.3 / 1:2.5
2 / Turmeric
Yield (q/ acre) / - / 18 / 25 / 28 / 30
Gross Income (Rs./acre) / - / 108000 / 125000 / 196000 / 300000
Net Income (Rs./acre) / - / 60000 / 70000 / 106000 / 220000
C. B. Ratio / - / 1:2.3 / 1:2.3 / 1:2.2 / 1:3.8

IV.  Animal Resources

Sr. No. / Enterprises / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13
Gross Income (Rs./acre) / 70000 / 75000 / 80000 / 95000 / 100000
Net Income (Rs./acre) / 40000 / 45000 / 50000 / 60000 / 58000
C. B. Ratio / 1:2.3 / 1:2.5 / 1:2.6 / 1:2.7 / 1:2.3
Goat rearing
Gross Income (Rs./acre) / 35000 / 35000 / 40000 / 50000 / 60000
Net Income (Rs./acre) / 20000 / 19000 / 22000 / 28000 / 34000
C. B. Ratio / 1:2.3 / 1:2.2 / 1:2.2 / 1:2.3 / 1:2.3

15. Productivity levels achieved in major income generating activity during the last Five Years :

Ø  It has been observing that productivity level of all major income generating crops and enterprises is increasing every year during last five years.

Ø  Introduced new technology of groundnut seed production by improving the cultivation strategy, nutrient and pest management, water management due to that productivity of Groundnut is increased from average 25 to 32 q/acre. This tremendous change was observed mainly due to the use of (BARC) trombay seed drip irrigation & use of higher seed rate with modern techniques and not only gross but also net income is increased. However

C: B ratio is decreased during first two years due to increase in sprinkler investment.

Ø  Improved wheat production by using higher seed rate, INM and herbicides.

Field crops –Amongst major field crops productivity of cotton is increased from average 9 q / acre to 12q / acre. This is mainly due to the adoption of BT cotton hybrids and drip irrigation. The gross and net income is increased, however C:B ratio is decreased due to increase in drip investment. The Productivity levels of Soybean, Red gram and Wheat are constantly increased during last five years with increase in net profit and B:C ratio.

16. What improvement have been effected for productivity, profitability and sustainability enhancement :

The important improvements that has been contributed for productivity, profitability and sustainability enhancement are given below,

Ø  Adoption of micro irrigation system i.e. drip system, sprinkler

Ø  Use of Tissue culture species in field for Sugarcane crop.

Ø  Seed Production Plot for Trombay, (M.S.)

Ø  Use of vermi compost

Ø  Construction of deadline Furrow, Biological bunds, Horizontal sowing on steep land.

17.Any spread effect on fellow farmers (Give brief acount in one page):

The groundnut seed production is adopted in more than 30 villages in the district of Parbhani and nearby districts like Hingoli, Latur, Jalna, Buldhana etc. through government and non-government agencies. Due to the initiatives and efforts taken by the farmer for introducing, the concept of groundnut seed production technology by using maximum seed rate and by using trombay seed more than 10000-12000 farmers and national level and state level scientist visited at Kehal village.

The farmer Shri. Madhukarrao Namdevrao Ghuge is involved in all the agricultural activities since last 30 years. He manages 20 hectors of land in with one of his brother. Out of this 50%, land is under irrigation. Irrigation is mostly provided by drip or sprinkler system and BBF technology. Major crops grown are Groundnut for general and also for seed production purpose, cotton, Pigeon pea, Soybean,Wheat etc. Groundnut seed Production is taken on 25-26 acres of land every year.

Farmer is innovative, knowledgeable and experienced in terms of water management, groundnut seed production technology, use of micro sprinkler, domestication of Red Kandhari cow, and water conservation. He has attended different trainings and exhibitions workshops at SAU’S, KVS’S and other relevant institutions some of which are given below. -

1.  Kisan Krishi Pradarshan, Pune (Year 2000) Regularly

2.  International Agricultural Exhibition, Kawtha, Tq, Umarga, Dist. Latur 2005-06 - Exhibition on floriculture, Bangalore 2002- 03

3.  Agrowon Exhibition, Pune 2002

4.  Training at National Level on Oilseed Development, Manvat Dist. Parbhani.

5.  He also delivered some guest lectures in Kisan Divas (Farmers Day).

6.  Lecture in Krishi Vaibhav Sanstha Sawli Sadaba . As a result of his vast experience and knowledge in the field of Agriculture and particularly in seed production and Soil and Water conservation in following spread effects are realized on fellow farmers.

18. Innovative interventions inducted in the system of production and management and effects:

Water saving techniques in groundnut seed production:

Mr. Ghuge used sprinkler irrigation in groundnut seed plot for water saving and achieved up to 35% water saving. Due to use of sprinkler, irrigation water reaches upto each plant and helps in peg formation.

Plant Geometry and Optimum Plant Population Approach in Groundnut: Mr. Ghuge studied the physiology of the Groundnut crop for more than 2 years and he observed that crop geometry is one of the significant factor in increasing Groundnut yield.

He started to plant his Groundnut crop on closer spacing than the present method (at 30x10 cm or 45x10 cm). He planted the crop on 22.5 x 10 cm spacing instead of 30x10 cm spacing which is commonly recommended for groundnut crop so that he could get 44 plants per square meter at least 40 plant per square meter and plant population of 4,44,444 per hectare and at at least 40 lakh plants per hectare. He got 15 to 20 average pods per plants and obtained the unbelievable yield in the range of 27 to 32 qt/acre of day pods of groundnut.The higher plant population did not give space for weed infestation and also gave higher yield thus Mr. Ghuge developed his own way of maintaining plant population through altered plant geometry and obtained higher yield of groundnut. Further, he used the dibbling method for planting the groundnut seed. Before sowing /planting the fertilizers (major nutrients i.e. NPK) and micronutrients like iron, sulphur, zinc, magnesium & born through combined automatic fertidrill.

Higher seed yield in wheat: Farmers regularly cultivate wheat for the consumption purpose by using traditional sowing methods but Mr. Mudhukarrao Ghuge increased seed yield of wheat by using higher seed rate during sowing further he used INM and herbicides for weed control and he call it as “Trisutri of Wheat Production” in Marathwada region.

Horizontal sowing and dead furrows on steep land: Actually Mr. Ghuge has more land and out of that some land is sloppy with steep slope. He brought this land under cultivation by adopting soil and moisture conservation measures. Initially he undertook dead furrow as like long trenches. Moreover he followed all farming operations across the slope including land preparation and planting (sowing) across the slope.

19. The Contribution of the farmer in terms of :

i.  New package of practice /management strategies

Mr. Ghuge was the first farmer in the Parbhani district who undertook groundnut seed production on large scale and on commercial basis. Some important knowledge and technologies and methodologies introduced and adopted in groundnut seed production are as under:

·  Introduction of new high yielding varieties like TG – 26 , TPG – 41 and TG – 51, TG – 37 .

·  Quality Seed production of groundnut by maintaining plant to plant and row to row distance.

·  In fertilizer management in addition to application of major nutrients viz. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium he also used micronutrients like Iron, Sulphur, Zinc, Boron, and organic sources like vermicompost, compost, FYM etc. for the increase in production of groundnut.