Mrs. Hughes’ AugustNews
Welcome to Kindergarten
Welcome to our classroom! It was so nice meeting all of you at Orientation and I look forward to getting to know each of you more this year!
Don’t forget to attend the Boo! HOO! Breakfast in the cafeteria at 8:30a.m on Monday, August 15th. / August Resource Calendar
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Staggered Day / 11
Staggered Day / 12
Staggered Day
All Students attend class! / 16D / 17 / 18E / 19F
22G / 23H / 24 / 25A / 26B
29C / 30D / 31
A-Music B-Art C-PE D-Media Center E-Technology F-Computer Lab G-PE H-Media Center
Please send in an extra water bottle and have your child wear sneakers on PE days. Thank you
Daily Schedule
8:10-8:30 Morning Work /DEAR (Drop Everything and Read)
8:45-9:20 Reading
Literacy Stations/Reading Groups
Clean up centers/Prepare for lunch
11:15-12:15 Math
1:10-1:50 Resource class
Social Studies/Science
2:30-2:45 Prepare for dismissal
2:50 Dismissal /
Please return the “Calling All Volunteers” form from the Orientation packet and I will contact you soon with more details.
If you plan to enter the building or join us for field trips or even for your child’s lunch and conferences, you must have an approved School Access form on file Just click on this link:
What are we learning in Kindergarten?
Our curriculum is driven by the common core standards which can be found at the website below.
Please scroll down to see what we will be focusing on this quarter. These will benl; assessed on the first quarter report card.
Dear Parents,
The following is a description of the academic skills assessed on the first nine weeks report card.
(M=Mastered/P=Progressing/I=Needs improvement)
Print Concepts: (Demonstrates understanding of the organization and basic features of print.)
- Identifies parts of a book: front cover, back cover, title page
- Holds book right side up, turns pages in sequence, moves from front to back of book.
- Points to words from left to right and moves from top to bottom.
Phonological Awareness:(Demonstrates understanding of spoken words, syllables and sounds)
- Recognizes rhyming words (do boat and coat rhyme?)
Demonstrates knowledge of letter names and sounds:
Your child should be able to identify capital and lowercase letters and produce their sounds. If your child knows: 13+ letters and sounds=M, 6-12 letters and sounds=P, 5 and below letters and sounds=I
(Demonstrates the ability to read and comprehend independently on grade level:) Fountas and Pinnell Level A
Comprehension skills:
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Sort common objects into categories.
Recognize common types of texts (fiction, nonfiction, poetry)
With prompting and support, describe the relationship between the illustrations and the story or text in which they appear.
High Frequency (FRY) Words: Students should be able to immediately (no sounding out/knows in a snap) read fry words by sight and in context. If your child knows 10 or more words=M, 5-9=P, below 5 =I
- Willingly participates in writing.
- Uses a combination of drawing, dictating and writing to write a narrative story.
- Stays on topic
- Writes legibly-Forms introduced letters correctly
- Knows number names and the counting sequence:
-Recognizes and writes numbers 0-10
-Counts by ones to 20.
- Counts by tens to 20.
- Counts to tell the number of objects:
-Counts groups of objects to 10.
-Represents a number of objects with a written numeral (0-10).
- Reasons with shapes and their attributes:
-correctly names shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle, hexagon
- makes and draws above shapes
-usespositional terms : above/below, beside/next to, in front of/behind to describe positions of objects.