Lady Gaga on Oprah Interview Uploaded by JuiceBox448

1 Listen to the intro of the programme and complete Lady Gaga´s description with the words below.

performances performing phenomenon classmate next door costumes wealthiest stage strict

Before she became an international ------, before the over the top------, the controversial ------, Lady Gaga was the girl ------with a Catholic school upbringing. Born Stephani Joanne Angelina Germanotta she was raised in one of New York’s ------neighbourhood. Paris Hilton was her ------. She studied classical piano from the time she was four years old. By the time she was in high school she was writing songs and ------in the high school chorus, but she says she longed to break away from her ------Catholic upbringing. She found that freedom and her voice on ------in local night clubs.

2 Translate the following words or expressions into Spanish.

§  She became
§  She was raised
§  She longed to break away / ------
------ / §  Over the top
§  Upbringing
§  Neighbourhood
§  Classmate
§  Wealthy / ------

3 Answer these questions:

1 What is Lady Gaga´s real name?

2 What is her family background?

She comes from a ………………………….. and ……………………………

3 Who was her classmate? Who is she?

4 What does she like to be called ?

5 Why doesn´t she like when people call her “Lady”?

6 Where does “Gaga” come from?

7 Does she feel she has been fortunate with her career?

8 How does she describe herself?

9 What did her father think when she first performed at a night club?

10 Does she spend a lot of time creating her outfits? What sort of things does she do on a daily basis to prepare her designs?

11 Lady Gaga´s outrageous outfits are not meant just to be provocative but to criticizes aspectos of society .Why did she really wear this dress below?

To criticize people who wear……..

12 Now you know her reasons, what is the message Lady Gaga´s notororious “raw meat” dress?

3 Write about Lady Gaga using the information and vocabulary learnt from the video.