Minutes of the Regular City Council held on Tuesday, August 19, 2014 Pursuant to Notice Duly Given:

1.  Meeting called to order by Mayor Bostedt at 6:06 p.m.

2.  Roll Call: Mayor Bostedt, Al Schreiber, Lauren Resch, Bob Le Breck, Connie Bickel, Sheri Groll, Joseph Stiloski, Darrell Anderson, Marlene Zahn and Attorney Calvert

Excused: Alderperson Reed, Alderperson Feldt

Also Present: Police Captain Mike Rehberg, Superintendent of Public Works Jeremy Wusterbarth, Fire Chief Jack Mlnarik, Fire Lieutenant Craig Henry, Sara Perrizo, Administrator and as recording secretary and other interested parties

3.  Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Alderperson Bickel.

4.  Approval of Agenda

Moved by Resch, seconded by Schreiber to approve the agenda with moving item 8g ahead of item 8a.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 8 ayes

5.  Approval of minutes as presented from Committee of the Whole, Council and any Special Council meetings.

Moved by Zahn, seconded by Le Breck to approve the minutes as presented.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 8 ayes

6.  Approval of department reports as presented.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Anderson to approve the department reports as presented.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 8 ayes

7.  Correspondence/Public Input.

Mayor Bostedt announced that the City has received the “Best Rest Stop” award from the SAGBRAW bicycle tour in 2013. The City will get a free bicycle rack and certificate to recognize this award.

a.  Chamber of Commerce Grow Oconto Committee – Directional Signs and Walking Bridge

Ron Hayes and Don Nerenhausen were present to discuss this item. Nerenhausen handed out a list of locations that will be on the signs. The Chamber has developed a “Grow Oconto” committee to help with Oconto tourism and this is their first project. The maximum number of locations on a sign will be eight and there will be 14 signs. The Chamber is asking each entity on the signs to donate $20 per sign that they are listed on and the Chamber will pay for the rest of the cost. In addition, the Chamber is paying for a downtown sign. Zahn asked if the signs will have arrows and Nerenhausen confirmed that they will.

As for the bridge, Nerenhausen said that it is a dream right now, but they are working on making it a reality. Questions arose regarding the location of the bridge. Hayes said that the ideal choice would be to have it further west so as to not disturb the campground, but that is also the widest area of the river, so it needs further research. They are hoping to have the bridge 100% funded with grants and donations.

b.  2014 Special Olympics Car Wash/Cookout – Oconto Fire Department

Lieutenant Craig Henry was present to discuss this item. They are asking for permission to use the Fire Department area for the event. Last year members of the City Hall staff paid for the water usage. Mayor Bostedt said that will be the case again this year. The event will be held on September 26 from 9 am until noon. David Yudes said that the money from the car wash goes to purchase equipment, uniforms and to pay for travel to Special Olympics events.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Bickel to approve using the Fire Department area for the 2014 Special Olympics Car Wash/Cookout.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 8 ayes

8.  Discussion/Recommendation/Action on the following:

Although some items were taken out of sequence, they are shown here in numerical order.

a.  Update on Aageson Pool

Mayor Bostedt said that it had been discussed to open the pool late this summer, but there were concerns from the Parks & Rec Board about the cost of chemicals and it was determined that it isn’t feasible to open this year. The showers are finished and the plumbing is still getting checked. The new pump is installed and the pool will be painted. The hope is to have the State Health Inspector here this fall to find out if anything is missing and then have a grand opening in the Spring.

b.  Approval of Alcohol Beverage License Applications, Applications for Temporary Class B Retailer’s License, Applications for License to Serve Fermented Beverages and/or Intoxicating Liquor and Appointment of Agents

Mayor Bostedt read aloud the list and Captain Rehberg said that the Police Department has no objections.

Moved by Zahn, seconded by Groll to approve the Alcohol Beverage License Applications, Applications for Temporary Class B Retailer’s License, Applications for License to Serve Fermented Beverages and/or Intoxicating Liquor and Appointment of Agents.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

c.  Approval of Appointment of David Rosenfeldt to the Board of Public Works (replacing Gary Bancroft, who resigned)

Le Breck asked if there is a conflict with an individual being on both the Utility Commission and Board of Public Works. Schreiber said that he was taken off of the Board of Public Works at one time because he was on the Utility Commission. Mayor Bostedt said that Rosenfeldt asked to be on the Board of Public Works and she sees no conflict. Wusterbarth informed that both committees vote on the same projects and Schreiber said that the projects also come to the City Council for final approval.

Moved by Zahn, seconded by Groll to approve the appointment of David Rosenfeldt to the Board of Public Works.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

d.  Approval of Appointment of Dennis Martin to the Forestry Committee (replacing Terry Bendt, who resigned)

Mayor Bostedt said that Bendt has been on this committee since it was formed. It meets in the mornings, so anyone serving on it must be available during that time.

Moved by Anderson, seconded by Bickel to approve the appointment of Dennis Martin to the Forestry Committee.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

e.  Recognition of Jodi Bostedt and Helpers for Their Efforts on the Brazeau Avenue Fence Area

Mayor Bostedt presented a plaque recognizing Jodi Bostedt, Jerry Dolata, Tessa Dolata and others for their help with the fence area.

f.  Approval of Certified Survey Map for Wendt and Roberts Properties in the City of Oconto

Schreiber asked if all of the certified survey maps have been approved by the County. Perrizo explained that they are all reviewed and approved by the County.

Moved by Resch, seconded by Anderson to approve the certified survey map for Wendt and Roberts properties in the City of Oconto.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

g.  Approval of Certified Survey Map for LeTourneau and Brennan Properties in the City of Oconto

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Anderson to approve the certified survey map for LeTourneau and Brennan properties in the City of Oconto.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

h.  Approval of Certified Survey Map for Sandberg Property in the City of Oconto

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Resch to approve the certified survey map for Sandberg property in the City of Oconto.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

i.  Approval of Certified Survey Map for Lane Property in the City of Oconto

Moved by Zahn, seconded by Groll to approve the certified survey map for Lane property in the City of Oconto.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

j.  Accounts Payable for the Month of July 2014 in the Amount of $583,931.33, Payroll for the Month of July 2014 in the Amount of $122,723.13 and Other Financial Reports as Presented

Moved by Le Breck, seconded by Groll to approve the accounts payable for the month of July 2014 in the amount of $583,931.33, payroll for the month of July 2014 in the amount of $122,723.13 and other financial reports as presented.

Perrizo stated that Le Breck had asked about an Airport invoice at the Finance meeting on August 7 that stated it was for the “silver program”. This invoice was for the purchase of diesel fuel.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

k.  Approval of Invoice from Robert E. Lee & Associates, Inc. for Phase 2 Dredging in the Amount of $6,018.87

Wusterbarth explained that this is for phase 2 engineering and it is complete.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Anderson to approve the invoice from Robert E. Lee & Associates, Inc. for phase 2 dredging in the amount of $6,018.87.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

l.  Approval of Pay Request #6 from Veit Dredging, Inc. for Phase 1 of the Dredging in the Amount of $18,145.00

Wusterbarth stated that the dredging is complete and we are waiting for the demobilization. Perrizo said that phase one came in under budget.

Moved by Zahn, seconded by Bickel to approve pay request #6 from Veit Dredging, Inc. for phase 1 of the dredging in the amount of $18,145.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

m.  Approval of Pay Request #6 from Veit Dredging, Inc. for Phase 2 of the Dredging in the Amount of $109,311.48

Wusterbarth said that we are waiting on the demobilization, dewatering, loading and hauling to be completed for phase 2.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Anderson to approve pay request #6 from Veit Dredging, Inc. for phase 2 of the dredging in the amount of $109,311.48.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

n.  Approval to Accept Recreational Boating Facilities Grant for City Docks

Mayor Bostedt explained that the Harbor Commission and Finance Committee both approved this contingent upon receipt of the grant to acquire the dock.

Moved by Groll, seconded by Zahn to approve accepting the Recreational Boating Facilities grant for City Docks upon receipt.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 7 ayes, 1 nay (Stiloski)

o.  Approval of Purchase of New Squad Car in the Amount of $25,500 from Peterson Ford.

Rehberg stated that three vendors submitted quotes and Peterson quoted an SUV with a trade in of $2,800. Other quotes were received for cars, but the decision was made to go with an SUV due to the good experience the department has had with the one they currently have and the potential for a higher trade-in value at the end of its useful life.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Anderson to approve the purchase of a new squad car in the amount of $25,500 from Peterson Ford.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

p.  Approval of Ambulance Service Recommended Rates

Mlnarik stated that this is part of the cost of doing business. These are the same rates that were recommended two to three years ago, but were only partially implemented. All of the rates are payable by Medicare and are comparable to similar municipalities.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Zahn to approve the ambulance service recommended rates.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

Several of the alderpersons complimented the fire and ambulance department on their professionalism and service.

q.  Approval of Oconto County Municipal Intergovernmental Functional Collaboration Agreement

Mlnarik explained that this is part of MABAS, which is a mutual aid agreement. This covers mutual aid at a working still level. The aid is pre-planned and the assisting agency is notified through dispatch. There is no fee to the City for the aid and the agreement ensures that we are covered from a liability standpoint.

Moved by Resch, seconded by Schreiber to approve the Oconto County Municipal Intergovernmental Functional Collaboration Agreement.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

r.  Approval to Place City-Owned Parcel ##265-1419008567L2 for Sale for $25,000

Moved by Anderson, seconded by Schreiber to approve placing parcel #265-1419008567L2 for sale for $25,000.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

s.  Mayor Bostedt stated that the Council may vote to convene into Closed Session at approximately 7:10 p.m. pursuant to notice duly given and as allowed by Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (e) for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session for the following items:

  1. RLF #2005-02

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Resch to enter into closed session at 7:10 p.m.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded roll call vote. 8 ayes

t.  Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Groll to return to open session at 7:55 p.m.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 8 ayes

u.  Action/Discussion on Matters from Closed Session

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Anderson to refinance RLF #2005-02 over a period of eight years with a $20,000 balloon payment due at the end of the term, a $5,000 down payment, monthly payments that are $600 higher from May through October than from November through April and the condition that foreclosure proceedings will begin immediately upon a default in payment of 60 days or more.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote. 8 ayes

9.  Adjournment

Moved by Le Breck, seconded by Zahn to adjourn at 7:56 p.m.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 8 ayes

Respectfully Submitted:

Sara J. Perrizo
