Department of the Taoiseach



Issued on: 4 April, 2003
Closing Date: 23 April, 2003 / Issued by
I.T. Unit, Department of the Taoiseach,
Government Buildings,
Upper Merrion Street,
Dublin 2.


1. Introduction

2. Specification of Requirements

3. Evaluation of Tenders & Award Criteria

4. General Conditions of Tender

Appendix A - Required Format of Tender

Appendix B - Paragraph 1 of Article 20 of EU Council Directive 93/36/EEC

Appendix C - Monitor Specification

/ Department of the Taoiseach Hardware RFT


1.1  Context

The Department of the Taoiseach invites tenders for the supply and delivery of 13 Servers, to be located in Government Buildings, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2.

A variety of server types are required. The specifications for each type of server are set in Section 2 below.

1.2 Technical Outline

The Department of the Taoiseach operates a Local Area Network (LAN) conforming to the ISO 8802/3 standard using 10Base2, 10Base5, 10BaseT and 10/100 BaseT cabling media. The Department's current network servers are Windows 2000.

1.3  Nature of Contract

It is intended that this invitation to tender will give rise to a contract for the supply and maintenance of a number of servers over a period of twelve months beginning from the time the contract is awarded. An initial requirement of 13 servers (as specified in Section 2) will be agreed with the chosen supplier. Additional servers of any type specified may be required within the lifetime of the contract. These will be drawn down as and when required.

Without prejudice, it is also intended to award a single contract covering the purchase and delivery.

1.4 Queries

All queries concerning this document should be addressed to the following email address: .

All queries raised along with the Department’s replies will be published on the Department’s website at

1.5 Format of Tender

Please respond to all the requirements in Appendix A.

1.7 Financial Arrangement

Payment for all equipment covered by this invitation to tender will be on foot of appropriate invoices and the satisfactory completion of the work.

1.8 Submission Dates

Tenders (three copies) must be received by the Department of the Taoiseach no later than 3.00 p.m. on 23 April 2003.


2.1  General Hardware Specifications

·  All equipment and accessories are to be the product of a manufacture regularly engaged in its manufacture.

·  All equipment, components, and accessories will be new and free from defect.

·  All equipment, components, and accessories will be in compliance with the applicable standards and with applicable national and local codes.

·  All equipment and accessories will come with the manufacturer’s manuals.

·  All materials, equipment, components, and accessories provided shall be of the manufacturer’s latest design/model, and shall be permanently labelled with the manufacturer’s name, model number and serial number.

2.2  Server Specifications

The server specifications in this document, which are provided as illustrations, include details of the minimum configuration required from an industry-standard platform. In addition the following should be specified for all equipment proposed:

·  Manufacturers documentation showing support for other supported operating systems including versions supported

·  European (CE) safety mark

·  Implications of any RAM or disk (software or hardware) caching options available on the proposed configuration on the supported operating systems, e.g. performance degradation, O/S installation, etc.

·  Tape drives supported by the server

The specifications of the equipment required are broken into four server types and are set out below.

Server Type A / Windows 2000 Single processor to meet or exceed the specifications described below:
Number of this type of Server Required / 4
Criteria / Minimum Specification
Primary Processor: / Pentium III 1.4 GHz or equivalent
Processor Heat Sinks: / Each processor will be equipped with heat sinks and/or fans appropriate to the processor.
Motherboard Bus Speed: / 400 MHz front side system bus
Memory: / 2GB 200MHz ECC SDRAM. Please give details of upgrade options.
I/O: Integrated I/Owith the following features:
1.  IDE: / Single channel for a total of two IDE devices
2.  Serial Ports: / Two Asynch, RS-232C, 9 pin and 10 pin
3.  USB: / At least 2 USB ports
4.  Parallel Port: / IEEE 1284, 25 pin bi-directional
5.  Keyboard/Mouse Ports: / 2 - PS/2 compatible ports.
6.  SCSI Controller: / Ultra 3 (Ultra 160) controller with support for tape drives
RAID: / Dual channel RAID controller with support for RAID 0, 1, and 5
1st Hard Drive:. / 18 GB Ultra 3 SCSI 10,000 RPM Hard Drive - hot swappable
2nd Hard Drive: / 18 GB Ultra 3 SCSI 10,000 RPM Hard Drive - hot swappable
Hard Drive Configuration: / Mirrored.
Floppy Drive: / 1.44MB Floppy Drive
Keyboard: / 104 Keyboard for Windows
Monitor: / 15" (13.8" viewable) 0.27mm dpi, digital SVGA NI
Video: / Integrated 1024 x 768 SVGA Graphics with 16.7M colours and at least 2MB SGRAM on board.
Mouse: / Microsoft Optical PS/2 mouse or approved equivalent
Network Card: / 100 Mb Ethernet, PCI Adapter, Twisted Pair (RJ45).
Power Supply: / At least 2 redundant hot swappable 400 Watt power supplies 240V
System Cooling: / Redundant system cooling fans.
Operating System: / Microsoft Window 2000 Server, with Microsoft 2000 Server Service Pack 3.
System Certification: / Windows 2000 Server Certified with documentation on request.
Server Type B / Windows 2000 Dual processor to meet or exceed the specifications described below:
Number of this type of Server Required / 5
Criteria / Minimum Specification
Primary Processor: / Pentium IV 2.0 GHz or equivalent
Second Processor: / Pentium IV 2.0 GHz or equivalent
Processor Heat Sinks: / Each processor will be equipped with heat sinks and/or fans appropriate to the processor
Motherboard Bus Speed: / 400 MHz front side system bus
Memory: / 2 GB 200MHz ECC SDRAM, upgradeable to at least 4 GB
I/O: Integrated I/Owith the following features:
1.  IDE / Single channel for a total of two IDE devices
2.  Serial Ports: / Two Asynch, RS-232C, 9 pin and 10 pin
3.  USB: / At least 2 USB ports
4.  Parallel Port: / IEEE 1284, 25 pin bi-directional
5.  Keyboard/Mouse Ports / 2 - PS/2 compatible ports.
6.  SCSI Controller: / Ultra 3 (Ultra 160) controller with support for tape drives
RAID: / Dual channel RAID controller with support for RAID 0, 1, and 5
1st Hard Drive: / 18 GB Ultra 3 SCSI 10,000 RPM Hard Drive - hot swappable.
2nd Hard Drive:. / 18 GB Ultra 3 SCSI 10,000 RPM Hard Drive - hot swappable
Hard Drive Configuration: / Mirrored.
Floppy Drive: / 1.44MB Floppy Drive
Keyboard: / 104 Keyboard for Windows
Monitor: / 15" (13.8" viewable) 0.27mm dpi, digital SVGA NI
Video: / Integrated 1024 x 768 SVGA Graphics with 16.7M colours and at least 2MB SGRAM on board
Mouse: / Microsoft Optical PS/2 mouse or approved equivalent
Network Card: / 100 Mb Ethernet, PCI Adapter, Twisted Pair (RJ45).
Power Supply: / At least 2 redundant hot swappable 400 Watt power supplies 240V
System Cooling: / Redundant system cooling fans.
Operating System: / Microsoft Window 2000 Server, with Microsoft 2000 Server Service Pack 3
System Certification: / Windows 2000 Server Certified with documentation on request.
Server Type C / Windows 2000 Dual processor to meet or exceed the specifications described below
Number of this Type of Server Required / 2
Criteria / Minimum Specification
Primary Processor: / 1.9 GHz Xeon or equivalent with 1 MB L3 Cache
Second Processor: / 1.9 GHz Xeon or equivalent with 1 MB L3 Cache
Processor Heat Sinks: / Each processor will be equipped with heat sinks and/or fans appropriate to the processor.
Motherboard Bus Speed: / 400 MHz front side system bus
Memory: / 4 GB 200MHz ECC SDRAM, upgradeable to at least 8 GB
I/O: Integrated I/Owith the following features:
1.  IDE: / Single channel for a total of two IDE devices
2.  Serial Ports: / Two Asynch, RS-232C, 9 pin and 10 pin
3.  USB: / At least 2 USB ports
4.  Parallel Port: / IEEE 1284, 25 pin bi-directional
5.  Keyboard/Mouse Ports: / 2 - PS/2 compatible ports.
6.  SCSI Controller: / Ultra 3 (Ultra 160) controller with support for tape drives
RAID: / Dual channel RAID controller with support for RAID 0, 1, and 5
1st Hard Drive: / 18 GB Ultra 3 SCSI 10,000 RPM Hard Drive - hot swappable.
2nd Hard Drive: / 18 GB Ultra 3 SCSI 10,000 RPM Hard Drive - hot swappable.
Hard Drive Configuration: / Mirrored.
Floppy Drive: / 1.44MB Floppy Drive
Keyboard: / 104 Keyboard for Windows
Monitor: / 15" (13.8" viewable) 0.27mm dpi, digital SVGA NI
Video: / Integrated 1024 x 768 SVGA Graphics with 16.7M colours and at least 2MB SGRAM on board.
Mouse: / Microsoft Optical PS/2 mouse or approved equivalent
Network Card: / 100 Mb Ethernet, PCI Adapter, Twisted Pair (RJ45).
Power Supply: / At least 2 redundant hot swappable 400 Watt power supplies 240V
System Cooling: / Redundant system cooling fans.
Operating System: / Microsoft Window 2000 Server, with Microsoft 2000 Server Service Pack 3. (See note on clustering at 2.3 below)
System Certification: / Windows 2000 Server Certified with documentation on request.
Server Type D / Windows 2000 Single Processor to meet or exceed the specifications described below:
Number of this type of Server Required / 2
Criteria / Minimum Specification
Processor: / Pentium IV 2.0 GHzor equivalent
Motherboard Bus Speed: / 400 MHz front side system bus
Memory: / 1GB
I/O: Integrated I/Owith the following features:
1.  USB: / At least 2 USB ports
2.  Parallel Port: / IEEE 1284, 25 pin bi-directional
3.  Keyboard/Mouse Ports: / 1 - PS/2 compatible ports.
Hard Drive: / 40 GB Hard Drive
Floppy Drive: / 1.44MB Floppy Drive
Monitor: / 15" LCD
Video: / Integrated 1024 x 768 SVGA Graphics with 16.7M colours and at least 2MB SGRAM on board.
Mouse: / Microsoft Optical PS/2 mouse or approved equivalent
Network Card: / 10/100 Mb Ethernet, PCI Adapter
Operating System: / Microsoft Window 2000 Server, with Microsoft 2000 Server Service Pack 3.
System Certification: / Windows 2000 Server Certified with documentation on request.

2.3  Other Relevant Information

Load Balancing

Hardware load balancing will be required for servers of Type B. Please give details, including costs, of how this can be achieved.


It is envisaged that 2 node clustering may be required for Server Type C. Please give options and costs, including hardware and software, of how this can be achieved.

Tape Backup Unit

Please quote for a tape back-up unit also although the Department of the Taoiseach reserves the right to purchase any peripheral equipment deemed necessary for the operation of the servers, such as backup devices, backup software, etc. separately.


The Department requires that these servers be rack-mountable, sharing peripherals.

Rack(s) proposed should accommodate the servers tendered for in this document but may be considered as a separate tender from the rest of the equipment.


There may be a requirement for a fast interconnect between some servers. Please supply details of how this could be achieved.

All servers must be SAN attachable.

2.4  Delivery and Installation

The tenders must include clearly stated delivery timescales (from date of order). It is critically important that this is no longer than 10 working days.

The successful tenderer will install the hardware, network cards, etc. If the rack forms part of the procurement arrangement, the successful tenderer will be expected to build the rack.

Please note that suppliers will be expected to deliver a fully installed and working system which will include:

-  delivery of all items, including delivery, unpacking, assembly and removal and disposal of all packaging

-  installation, configuration and testing of servers

-  installation and configuration of Windows 2000 operating system on servers

-  if installation is being handled by a third party, please give the name and address of such installer

Suppliers must fully insure the goods against loss or damage until delivered to the sites specified.

2.5  Warranty and Maintenance

The tenders must include provision for full on-site maintenance / warranty service covering all parts and labour for a period of three years after delivery of the units in respect of proposed equipment.

The cover period must not be less than 9.00am to 5.30pm, Monday through Friday, excluding Public Holidays. This service must be within four hours of notification of any problem.

Tenderers must state when the warranty cover commences, i.e. date of delivery, purchase etc and outline what arrangements are in place to provide the required local warranty support.

The technical support personnel in the Department’s IT Unit will initially screen all calls and will report maintenance requirements to the maintenance contractor. Also, telephone support in resolving routine difficulties must be provided.

The equipment in question will play a critical role in providing services to the Department of the Taoiseach. The maintenance service levels specified are the minimum required in respect of all hardware equipment tendered. Tenderers are at liberty to offer better response times (please also quote for one hour response time and 24x7 service level) and service levels.

The maintenance service shall include on-site replacement and/or repair (by the engineer on-site) of any faulty equipment with comparable equipment required to restore the server configuration and peripherals to full working order.

It is the policy of the Department that should any system hardware prove faulty, it will not be possible to remove them from the premises and replacement disks must be provided as part of the maintenance service.

Any unit with a faulty hard disk cannot also be removed from the Department’s premises for repair. Permission will, however, be given to remove a faulty unit from the premises only if the hard drives are first removed and left with the IT Unit.